Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is you mind is too small. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

Easy ....show me

Show me 30 million unfilled jobs out there for welfare families to take

You want them to create there own jobs? Show me any time in history when 30 million successful businesses were created in a year

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You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is your mind is constricting you. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

That is our "entitled" citizens of today and what will be our downfall. Just look at the over reactions in the thread about wanting to LIMIT what they buy..I can't even afford Steak in this Obama economy
I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is your mind is constricting you. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

That is our "entitled" citizens of today and what will be our downfall. Just look at the over reactions in the thread about wanting to LIMIT what they buy..I can't even afford Steak in this Obama economy

The left wants to control everyone but gets their panties in a twist when the tables are turned on them
Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is your mind is constricting you. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

That is our "entitled" citizens of today and what will be our downfall. Just look at the over reactions in the thread about wanting to LIMIT what they buy..I can't even afford Steak in this Obama economy

The left wants to control everyone but gets their panties in a twist when the tables are turned on them

It's easy to look "compassionate" when they crow about those poor poor people...We saw their compassion on display over some frikken State law and a poor old pizza parlor
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

"The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way."

Since I didn't pick the person the single mother spread her legs for, it means it's not my responsibility to be forced to fund the results of her choice. It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did.

I didn't cause them to be poor but you seem to think that taking money from me and others like me will somehow alleviate poverty. We tried that shit for 50 years now and it didn't work. You don't have a problem if the government takes money from me that can go to MY kid in order it go to ones I didn't create. Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?

"... the single mother spread her legs ..."

There it is again. That disgusting belief that its the woman's fault. Without knowing anything of the circumstances, she is always to blame for being a single mother.

"It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did. "

Thank you for that. Its a lie but at least you acknowledge that it takes two to make a baby.

RWs would be against this same woman aborting that fetus but once its a baby, they want to let it and the mother starve.

"Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?"

If your kid is doing with less, get off your butt and get a better job or a second job.

That's what you RWs say about people on food stamps so why isn't it true for you too?

Can you support your claim that the end result (single motherhood) is the man's fault and not the woman's? Generally speaking, of course.

Post a link to where I wrote single motherhood is "the man's fault and not the woman's".

It takes two to make a baby and its the equal responsibility to support and raise that baby.


I agree it takes two to make a baby and both are equally responsible to support that baby. That causes me to ask why, as an outsider to the situation, I and many others are forced to do for those that we weren't part of making? If it's the responsibility of those two, why do the rest of us get their bill?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.
Give it some time, that diet will catch up with you, but that is not the point. There are healthier, less expensive options. You pay for your own food, so you can eat whatever you want. If I have to pay for your food you will be eating beans instead of beef, perhaps some chicken.
If someone else has to pay for my food, I will slit my wrists.
its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.
Give it some time, that diet will catch up with you, but that is not the point. There are healthier, less expensive options. You pay for your own food, so you can eat whatever you want. If I have to pay for your food you will be eating beans instead of beef, perhaps some chicken.
If someone else has to pay for my food, I will slit my wrists.
its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....

that's the thing Harry, IF has become a word of the past with the food stamp program. Just like every other government entitlement and we the taxpayers and our families are having to pay by limiting ourselves anymore
That's what grates on me the most...these people whining on republicans might limit their steak and seafood intake...I mean my goodness
Well, then perhaps the Republicans should get out of their swimming pools and create jobs to get people back to work and off welfare. If you people can't be bothered to do that, then you have no one but yourselves to blame. That said, do you have any statistics that show that 50% of the American people are on welfare? No? Right. You made it up.

Once again, sending in someone else to do the work. It's the 'progressive' way!

Right. So you agree that there is no one to blame but yourselves. Obama's policies have been creating jobs despite the efforts of you conservatives to defeat him at every turn. But obviously, the more the merrier, so get off your backsides and create some jobs, help get people off welfare.
Do you think that the vast majority of people on welfare want to be on welfare? Because my experience tells me that they'd rather be doing just about anything else but asking for help.

Yes, I believe that. Your experience is based on simple-minded naivete. People on food stamps are on them because they filled out the forms, jumped through the hoops, did the interviews and provided their financial information to the government and voluntarily signed up for them. How can you say they don't want to be on them? Their actions seem to clearly indicate that's exactly what they wanted.

So when you say "those you forced to fund", I have to point out the rather selfish attitude that portrays.

Why is that selfish? It's the absolute truth! We are all forced to fund this if we're working and paying our taxes like most productive citizens. It's not a selfish attitude, it's just an honest assessment of the situation.

My experience also tells me that the poor are having a hard enough time without having to deal with draconian measures and people who consider them to be, if not second class citizens, then not worth the bother.

But no one has said anyone is second class or not worth the bother. Those are assumptions you are making because people have a different opinion than you. We need some draconian measures to deal with a bloated government handout program that is being exploited and abused to the tune of billions per year. This is but one of a plethora of reasons why we're $18 trillion in debt and rising. Newsflash: Draconian measures are a coming whether you like them or not.

If someone on welfare wants to buy themselves or their child a steak from time to time, who are we to tell them they cannot? Would you prefer that they instead spend that money on much less healthy food, because when you look at the relatively tiny amount of aid they receive, the food they can afford to buy with it is usually very unhealthy, and that unhealthy food is almost always what they end up purchasing..

I would say that we are the ones buying their food... that's who we are! I would prefer they not spend my money or anyone else's money because these people obviously lack the skills to handle money well. I would prefer we see a return of the old commodity trucks. This was where government surplus food was dispensed to the poor in a controlled and organized way. Basic food staples were available, there was no "luxury" about it, the food was nutritious and healthy. So see? I don't want the poor people to do without and starve! I'm compassionate! I care about them, they're worth the bother!

And perhaps... just perhaps..;. the motivation of having to eat gritty government peanut butter instead of the premium brand, might be enough to get the occasional un-motivated poor person off their ass? If you want to eat steak and lobster and have nice shit, you need to get off your ass and go earn it like everyone else. If you're poor, you don't get to do that stuff... there's lots of stuff you don't get to do! That's why it sucks so bad to be poor.

Try to think of it in these terms... welfare is finite, there is only going to be so much money we can throw at the poor. For every dollar that is wasted today by food stamp recipients on steaks and lobster, that represents a child in the future who is going to starve to death because there was no more money left. Should we start running around claiming liberals who want to waste and squander our resources don't care about future starving poor kids?
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

"The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way."

Since I didn't pick the person the single mother spread her legs for, it means it's not my responsibility to be forced to fund the results of her choice. It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did.

I didn't cause them to be poor but you seem to think that taking money from me and others like me will somehow alleviate poverty. We tried that shit for 50 years now and it didn't work. You don't have a problem if the government takes money from me that can go to MY kid in order it go to ones I didn't create. Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?

"... the single mother spread her legs ..."

There it is again. That disgusting belief that its the woman's fault. Without knowing anything of the circumstances, she is always to blame for being a single mother.

"It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did. "

Thank you for that. Its a lie but at least you acknowledge that it takes two to make a baby.

RWs would be against this same woman aborting that fetus but once its a baby, they want to let it and the mother starve.

"Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?"

If your kid is doing with less, get off your butt and get a better job or a second job.

That's what you RWs say about people on food stamps so why isn't it true for you too?

The process can't get started without her willingness to do so. Nothing disgusting about recognizing the root cause. Unless it's rape, which is a different issue, a man can do to her what it takes to get pregnant unless she agrees.

Since those on your side of the aisle regularly hold those of us having nothing to do with the process financially responsible through taxes, I felt it was OK to ignore the other person involved much like you do. If you bleeding hearts would make as much effort going after him as you do the taxpayers when he doesn't pay, this isn't a conversation that takes place.

My kids are doing with less because I'm expected to pay more in taxes for some kid I had nothing to do with creating. It's not a matter of me making money. It's a matter of more of it being taken. You missed that one totally.
In years past someone would rather chew off their arm and eat it than beg off the taxpayers through government assistance...PRIDE was one reason

NOT TODAY...they brag about how MUCH they can get while only having to work part-time
You can't buy them cheaper than basic 73% - 27% ground beef.

But then, ground beef is about as bad for you as anything else you can stick in your mouth. Even cheaper cuts of beef are better.

Doesn't mean someone having their food supplied should be buying more expensive steak. When you demand someone else buy your food, be prepared to have those you force to fund it have a say in what you buy. Don't like the conditions, don't ask for the money.

Well, that certainly is a charitable way to look at it. Or not. Do you think that the vast majority of people on welfare want to be on welfare? Because my experience tells me that they'd rather be doing just about anything else but asking for help. So when you say "those you forced to fund", I have to point out the rather selfish attitude that portrays. My experience also tells me that the poor are having a hard enough time without having to deal with draconian measures and people who consider them to be, if not second class citizens, then not worth the bother. If someone on welfare wants to buy themselves or their child a steak from time to time, who are we to tell them they cannot? Would you prefer that they instead spend that money on much less healthy food, because when you look at the relatively tiny amount of aid they receive, the food they can afford to buy with it is usually very unhealthy, and that unhealthy food is almost always what they end up purchasing..

Being that welfare for a sizable portion is multi-generational, it's easy to see how the answer to that question could be yes.

Can you cite a statistic from a reputable source that backs up that claim, or are you just making stuff up?

It's not selfish to want to keep money you've earned.

Actually, it is. You are a citizen of the United States. That comes with certain rights, but it also comes with responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is paying taxes.

It's called seeing the abuse with my own eyes.

When are those citizens that don't pay income taxes going to start meeting their responsibilities as citizens?
but when you have a party in Government putting out this TYPE of Propaganda

well you see why we are where are today about ready to fall into the gutter
Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is your mind is constricting you. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

That is our "entitled" citizens of today and what will be our downfall. Just look at the over reactions in the thread about wanting to LIMIT what they buy..I can't even afford Steak in this Obama economy

The left wants to control everyone but gets their panties in a twist when the tables are turned on them

Speaking of panties, is that a pair of yellow ones hanging on that shamrock?
what if its round steak?.....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.
Give it some time, that diet will catch up with you, but that is not the point. There are healthier, less expensive options. You pay for your own food, so you can eat whatever you want. If I have to pay for your food you will be eating beans instead of beef, perhaps some chicken.
If someone else has to pay for my food, I will slit my wrists.
its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....
Can I put my address for help on this thread?
In years past someone would rather chew off their arm and eat it than beg off the taxpayers through government assistance...PRIDE was one reason

NOT TODAY...they brag about how MUCH they can get while only having to work part-time

So now you are expecting poor people to eat their own limbs? Wow, what an unimaginable asshole.

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