Milo Yiannopoulus: A heroic American; Quest to provoke safe spacers; & meet outrage w outrageous


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Milo Yiannopoulos' Plan to Wear Native American Costume to Yale Causes Chaos - Breitbart

What a heroic American. A younger Trump personality you might say. He says liberalism has gotten so absurd that you must "meet the outrage culture by being outrageous". YES. That's right. He says these people "deserve to be provoked" and man does he ever piss them off. His campus tours are the source of half this lunacy on campuses.

Two great examples below. He plans to do a speech at Yale in full Indian garb hahaha!!! And check out the poster child liberal in the video below


Such delicate flowers.......

I wanna donate to his cause. I want tickets to that Yale speech where he wears that magnificent Indian war tribe dress !!!!

The protestors will drown out his speech.

They've tried and failed. Listen to this magnificent brilliant man speak. Apparently he's also gay and calls himself the "Most Dangerous Faggot" due to his hard conservative views haha!!! I'd vote for him!

Like certain 'evangelists' and other 'group spokespersons', it's an ego and bank account enriching gig.
He is the next wave of conservative fighters.......

Yep he sure his. People like him and Trump are just the distant rumbles of thunder of the backlash against PC that's coming.

Be outrageous.

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