Diamond Member
I am decidedly NOT a Trump supporter, but I am more than fed up with the intentional mis-characterization of everything the man says by the MSM.
The most recent example: Trump said, in effect, that Hillary has nothing but the "Woman Card" in this election. It is not difficult to understand what he meant. The only thing Hillary has going for her is "Vote for me because I'm a woman." I could elaborate the point but that is basically what was said and meant, and while it is somewhat controversial, it is a fair political characterization. Want to disagree? Feel free.
And the MSM reports that this comment is proof that Trump is a misogynist. Bullshit. Or that Trump wants to stomp all over wimmins' rights. Again, bullshit.
Trump rails about illegal immigration and the millions of illegals in the country. "Trump is a xenophobic bigot, who hates immigrants, especially Mexicans."
Wanting to take our EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS seriously is not being "anti-immigrant." Nor is it anti-Mexican. It is entirely about people who are here illegally, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is not being a "bigot" to suggest that people who came here in violation of our laws be induced to leave.
Trump suggests a moratorium of Muslim immigration, until we can "figure this thing out." Figuring it out, refers to rational measures to identify which, if any, Muslim immigrants are from places or sects that have indicated they want to do us harm. Was it OK to stop Japanese immigration in 1942? It is a perfectly reasonable suggestion that has had many comparable examples by Presidents in American history. But Trump is labeled an "Islamophobe," and again, a bigot. Bullshit.
It's the same with everything he says. He says something, usually inartfully, and the next day that MSM is totally mischaracterizing what he said, and claiming that it is "proof" of some political or character flaw.
I have news for the people in the media: The American public is sick of your lies and bullshit, and every time you attack The Donald, his supporters become more and more energized.
Choose Cruz.
The most recent example: Trump said, in effect, that Hillary has nothing but the "Woman Card" in this election. It is not difficult to understand what he meant. The only thing Hillary has going for her is "Vote for me because I'm a woman." I could elaborate the point but that is basically what was said and meant, and while it is somewhat controversial, it is a fair political characterization. Want to disagree? Feel free.
And the MSM reports that this comment is proof that Trump is a misogynist. Bullshit. Or that Trump wants to stomp all over wimmins' rights. Again, bullshit.
Trump rails about illegal immigration and the millions of illegals in the country. "Trump is a xenophobic bigot, who hates immigrants, especially Mexicans."
Wanting to take our EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS seriously is not being "anti-immigrant." Nor is it anti-Mexican. It is entirely about people who are here illegally, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is not being a "bigot" to suggest that people who came here in violation of our laws be induced to leave.
Trump suggests a moratorium of Muslim immigration, until we can "figure this thing out." Figuring it out, refers to rational measures to identify which, if any, Muslim immigrants are from places or sects that have indicated they want to do us harm. Was it OK to stop Japanese immigration in 1942? It is a perfectly reasonable suggestion that has had many comparable examples by Presidents in American history. But Trump is labeled an "Islamophobe," and again, a bigot. Bullshit.
It's the same with everything he says. He says something, usually inartfully, and the next day that MSM is totally mischaracterizing what he said, and claiming that it is "proof" of some political or character flaw.
I have news for the people in the media: The American public is sick of your lies and bullshit, and every time you attack The Donald, his supporters become more and more energized.
Choose Cruz.