Millions Starving to death in Yemen, and Billions being spent on Mars probes and rovers and plans to go back to the Moon. This is insane.!!?

People are staving to death in Yemen, and we spend billions on Mars rovers, and we put money aside to go back to the Moon. Is this insanity ?!.

Do you think that if we did not send a rover to Mars even one cent extra would go to the starving children of Yemen, you appeal-to-emotion douche bag?
People are staving to death in Yemen, and we spend billions on Mars rovers, and we put money aside to go back to the Moon. Is this insanity ?!.

We know you have two obsessions that you start threads over and then run away from: Space exploration and interracial marriage.

Interracial marriage in space would make your empty head explode.
People are staving to death in Yemen, and we spend billions on Mars rovers, and we put money aside to go back to the Moon. Is this insanity ?!.
Go there and start a community garden, then. The people in Yemen can't eat our spacecraft.
...No. Yemen feeding it's people isn't our problem. ....

We have no legal obligation to care about the suffering people there, but we do have a moral one.
We have tried. We give resources with limited success. Despots makes themselves rich off of it. Also old traditions of cultivating and farming are hard to change with some. Starvation is not good.
A good question: "Why?"

Did you check? Or did you just say an incantation to a picture of Dear Leader and call it a day?
Dumbass. I RECEIVE EBT benefits - $200 a month. Currently my balance on my EBT card is $368. No problem going on here. Stop making things up. - no charge for he tutoring.

Again: thank you President Trump.
People are staving to death in Yemen, and we spend billions on Mars rovers, and we put money aside to go back to the Moon. Is this insanity ?!.

I checked ... You can still book a flight to Yemen.
If you feel an moral obligation to help the people of Yemen, go to the grocery store and book a flight.

Send me a redacted copy of your plane ticket and I'll throw in a bag of rice.
I don't feel obligated ... I am just nicer than a lot of people think I am.

A good question: "Why?"

Did you check? Or did you just say an incantation to a picture of Dear Leader and call it a day?
Dumbass. I RECEIVE EBT benefits - $200 a month. Currently my balance on my EBT card is $368. No problem going on here. Stop making things up. - no charge for he tutoring.

Again: thank you President Trump.
-dodged the point
- sang Trumps praises
- hypocrite

You have been approved. Your Trump cult card is in the mail.
-dodged the point
- sang Trumps praises
- hypocrite

You have been approved. Your Trump cult card is in the mail.
I dodged nothing at all, and I noted your FALSE statement ("Up to 50 million Americans living without food security, as well":) and I corrected it, You're welcome. Dumbass.
People are staving to death in Yemen, and we spend billions on Mars rovers, and we put money aside to go back to the Moon. Is this insanity ?!.
The United Nations tried getting food to those in need in Somalia, in the 1990's. Because of the warring factions, it was a total failure.
When you have warring factions in these third world nations, you can't solve food issues. They have to first end the conflicts, then the UN can look into helping them rebuild their basic agricultural practices and food distribution system. Also, it's not up to just the US. We get a lot of our food products from outside the US, especially in the winter, where most of our food products come from South America, which is "green" year around and thus doesn't have a limited growing season. So, complain to the UN.
Separately, at some point in the future, ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, et cetera, this planet will get hit with an extinction level event by an asteroid that is too big to divert and then it's all over for humanity....or....our sun expands (it does have a life span you know) and there again, it's the end of our descendants. So, to ensure humanity's survival, expansion to the stars is essential and the scientists at NASA have finally come up with a warp-drive theory that is actually workable. So, we may see mankind spread through the universe (not in our lifetime, but eventually) and to keep saying it's more important to keep pumping wasted dollars into conflict areas, perpetually postponing space programs, is in the long term, self destructive.
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-dodged the point
- sang Trumps praises
- hypocrite

You have been approved. Your Trump cult card is in the mail.
I dodged nothing at all, and I noted your FALSE statement ("Up to 50 million Americans living without food security, as well":) and I corrected it, You're welcome. Dumbass.
That was a true statement, and you are a lying cultist who has to invent an alternate reality in order to function.
Apparently they haven't given enough if people are starving to death.
That is so stupid. First, you just got your lying ass corrected on something you literally made up on the spot. Second, you are apparently too rabid and dense to figure out that the starving people can't get food because Trump and Saudi Arabia bombed their infrastructure back to the stone age. Do better dickhead.
Apparently they haven't given enough if people are starving to death.
That is so stupid. First, you just got your lying ass corrected on something you literally made up on the spot. Second, you are apparently too rabid and dense to figure out that the starving people can't get food because Trump and Saudi Arabia bombed their infrastructure back to the stone age. Do better dickhead.

The attacks from Yemen began in 1998 when Jihadis from Afghanistan and Somalia and Sudan began moving in... The Saudis were still trying to feed them and send them medicine, food and gasoline until 2015 when the Houthis overthrew the government ad the cross boarder attacks got worse.

This fall out goes back to the Invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.

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