That' right. The latest polling shows Trump ahead of Hillary.
It also shows
Trump more than twice as popular with DEMs as Hillary is with REPs.
The FBI better hurry up before Trump is 30 points ahead of Hillary in another
couple of months!
Those better be some 'big-ass' rocks the Clinton's are going to need to hide under after Trump humiliates Hillary should there be any debates.
Trump 41%, Clinton 39% - Rasmussen Reports™
Last week, Rasmussen Reports gave voters the option of staying home on Election Day if Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the big party nominees, and six percent (6%) said that’s what they intend to do for now. Clinton and Trump were tied with 38% support each; 16% said they would vote for some other candidate, and two percent (2%) were undecided."
But Trump edges slightly ahead if the stay-at-home option is removed. Trump also now does twice as well among Democrats as Clinton does among Republicans."
In other words it's a tie unless the poll questions are manipulated to remove a choice that 6% would otherwise choose.
Now what about the other 6 major polling organizations that make up the RCP average that shows Clinton beating the Donald pretty handily on a National Basis? Do those not count because they don't show the result that the Trumplodytes desire?
Confirmation Bias anyone?
Was it a "tie" last month when every fucking LIB in the country was pointing to polls "proving" Hillary would kick Trumps ass?
You all are the same bunch of 'man-bun' LIBs who SWORE Trump would NEVER run!
Then Trump would drop out!
Then he would get his ass kicked in the Primaries!
Then he would NEVER win the nomination!
The FACT that Trump is tied with Hillary at this point has Hillary and her girlfriend Huma waking up together in 'flop-sweats'.