Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet

If I own a bakery and some queer couple walks in and wants me to bake a cake with two dudes or two chicks wax figures...

IF it were my bakery i would tell the "customers" that due to the request being a "special order" it would be very costly, if they agreed to the price there would be an extra ingredient.., a very powerful laxative. :lmao: .. :lmao: .. :lmao: .. :up:
All the businesses have to do is put a sign in the window saying Everyone Welcome. No sign? Then if you are LGBT, you are not welcome. Period. End of story. Take your money elsewhere. Invest in helping LGBT business owners who would love to have your money. Why force someone to serve you when it is against their beliefs?

That's how I look at it.

that's how it used to be to live in a Free country. now look where we are
Both sides will have to agree where to draw the line and back off.
I see your point. Don't you think at present the PC fanatics are more prone to endanger liberty?

Dear Thunderbird
Yes and No.

Yes they are more dangerous in terms of passing laws and being harder to check
than Christians and Constitutionalists who respond to rebukes using Scripture or Constitutional laws.
I can't even get my fellow Democrats/liberals to check themselves against our own principles
of prochoice and separation of church and state. So that is worse than the rightwing
who at least respond to rebuke using laws they have sworn to uphold.

No in the sense that the violations that are occurring can still be remedied as they occur on levels
that are not as irreparable as, say, an execution carried out that can't be undone
or war crimes against civilians and infrastructure that once destroyed physically can't be restored.

So violating Constitutional principles with the health care mandates, marriage laws, etc. can still be repaired
at the same level they violated. It's dangerous but fixable.

What makes it so dangerous is the liberals I know won't listen to the fixes.
The whole environment, dynamic and relationship between people govt media and parties
has to be revamped before we can hear each other out. It can be done, but in the meantime
the fear based bullying continues using the given system, that runs amok and unchecked
so yes that is dangerous to keep relying on that system of imposing by majority rule pushed by media perceptions and party politics.

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