Misinformation, disinformation, lies and damn lies


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The VA hospital system reported in March that they had given hydroxychloroquine to a number of patients. Following their release of information, the MSM ran the story with the headlines, “VA hospital found that hydoxychloroquine doesn’t work and increases the fatality rate of Covid 19.” However, if you actually read the study (see link) you will find that only the sickest of the cohorts were given the drug. They got the drug only after they were so far along that it would not have a chance to work and they were not given zinc. None of these details made the MSM articles.

Another example of the Great Deception came from the British medical journal, The Lancet. The Lancet reported that a meta study showed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. As a result of this published study, France, Italy and other European countries immediately prohibited the use of this treatment option. Within a few weeks, it was found that the study was so badly designed and that the results were literally fabricated. The Lancet was forced to make a retraction of the “study.” Of course in the meantime the MSM ran the original Lancet story and mislead millions of people and their physicians.

So what could possibly be the motive behind Big Pharma’s Great Deception. Well there’s three answers, money, money and money. That brings up the treatment option that Big Pharma is promoting, Remdesivir. This lovely experimental drug, costs above $3,000 per regimen, must be given intravenously in a hospital (five days stay around 15 grand) and evidence shows it doesn’t really work.

The "experts", talking head celebrity wanna be's and the elected Empty Suit brigades across the Country bow (worship) the talking heads bullshit- the "experts" worship what?
We all know you are trying to find out why Trump is not getting any credit for the deaths..
Don't you have a penis to go play around with?
Sorry you are so enviable but there are plenty of clinical studies done by research facilities and actual patient records of use that can clarify any questions about the use of the drug with other drugs to attain a positive prognostication.
The VA hospital system reported in March that they had given hydroxychloroquine to a number of patients. Following their release of information, the MSM ran the story with the headlines, “VA hospital found that hydoxychloroquine doesn’t work and increases the fatality rate of Covid 19.” However, if you actually read the study (see link) you will find that only the sickest of the cohorts were given the drug. They got the drug only after they were so far along that it would not have a chance to work and they were not given zinc. None of these details made the MSM articles.

Another example of the Great Deception came from the British medical journal, The Lancet. The Lancet reported that a meta study showed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. As a result of this published study, France, Italy and other European countries immediately prohibited the use of this treatment option. Within a few weeks, it was found that the study was so badly designed and that the results were literally fabricated. The Lancet was forced to make a retraction of the “study.” Of course in the meantime the MSM ran the original Lancet story and mislead millions of people and their physicians.

So what could possibly be the motive behind Big Pharma’s Great Deception. Well there’s three answers, money, money and money. That brings up the treatment option that Big Pharma is promoting, Remdesivir. This lovely experimental drug, costs above $3,000 per regimen, must be given intravenously in a hospital (five days stay around 15 grand) and evidence shows it doesn’t really work.

The "experts", talking head celebrity wanna be's and the elected Empty Suit brigades across the Country bow (worship) the talking heads bullshit- the "experts" worship what?
I bet Fauci helped develop Remdesivir.

I heard interferon works for Coronavirus treatment. :dunno:
Some guy died after allegedly acquiring the virus at a Covid-19 party in Texas.

One guy. Did anyone else get it there? Just him? Maybe he didn't get it there. They're not saying, and inquiring minds want to know.

How many Covid parties are happening, anyway?
The VA hospital system reported in March that they had given hydroxychloroquine to a number of patients. Following their release of information, the MSM ran the story with the headlines, “VA hospital found that hydoxychloroquine doesn’t work and increases the fatality rate of Covid 19.” However, if you actually read the study (see link) you will find that only the sickest of the cohorts were given the drug. They got the drug only after they were so far along that it would not have a chance to work and they were not given zinc. None of these details made the MSM articles.

Another example of the Great Deception came from the British medical journal, The Lancet. The Lancet reported that a meta study showed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective. As a result of this published study, France, Italy and other European countries immediately prohibited the use of this treatment option. Within a few weeks, it was found that the study was so badly designed and that the results were literally fabricated. The Lancet was forced to make a retraction of the “study.” Of course in the meantime the MSM ran the original Lancet story and mislead millions of people and their physicians.

So what could possibly be the motive behind Big Pharma’s Great Deception. Well there’s three answers, money, money and money. That brings up the treatment option that Big Pharma is promoting, Remdesivir. This lovely experimental drug, costs above $3,000 per regimen, must be given intravenously in a hospital (five days stay around 15 grand) and evidence shows it doesn’t really work.

The "experts", talking head celebrity wanna be's and the elected Empty Suit brigades across the Country bow (worship) the talking heads bullshit- the "experts" worship what?
I bet Fauci helped develop Remdesivir.

I heard interferon works for Coronavirus treatment. :dunno:
They tried to Orphan the drug even though there had been studies with Gov't funds for decades. I posted on this many times early on to the deaf and dumb libs here.......who were HOW DARE YOU as normal.

Think it was Gilead

I know how the system works and there is no magic wand to represent your fear of nothing.
I don't wear a mask- FYI- I don't wash my hands anymore than I used to- I'm 72, been smoking cigarettes since I was 14 and drink at least 8 cups of coffee a day, eat what I want, drink whole milk with my pizza- yeah, I fear- LOL
They tried to Orphan the drug even though there had been studies with Gov't funds for decades.
Follow the money, see the agenda-
They tried the Orphan status got approved then they reversed course. Got smacked down........Now it seems a deal has been made for the new price of their drug that is probably no better than any other.

Hydroxy is cheap.........been used since 1954.....and why they tried to throw it under a greyhound bus. Media hyped it too................All about MONEY.......and power and control and nothing else.

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