Military will build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer don't agree to pay for it: Trump

Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

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It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
What do you think the extra BILLIONS in the military bill are for...more money to IRAN, as the traitorous Obomanation did?
Perv, Obama didn’t give our money to Iran.
------------------------------------------ sure he did , the money was OUR money until 'mrobama' gave the money to 'iran' Faun .
You cultists are brain-dead. The money was Iranian money frozen in bank accounts overseas. What Obama did was get the money released. It wasn't OUR money.
from what I understand the USA had control of the ENEMIES money , that means that it was our Money until anti American 'obama' gave it to our enemy of 'iran' Faun .
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

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The right wing doesn't know what they are talking about. We have a refugee problem on our southern border not a common defense problem.
The right wing doesn't know what they are talking about. We have a refugee problem on our southern border not a common defense problem.

Now dan, be reasonable. Pickpockets of 100% of the American taxpayers are a problem. And all of them are refugees who pay thousands of dollars apiece to criminals to get snuck in illegally rather than wait a dozen years and get in for free with their acceptance papers. The criminals often steal whatever else the refugees have. This particular group was warned to turn back every day they walked through Mexico, and paid no attention to serious warnings all along the way. :(
from what I understand the USA had control of the ENEMIES money , that means that it was our Money until anti American 'obama' gave it to our enemy of 'iran' Faun .
You understand wrong.

The funds were Iranian assets seized years earlier and frozen in various banks overseas. It was not OUR money. It was never OUR money. I don't blame you for being ignorant though. You're a conservative who's dumbed down by rightwing media
from what I understand the USA had control of the ENEMIES money , that means that it was our Money until anti American 'obama' gave it to our enemy of 'iran' Faun .
Iran has been in a declared war against the U.S. for decades (since 1979) and we have every right to hang onto that money until hostilities cease. Nuke Deal or Not, Iran Has Already Declared War on Us

And that will be never as long as the theocrats remain in power (Obama pulled the rug out from under a popular Iranian uprising in 2009 Bloomberg - Are you a robot?) and not only did he give the money away, and failed to support an Iranian reform movement, but he bent over forwards
(yes, forwards for the Mullahs) and did everything he could to assist Iran in gaining a nuclear program that would, in a short time period, guarantee them nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

That's Barry Hussein Obama...friend and benefactor to one of the worst regimes in the world. He's a real bag of shit to a degree most people don't even want to know or can imagine.
Its a misuse of power, according to General McChrystal.

And Posse Comitatus Act
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
No, all Trump needs is a military budget passed and he signs...part of keeping the govt from shutting down!

The Defense Department's budget has already passed. This is not a part of the budget bill they are negotiating.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
What do you think the extra BILLIONS in the military bill are for...more money to IRAN, as the traitorous Obomanation did?
Perv, Obama didn’t give our money to Iran.
Of course he did you asshole..

How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
No, all Trump needs is a military budget passed and he signs...part of keeping the govt from shutting down!

The Defense Department's budget has already passed. This is not a part of the budget bill they are negotiating.
Then what are they negotiating?
Why DemonRATS really FEAR trumps Wall

Why should the U.S. build a better wall on the southern border? House Majority Whip Steve Scalise offered a clear and candid rationale during a Fox News appearance this week, telling host Mark Levin that 10 known terrorists are captured each day trying to breach the border. U.S. Customs and Border Protections also informed Congress that 3,029 people were apprehended in one day this month — deeming the occurrence a crisis.

Meanwhile, 21 percent of all potential migrants — an astonishing 158 million people — would like to come live in America if they could, according to a Gallup analysis, which found that the U.S. has remained the No. 1 destination for the last decade.

There is a viable rationale for border improvement. The wall, however, has become a showcase for President Trump’s foes, who wrap their opposition in humanitarian concerns — even though they have walls and barriers of every description around their own homes.

Talk radio kingpin Rush Limbaugh points out that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are part of this group — and appear motivated by political concerns rather than moral calling.

“They could never, ever sign on to and assist in the funding and construction of a wall. You know why? Because walls work. These people that we’re talking about put walls around their homes and their estates. They know that walls work, and that’s precisely why there isn’t going to be one on the southern border, because if there ever is a wall, guess what? We finally will have control over who gets into this country and who doesn’t,” Mr. Limbaugh told his 14 million

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If Trumps wall was built, that little girl would still be alive!

The Washington Post, which every day acts more and more like an integral part of the democrat party, generated an article that is as offensive as it was misleading.

Got that? The Border Patrol killed her, right? The Border Patrol refused her water for days, right?

Except that's not what happened.

The Washington Post’s article led with concerns that the child’s death, which occurred a week prior to publication, would lead to scrutiny of conditions at detention centers for families crossing the border into the United States. It read:
The child’s death is likely to intensify scrutiny of detention conditions at Border Patrol stations and CBP facilities that are increasingly overwhelmed by large numbers of families seeking asylum in the United States.

But thenBut beginning in the fourth paragraph, the Washington Post’s own report refutes the notion that Border Patrol bears responsibility for the girl’s death.
Noting that she began to suffer from seizures just over eight hours after being taken into custody and that her temperature quickly spiked to 105.7 degrees, WaPo reported that emergency responders were called right away and the girl was revived and taken to a hospital. She died within 24 hours of being transported, and Border Patrol records show that she had not been given food or water for several days prior.

The WaPoo put out a deliberately misleading article and lamebrained liberals jumped all over it.

The girl and her family entered the US illegally, of course, and her father said nothing of her being ill for seven hours after being placed in custody:

CBP officials stated that the father of the seven-year-old girl who died in Border Patrol custody on December 7 claimed she was in good health until seven hours after they were apprehended. The father made mention of the girl being sick as they began a two-hour bus ride from the forward operating base to the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station.Despite their trespass in a remote area, the group of 163 illegals was properly processed:Due to the remote location, only four Border Patrol agents were available at the time for processing this group of migrants, the official stated. During the initial screening, the agents asked the migrants a series of 20 questions concerning their health and other demographic information. Officials said the agents asked the father the questions in Spanish and translated his answers to English for documentation on the form. The father reportedly checked the box on the I-779 immigration form that said his daughter had no current illnesses.The CBP did not kill this little girl. Her father did. His desire to enter the US illegally put her in jeopardy and he bears the blame for her death.

from what I understand the USA had control of the ENEMIES money , that means that it was our Money until anti American 'obama' gave it to our enemy of 'iran' Faun .
In 1979, the U.S. froze all the Iranian funds in American banks as retribution for seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran, as revolution swept that nation. As part of the Iranian Nuclear deal, the funds were released. The funds belong to Iran in 1979 just they did when they were released. Obama did not give the money. It was always their money. We just returned it to them.
Is McChrystal the COC or is it President Trump who can direct military finances where he seems it is needed?...Sounds like the Gen. Is a Obomanation supporter!
McChrystal came along long before Obama.
McChrystal was responsible for death of alqaidi leader in iraq.

Posse Comitatus Act prevents military from building a wall.
McChrystal owes at least 1 star to the obomanation as obama was purging almost 200 high ranking officers that did not agree with him....McChrystal was NOT one of these...posse Comitas act has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEA BEES BUILDING A WALL!!!....DAMN, JUST SPEW OUT SHIT WHY DON'T YOU!

They still need congressional authorization for the money.
No, all Trump needs is a military budget passed and he signs...part of keeping the govt from shutting down!

The Defense Department's budget has already passed. This is not a part of the budget bill they are negotiating.
...Chain of command....
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

It just simply shows that your moron POTUS doesn’t know what he is talking about.

Dude...... You still need funding for the materials to build the wall.
What do you think the extra BILLIONS in the military bill are for...more money to IRAN, as the traitorous Obomanation did?
Perv, Obama didn’t give our money to Iran.
------------------------------------------ sure he did , the money was OUR money until 'mrobama' gave the money to 'iran' Faun .
You cultists are brain-dead. The money was Iranian money frozen in bank accounts overseas. What Obama did was get the money released. It wasn't OUR money.

Quote: "You cultists are brain-dead."

I am one hundred percent a United States Citizen and a voter. That really gets your goat that I vote Republican, doesn't it. Tough bananas, toots.
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Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Even if the Great Douche gets some funding in 2018. As the House will not fund the project.
The Great Douche Won't be there that long to complete the wall by using the Military.
So WEAK a Deal to call on the Miltary to do the work, the Douche won't make any money.
And the Military can't buy Private land without congress approval.

Another MAGA failed DrumpF Project. Like DOPers can't understand the word incomplete.
The only reason DrumpF wants this wall is the SCAM money off it.
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Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
View attachment 234104
After 1955 forward Seabees are the American losers who can't get work in the private sector.
They need to be cut OFF from FREE Gobmint WELFARE!
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But, fortunately, your ancestors who came here from another country were not like that at all....

Never said they weren’t. I can’t do shit about that though, now can I? Let’s not learn from the past at all. Oh no, that’d be a horrible thing to do.

I take your point. These immigrants could end up with families who become bigots and xenophobes like you. That would be unfortunate.

You don’t know me so don’t act like you do.

You are right. I don't know you. Nor, based on your bigotry, do I want to.

What bigotry? Please, point it out. I’ll wait.

You’re displaying your own bigotry and don’t even know it.

Your posts are above, and speak for themselves.
If the Democrats are not willing to protect Americans then they are not fit to hold office.
Dems are proposing a 1.3 billion dollar appropriation for border security. So there ya go
Wholly inadequate. The price tag to start is 30 billion.

They can deduct it from the money's spent on illegals in our social safety net.
How much can they spend in a year? How much from last years budget did they spend on border security? What did they spend it on?

Do you know or even care about the answer to these questions?
Simple. They spend their budget on it, no more, no less. That is why we have budgets.

What they spent on it last year was too little. We need at least the initial investment of the 25 billion.

So, now that your nonrelevant questions have been asked and answered, I return to the fact that they can take the money from the money spent on illegals.
What was last years budget and what did they spend and get done? Do you know?
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Even if the Great Douche gets some funding in 2018. As the House will not fund the project.
The Great Douche Won't be there that long to complete the wall by using the Military.
So WEAK a Deal to call on the Miltary to do the work, the Douche won't make any money.
And the Military can't buy Private land without congress approval.

Another MAGA failed DrumpF Project. Like DOPers can't understand the word incomplete.
The only reason DrumpF wants this wall is the SCAM money off it.
Quote: "the Great Douche, WEAK Deal, Military can't, DrumpF, SCAM money off"
lolol! Leftist Lunatic has the Dowager Maxine Watters' website as his home page. :laugh: :laugh2: :SMILEW~130: :laughing0301: :lmao: :lol: :spinner: :tongue: :D :icon_sjung: :razz:

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