Millennials, Gen Z increasingly comfortable with socialism, Marxism, activists say


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I place this in Economy section, but I've always warned (from experience) that the social abuses on ones liberty and lack of accountability of government is the real danger of socialism.

The communists didn't need to invade, they invested in our schools and politicians. This is the result. Let's also be clear, the expansion of Crony Capitalism and lack of enforcement of abusers also doesn't help promote true capitalism/liberty.

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are becoming increasingly comfortable with socialism, according to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), which conducts an annual poll assessing Americans' attitudes toward socialism.

VOC Executive Director Marion Smith attributes this trend shown in VOC's poll, as well as in other national polls, to a failure of American educational institutions, definitional misunderstandings and a double standard in media and on social media.

"We are seeing the high watermark, politically, of socialism [and] Marxism in the United States," Smith told Fox News. "Never before in history has the United States seen positive opinions of these ideologies to the extent that we’re seeing today. That's just a fact."

Support for progressive, self-identified democratic-socialist politicians including former 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has increased among young voters.
I place this in Economy section, but I've always warned (from experience) that the social abuses on ones liberty and lack of accountability of government is the real danger of socialism.

The communists didn't need to invade, they invested in our schools and politicians. This is the result. Let's also be clear, the expansion of Crony Capitalism and lack of enforcement of abusers also doesn't help promote true capitalism/liberty.

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are becoming increasingly comfortable with socialism, according to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), which conducts an annual poll assessing Americans' attitudes toward socialism.

VOC Executive Director Marion Smith attributes this trend shown in VOC's poll, as well as in other national polls, to a failure of American educational institutions, definitional misunderstandings and a double standard in media and on social media.

"We are seeing the high watermark, politically, of socialism [and] Marxism in the United States," Smith told Fox News. "Never before in history has the United States seen positive opinions of these ideologies to the extent that we’re seeing today. That's just a fact."

Support for progressive, self-identified democratic-socialist politicians including former 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has increased among young voters.

People forget that while technology seems to progress always, social structures can be cyclical.

No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.

It's amazing to think that even the lowest middle class person has in their home or apartment machines to do work that took 5-10 servants to do 100 to 150 years ago, which of course were only afforded by the most wealthy of sorts.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.

It's amazing to think that even the lowest middle class person has in their home or apartment machines to do work that took 5-10 servants to do 100 to 150 years ago, which of course were only afforded by the most wealthy of sorts.
The hard work, innovation, and willingness to free people from their drudgery (women who were locked at home because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy) so that our society could prosper and make life easier is rather remarkable. Most of that came from the Generation previous to the Greatest, but some of it from My Generation (Boomers), and from the generation immediately following Mine. The generations after that have turned into a group of sniveling, ungrateful fucks who don't even deserve our time or attention.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.

It's amazing to think that even the lowest middle class person has in their home or apartment machines to do work that took 5-10 servants to do 100 to 150 years ago, which of course were only afforded by the most wealthy of sorts.
The hard work, innovation, and willingness to free people from their drudgery (women who were locked at home because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy) so that our society could prosper and make life easier is rather remarkable. Most of that came from the Generation previous to the Greatest, but some of it from My Generation (Boomers), and from the generation immediately following Mine. The generations after that have turned into a group of sniveling, ungrateful fucks who don't even deserve our time or attention.

I don't blame them, I blame whoever sold them the bill of goods that getting whatever degree you want equals a well paying job with no physical labor and only 20-30 hours a week of real commitment.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class
Well, I think the generation that hit the beaches of Normandy to fight the National Socialists had it just a little worse, but I digress.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.
Millennials and Gen Z are getting smaller wages and benefits than previous generations

Previous generations could take a High School Diploma and get jobs they could support themselves on. Those with a College Degree were financially well off.

This generation has to get a high price College Degree and still end up living with their parents
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class
Well, I think the generation that hit the beaches of Normandy to fight the National Socialists had it just a little worse, but I digress.
They did
But when they got back from the war, there were high paying jobs waiting for them

Todays Vets face a grim workplace with little demand for their skills
I place this in Economy section, but I've always warned (from experience) that the social abuses on ones liberty and lack of accountability of government is the real danger of socialism.

The communists didn't need to invade, they invested in our schools and politicians. This is the result. Let's also be clear, the expansion of Crony Capitalism and lack of enforcement of abusers also doesn't help promote true capitalism/liberty.

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are becoming increasingly comfortable with socialism, according to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), which conducts an annual poll assessing Americans' attitudes toward socialism.

VOC Executive Director Marion Smith attributes this trend shown in VOC's poll, as well as in other national polls, to a failure of American educational institutions, definitional misunderstandings and a double standard in media and on social media.

"We are seeing the high watermark, politically, of socialism [and] Marxism in the United States," Smith told Fox News. "Never before in history has the United States seen positive opinions of these ideologies to the extent that we’re seeing today. That's just a fact."

Support for progressive, self-identified democratic-socialist politicians including former 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has increased among young voters.
If this story happens to be valid, which I question, they will have second thoughts when the bills to pay for those programs start rolling in like what's happening with Obamacare. WBTW does not cover the medical costs related to the COVID-19 virus.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.
Millennials and Gen Z are getting smaller wages and benefits than previous generations

Previous generations could take a High School Diploma and get jobs they could support themselves on. Those with a College Degree were financially well off.

This generation has to get a high price College Degree and still end up living with their parents
Boo-fucking-hoo. None of that is true.

No one could support themselves on a 'high school' diploma, ever. Everyone started at the bottom and worked their way up to a supporting wage. Often by apprenticing to a journeyman in some vocation, like plumbing, electrician, welder, carpenter, auto mechanic, etc... Or, they went to a two-year trade school AFTER having taken some form of shop class in high school.

No one could support a family without first learning a skill. A college degree was for the licensed professions, not for whiny little shits who think that just because they have an undergrad degree they should start out at 80k a year.

THIS generation does NOT have to take any college. A grad from a tech school (cost less than 10k, can start in their chosen profession at anywhere from 15 to 25 per hour. No need to go 500k in debt to learn that your a man or woman and that no one needs baskets.

The shits would really have something to complain about if they had to carve their day out into doing back-breaking labor that was needed just to survive so that they could live to a ripe age of 60 if they were lucky.

A perfectly decent living can and is earned without attending college, and at wages that are comparable to those in past generations, adjusted for inflation.

The fucking generation of ingratitude is what they are.

As I said, they are living in a time in human history that is not equaled for ease of living.

Just say, "Thank you" and then move the fuck on.
I place this in Economy section, but I've always warned (from experience) that the social abuses on ones liberty and lack of accountability of government is the real danger of socialism.

The communists didn't need to invade, they invested in our schools and politicians. This is the result. Let's also be clear, the expansion of Crony Capitalism and lack of enforcement of abusers also doesn't help promote true capitalism/liberty.

Millennials and Gen Z-ers are becoming increasingly comfortable with socialism, according to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), which conducts an annual poll assessing Americans' attitudes toward socialism.

VOC Executive Director Marion Smith attributes this trend shown in VOC's poll, as well as in other national polls, to a failure of American educational institutions, definitional misunderstandings and a double standard in media and on social media.

"We are seeing the high watermark, politically, of socialism [and] Marxism in the United States," Smith told Fox News. "Never before in history has the United States seen positive opinions of these ideologies to the extent that we’re seeing today. That's just a fact."

Support for progressive, self-identified democratic-socialist politicians including former 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has increased among young voters.
Our understanding of economics is much better now. We understand that simply resorting to Government instead of free market Capitalism is more productive and can mitigate Capitalism's boom and bust cycles.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.
Doing it the hard way instead of a more efficient way is not necessarily better. And, what you claim of hard work back then is because more people were poor. We should be better off than any loyal subjects of the Animal Kingdom in the wild.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.

It's amazing to think that even the lowest middle class person has in their home or apartment machines to do work that took 5-10 servants to do 100 to 150 years ago, which of course were only afforded by the most wealthy of sorts.
The hard work, innovation, and willingness to free people from their drudgery (women who were locked at home because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy) so that our society could prosper and make life easier is rather remarkable. Most of that came from the Generation previous to the Greatest, but some of it from My Generation (Boomers), and from the generation immediately following Mine. The generations after that have turned into a group of sniveling, ungrateful fucks who don't even deserve our time or attention.
Plenty of people are willing to work hard now. And, innovation happens more often when people are more well educated not because they can work hard.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.
Doing it the hard way instead of a more efficient way is not necessarily better. And, what you claim of hard work back then is because more people were poor. We should be better off than any loyal subjects of the Animal Kingdom in the wild.
I am not surprised that the point went right over your head.

Do NOT fucking whine about how hard you have it when in fact, you live in a time where life is as easy as it has ever been. And DO NOT whine about previous generations who have built this time in the world in which you do NOT have to scratch every single day just to stay alive.
No Generation has gotten screwed by our society like Millennials and Gen Z

After working and studying for years they are faced with massive debt and low pay with no benefits

They see the increasing wealth of the super rich and how corporate America has abandoned its workers

They view Socialism as our society doing more for its workers than its wealthy class

A serious lesson in ingratitude.

Not 150 years ago, people rose with the sun, had very little to eat, worked all day at back-breaking labor, to barely manage to feed themselves and their families through the winter. Women were in constant childbirth until they were in their mid-30's. They witnessed over half their children die and they themselves died in their late 40's early 50's.

The Millennials and Gen Z are fucking pussies who whine about not having it good enough in an age where life has never been easier.

It's amazing to think that even the lowest middle class person has in their home or apartment machines to do work that took 5-10 servants to do 100 to 150 years ago, which of course were only afforded by the most wealthy of sorts.
The hard work, innovation, and willingness to free people from their drudgery (women who were locked at home because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy) so that our society could prosper and make life easier is rather remarkable. Most of that came from the Generation previous to the Greatest, but some of it from My Generation (Boomers), and from the generation immediately following Mine. The generations after that have turned into a group of sniveling, ungrateful fucks who don't even deserve our time or attention.
Plenty of people are willing to work hard now. And, innovation happens more often when people are more well educated not because they can work hard.
Again, you missed the point entirely.

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