Millennials: If you didn't care enough to vote, Get Out OF The Street!


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
It's time Millennials recognize 'cause and effect." Votes count. They count for the candidate you support if you take the time to vote.

Half of those protesters didn't even vote! But the can take hours out of their evenings to protest and be so exhausted the next day, they cannot go to class.

Well guess what babies, America was built on the people being heard and making a difference in the workplace. You haven't even voted, find prowling around with signs more important than studying for your future career and get offended by any though different from your own. You will be the demise of our great land if you don't grow up, and fast!

Use your free speech to talk to others that you disagree with, not hide in a safe space with crayons and play doh... Your career and our nation is depending on you to take responsibility for your actions. That is what the USA is about!
Actually...they did vote.

Just that more evangelicals voted than them.
Those that didn't vote that are protesting and/or rioting - reminds me of the high schoolers walking out of class of late simply because the candidate they wanted to win didn't get the electoral votes needed. Nevermind that most of the kids aren't old enough to cast a vote yet.
Actually...they did vote.

Just that more evangelicals voted than them.
I have a link proving that 50% of Portland protesters arrested did not. Show me a link where evangelicals had more come out. I hope that is least the moral citizens were doing their citizens' job of voting.
Do Millennials actually work at being losers? It's the first time I put the words 'Millennials' and 'work' in the same sentence!
Too many liberal universities are turning into babysitting jobs. Is the clout of a degree diminishing, or doe it count to what university is involved?
Anyone who's not on the far left should be concerned with how those on the far left that have hijacked the democrat party and the mainstream media.
  • They vehemently demonize, discredit and insult anyone who doesn't have the same views in an effort to suppress those views. It's one step short of suppressing free speech.
  • They go out and either protest or encourage the protesting of a democratic election: where the people of the country have a choice in determining who represents them in the government. A government for the people, by the people... and they don't believe in that when the result isn't what they want. They would rather have the president decided upon, not elected.
Tack that onto that the proposals to restrict 2nd amendment rights and comments from big city mayors like Rahm Emmanuel about continuing support for people who are here illegally and you've got a party that isn't too shy about showing it's anti-constitutional views.
My Millennial kids work.....So they can only protest in their minds...
Well, it's great to hear they are working... something most millennials don't do.
I made sure to raise them with the incentive to work, by not giving them everything they wanted...
Good for you!
My Ma did it to me also...
I did it with my son, but now his 16 year old is being the "Terrible Teenager" from not having both mom and dad in the same page...Lies, doesn't do homework and expects everything to be handed to him. Time for him to go in the army instead of college. I won't help with tuition.

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