Military retirees face cuts

As Washington looks to squeeze savings from once-sacrosanct entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, another big social welfare system is growing as rapidly, but with far less scrutiny: the health and pension benefits of military retirees.

Military pensions and health care for active and retired troops now cost the government about $100 billion a year, representing an expanding portion of both the Pentagon budget — about $700 billion a year, including war costs — and the national debt, which together finance the programs.

Making even incremental reductions to military benefits is typically a doomed political venture, given the public’s broad support for helping troops, the political potency of veterans groups and the fact that significant savings take years to appear.

But the intense push in Congress this year to reduce the debt and the possibility that the Pentagon might have to begin trimming core programs like weapons procurement, research, training and construction have suddenly made retiree benefits vulnerable, military officials and experts say.

i bet your happy Chris.....the disdain you show for the should have a boner over this.....
Are you THAT stupid? You basically were a government employee, yes? I appreciate the fact that you couldn't get a real job, but how does your CHOICE to live off the government give you any advantage over those that simply paid into the government by working in the private sector?

he couldn't get a real job?.....your about as big of an asshole as Douger is....
How does it feel to rank with 3% of the most disapproved people in the USA, DaGoose, who hate our military, or are you just some jihadist with an investment in a mideastern 'charity'?

I don't hate our military. Heck, my daughter is getting most of her college paid for through them and my son-in-law just got back from Afghanistan.

I'll tell you who MUST hate our military though. The ones who still support sending our soldiers off to fight and die in Iraq for NO GOOD REASON.


What a pantload. You're the poster child of "Spit" on US Servicemembers. "The ones who still support...."

Yeah, that would be you and Obama (Chickenhawks), asswipe.


Hey crybaby, I was talking about the decision and not the troops.

NOW....are you saying you thought the Iraq invasion and occupation was a good idea and worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers?

No deflection and no bullshit. Try answering the question directly for once, Rambo.

My son-in-law who serves in the Air Force can call in sick, gets vacation days, housing help and good pay.

HEY!! I'm not complaining. Heck, my daughter gets to go to college with a TON of help from the federal government because her husband is serving in the military. (She's never served a day.)

Thanks much to all of you who are helping pay for my daughter to attend college!! :clap2:


Your son in law is lucky to work in a job where the supervisors allow that, most people don't really have that anymore. Most of the time in the Military if you are sick you have to report to sick call and thats an all day affair, might as well just go to work.

I about blew coffee through my nose when I read that "calling in sick" BS.
That would have NEVER BEEN THOUGHT OF when I was in. You either (a) report for duty, (b) go to sick call.
None of this "calling in sick" bullshit.

Never made Chief?
So what I'm getting from the "conservatives" on the board is that it's perfectly fine not to pay teachers, firemen and police their PROMISED benefits, but it's not okay to do the same to military members. Hypocrisy noted...
So what I'm getting from the "conservatives" on the board is that it's perfectly fine not to pay teachers, firemen and police their PROMISED benefits, but it's not okay to do the same to military members. Hypocrisy noted...

well i dont think anyone should get screwed out of a pension that was there and part of the package when they started the job .....and i dont care if its govt or private......the new hires may have to take something less.....but if you have worked there 20-30 get what was there when you started.....
So what I'm getting from the "conservatives" on the board is that it's perfectly fine not to pay teachers, firemen and police their PROMISED benefits, but it's not okay to do the same to military members. Hypocrisy noted...
The military is a constitutional issue. This thread is about national Military retirees' pay.

Local teachers, firemen, and police matters are state's rights issues. Why don't you start your own thread if you are unhappy with those issues unrelated to this one.
Unfortunatly for us it seems that those 3% are all congressman and politicans who want to rape our Military of all its benefits.
If you went to the link above, you would see congress is at 12% approval; 40% some; and 48% very little/none.

A lot of crazy claims are being made by extremists these days. If 3% are getting through to the congress, that's truly oil the squeaky wheel stuff. The way to fix that is to outsqueak the pips.

If you want to really know whats worrying me Becki its the lack of familiarity you could say for the civilians in regards to the Military, most people now don't really know much about the service besides what they see on the news and on Medal of Honor for PS3. Back during Korea and Nam there was a draft going on and everyone either knew a loved one who served or did so themselves, so the Military was a familiar establishment for the American people and they understood that things like free medical, dental etc are earned, they are not free like a welfare check or cash aid. Now, we have 2 wars going on and an all volunteer service streched to the limit with people deploying multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan, there is not as many people in the service as before and there is no draft, so for most people unless they have a loved one who happens to be in the Military the wars we are fighting are of no real consequence to them, just something to watch on the tv in the morning before lighting up that bong in the trailer.
You're correct, High Gravity. Even smart people here are not able to differentiate the difference in military service and a regular job.

They do not know the military is part and parcel of the national government, by the Constitution and as a matter of national security. We need to clarify to this type of voter what is a state's power over its citizens and what is the intentionally separate constitutional federal power.

The powers in each of 50 states are separate from constitutionally-delegated protection, and not to be confused by proponents of Marxism.
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That's wonderful, Salt Jones, except for one minor detail. The thread parent started this thread yesterday about a separate recent development in his statement that ends " have suddenly made retiree benefits vulnerable, military officials and experts say.

Your first one is dated last month before these proceedings started, and the second one back in July. This one has the ultimate purpose of damaging conservatives in Congress. I didn't get that drift in either of the above links. You wouldn't do a thing like that now, would you, Mr. Jones. :)
If you went to the link above, you would see congress is at 12% approval; 40% some; and 48% very little/none.

A lot of crazy claims are being made by extremists these days. If 3% are getting through to the congress, that's truly oil the squeaky wheel stuff. The way to fix that is to outsqueak the pips.

If you want to really know whats worrying me Becki its the lack of familiarity you could say for the civilians in regards to the Military, most people now don't really know much about the service besides what they see on the news and on Medal of Honor for PS3. Back during Korea and Nam there was a draft going on and everyone either knew a loved one who served or did so themselves, so the Military was a familiar establishment for the American people and they understood that things like free medical, dental etc are earned, they are not free like a welfare check or cash aid. Now, we have 2 wars going on and an all volunteer service streched to the limit with people deploying multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan, there is not as many people in the service as before and there is no draft, so for most people unless they have a loved one who happens to be in the Military the wars we are fighting are of no real consequence to them, just something to watch on the tv in the morning before lighting up that bong in the trailer.
You're correct, High Gravity. Even smart people here are not able to differentiate the difference in military service and a regular job.

They do not know the military is part and parcel of the national government, by the Constitution and as a matter of national security. We need to clarify to this type of voter what is a state's power over its citizens and what is the intentionally separate constitutional federal power.

The powers in each of 50 states are separate from constitutionally-delegated protection, and not to be confused by proponents of Marxism.

There are no proponents of Marxism. That's bullshit.

And the U.S. military is the most socialist organization on the planet.

They tell you what to wear, where to sleep, when to eat, what to eat, what to do, and they give you a government check every month for the rest of your life.
As are the military. It's called an enlistment period for a reason....

Timing is important to the consideration.

In my civilian job I can choose, at any time, to not show up for work, common courtesy says I give notice, call my boss, etc. but it is not required. Nothing happens (Oh I might not get a good reference, but it is not illegal.)

On the other hand a military members who does that are subject to a felony conviction under the United States Code (USC Title 10 Chapter 47, Uniform Code of Military Justice) for Mutiny (Article 94) and if committed during a time of war Article 85 Desertion. They can then spend a term in prison, life in prison, or be subject to the Death Penalty. What a military member can do is choose to leave the service at the end of their contract period but even then they can be retained on active duty involuntarily under "Stop Loss" provisions of the USC.

Just a little bit different between the civilian world and the military world.


My son-in-law who serves in the Air Force can call in sick, gets vacation days, housing help and good pay.

HEY!! I'm not complaining. Heck, my daughter gets to go to college with a TON of help from the federal government because her husband is serving in the military. (She's never served a day.)

Thanks much to all of you who are helping pay for my daughter to attend college!! :clap2:


It's not as much as you think. I received the Vietnam GI Bill, which was cut after I left the service. The military started a "matching" funds program. Even though it did help, the cost of education is so high, I still owed $56,000. It's all paid off now, but it was hard.
Those of you whose incomes are derived from military retirement had best understand that after your masters has raped the middle class, they ARE going to come after you, too.

Oh I know you think they love you guys, but they do not love you guys more than they love MONEY.

The die that many of YOU folks helped the GOP cast is rolling.

Eventually you're going to crap out, just like the civilians have already done.

CAPITAL has no loyalty. folks.
Why would it be shocking that the Obama administration would be targeting this rather than cutting waste?

Obama administration?

Bush cut taxes for the rich and now there is no money for military pensions.

All those military folks who voted for Bush cut their own throats.
Bullshit as always from you. Cutting obamacare would be the biggest benefit to this country. Instead of cutting benefits to the very people, the military, who protect our freedoms, cut benefits to lazy slobs who exploit welfare at our cost. Libtards are such idiots.

Better tell that to the GOP conservatives in congress. THEY'RE the ones in favor of cutting military benefits.

As President Obama in August pledged to protect Veterans programs from budget cuts, the GOP in Congress and bureaucrats in the DoD are still pushing for cuts in pensions and health care for active and retired troops.

GOP demands benefits for the military be on chopping block | Veterans News Now

Those of you whose incomes are derived from military retirement had best understand that after your masters has raped the middle class, they ARE going to come after you, too.

Oh I know you think they love you guys, but they do not love you guys more than they love MONEY.

The die that many of YOU folks helped the GOP cast is rolling.

Eventually you're going to crap out, just like the civilians have already done.

CAPITAL has no loyalty. folks.

Too late......

GOP demands benefits for the military be on chopping block | Veterans News Now

You Liberal fucks who want to see military retiree's pensions shrivel up and go away....

Got one thing for ya -

Go Fuck Yourselves.

It's never gonna happen.

It would be the final nail in any elected officials coffin.

Take your hate and disrespect for our nation's veterans elsewhere, asswipes.
So what I'm getting from the "conservatives" on the board is that it's perfectly fine not to pay teachers, firemen and police their PROMISED benefits, but it's not okay to do the same to military members. Hypocrisy noted...
The military is a constitutional issue. This thread is about national Military retirees' pay.

Local teachers, firemen, and police matters are state's rights issues. Why don't you start your own thread if you are unhappy with those issues unrelated to this one.

No thanks...I'll just point out the hypocrisy in this one. If you think it's okay to go after the promised benefits of public sector employees, but not okay to go after the promised benefits of the US military, you are a hypocrite.
You Liberal fucks who want to see military retiree's pensions shrivel up and go away....

Got one thing for ya -

Go Fuck Yourselves.

It's never gonna happen.

It would be the final nail in any elected officials coffin.

Take your hate and disrespect for our nation's veterans elsewhere, asswipes.

It is the GOP going after your pensions, not the evil liberals that keep you up at night. The evil liberals are the ones that think you and everyone else should KEEP your promised benefits.

See how this doesn't say "liberals"...

GOP demands benefits for the military be on chopping block

As President Obama in August pledged to protect Veterans programs from budget cuts, the GOP in Congress and bureaucrats in the DoD are still pushing for cuts in pensions and health care for active and retired troops.
You Liberal fucks who want to see military retiree's pensions shrivel up and go away....

Got one thing for ya -

Go Fuck Yourselves.

It's never gonna happen.

It would be the final nail in any elected officials coffin.

Take your hate and disrespect for our nation's veterans elsewhere, asswipes.

It is the GOP going after your pensions, not the evil liberals that keep you up at night. The evil liberals are the ones that think you and everyone else should KEEP your promised benefits.

See how this doesn't say "liberals"...

GOP demands benefits for the military be on chopping block

As President Obama in August pledged to protect Veterans programs from budget cuts, the GOP in Congress and bureaucrats in the DoD are still pushing for cuts in pensions and health care for active and retired troops.

I don't give a fuck who it is, asswipe.
It ain't gonna happen.

Resume jacking off to your Harry Reid pix.

Fucking idiot.

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