Military-Industrial Complex | Schiff & Co. Making Bank In Ukraine


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Military-Industrial Complex | Schiff & Co. Making Bank In Ukraine - Loomered

and we begin to find more and more reasons why the left/dems don't want trump poking around in the ukraine.

"Incredibly, Schiff, part of the House Appropriations Committee back in 2013, facilitated the Pentagon awarding Pasternak’s company a $50 million grant to develop a prototype blimp for delivering cargo to military bases. Where is the prototype? Nowhere. He wasn’t required to produce one. Says so in his grant award. He got $50 MIL to think about it, talk about it, and dream about it."

$50mil to not produce anything at all. hmmm.

"In a previous article, (HERE) we had reported to you that around that time, Russia was making its move on the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea after the “Ukrainian Revolution.” President Obama was pretending to lay low in all of that, saying giving military aid to Ukraine would be a violation of international law, but instead he offered them $50 MIL earlier that year for “elections” and revamping their “judicial” matters, around the time Hunter Biden took up his board seat and Joe Biden made strong aggressive moves. Very contradictory don’t you think?"

now this is some pretty serious "quid pro quo".

"According to the press, Obama “resisted” pressure from Congress and Secretary of State John Kerry (who also had a payday from Burisma). His “hot mic” comment with a Russian leader said otherwise."

back to the "hot mic" comment and some clarity around what that really meant.

"Aside from the $50 MILLION Pasternak received to think about blimps from the Pentagon, the Ukraine placed an order to buy Pasternak’s blimps using U.S. taxpayer money via the aid package we gave them. #DoubleDipping or MONEY LAUNDERING? Where are the blimps? Have you seen them?

Let me break this down. Aeros got $50 MIL from the U.S. to think about developing AIR CARGO blimps, then Ukraine paid Aeros with our money to buy the blimps to TRANSPORT weapons to Ukraine, and Aeros then got more money to help them with surveillance. Where are the blimps? Have you seen any blimps?"

i've not seen any blimps. have you seen any blimps?

the left - if they truly stand for honestly and balance of fairness, should be livid at all this. if trump did it, i would say he's got to go. if ANYONE did this, they got to go and be held accountable.

yet the left is still calling trump the criminal while they simply ignore all this.
Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out.

if anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.
Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out. If anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.

I'm cautiously optimistic of future indictments. However, I've seen this movie before. Remember the UraniumOne scam? How did that Russia scam turn into a nothingburger?
I've read the books "Witch Hunt" and "Exonerated" showing in detail how we got from Trump coming down the escalator to now, and all of the FBI/DOJ/Hillary crimes along the way.

So if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz come up empty, I'm saying that "the DC swamp" is winning.

If the OP is anywhere near accurate, how would you like on the stand during the impeachment? What questions would you have for him? Seems like more than a few items need clarification as to Schiff's motives to remove Trump.
i've not seen any blimps. have you seen any blimps?


Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out. If anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.

I'm cautiously optimistic of future indictments. However, I've seen this movie before. Remember the UraniumOne scam? How did that Russia scam turn into a nothingburger?
I've read the books "Witch Hunt" and "Exonerated" showing in detail how we got from Trump coming down the escalator to now, and all of the FBI/DOJ/Hillary crimes along the way.

So if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz come up empty, I'm saying that "the DC swamp" is winning.

If the OP is anywhere near accurate, how would you like on the stand during the impeachment? What questions would you have for him? Seems like more than a few items need clarification as to Schiff's motives to remove Trump.
yet asking any of those questions is a party foul.

how on earth did we ever drift so far from right/wrong that we can look past things that should imprison most of us in a heartbeat?
Meh. I read that and all it said was "some people did something and Republicans are stupid"
Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out. If anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.

I'm cautiously optimistic of future indictments. However, I've seen this movie before. Remember the UraniumOne scam? How did that Russia scam turn into a nothingburger?
I've read the books "Witch Hunt" and "Exonerated" showing in detail how we got from Trump coming down the escalator to now, and all of the FBI/DOJ/Hillary crimes along the way.

So if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz come up empty, I'm saying that "the DC swamp" is winning.

If the OP is anywhere near accurate, how would you like on the stand during the impeachment? What questions would you have for him? Seems like more than a few items need clarification as to Schiff's motives to remove Trump.
yet asking any of those questions is a party foul.

how on earth did we ever drift so far from right/wrong that we can look past things that should imprison most of us in a heartbeat?

That is the very definition of "the DC swamp". "One had washes the other", everyone covers for everyone else, there's plenty of (taxpayer) money to go around.
if ANYONE did this, they got to go and be held accountable.

Try everyone Ice dude.

4 decades ago a small American prototype computer based digital image enhancing company that held a high tech edge in spectrometry sold not only to our own CIA, they sold to landlocked countries naval facilities (think on that) as well as to countries that posed as middlemen for sales to countries we did not trade with

Quid pro Quo should be latin for 'Biz as Usual' here

Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out. If anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.

I'm cautiously optimistic of future indictments. However, I've seen this movie before. Remember the UraniumOne scam? How did that Russia scam turn into a nothingburger?
I've read the books "Witch Hunt" and "Exonerated" showing in detail how we got from Trump coming down the escalator to now, and all of the FBI/DOJ/Hillary crimes along the way.

So if Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz come up empty, I'm saying that "the DC swamp" is winning.

If the OP is anywhere near accurate, how would you like on the stand during the impeachment? What questions would you have for him? Seems like more than a few items need clarification as to Schiff's motives to remove Trump.
yet asking any of those questions is a party foul.

how on earth did we ever drift so far from right/wrong that we can look past things that should imprison most of us in a heartbeat?

That is the very definition of "the DC swamp". "One had washes the other", everyone covers for everyone else, there's plenty of (taxpayer) money to go around.
and they keep asking for MORE taxes and demonizing some mythical "rich" people and making others feel cheated in life so they can clear the path to get more for themselves.
Meh. I read that and all it said was "some people did something and Republicans are stupid"

How can the pentagon auditors see that and NOT flag it?
I want a Federal audit. A new "Grace Commission" to clean up the Federal Budget of "waste, fraud" and abuse".
It will never happen, everyone protects their cash cows.
if ANYONE did this, they got to go and be held accountable.

Try everyone Ice dude.

4 decades ago a small American prototype computer based digital image enhancing company that held a high tech edge in spectrometry sold not only to our own CIA, they sold to landlocked countries naval facilities (think on that) as well as to countries that posed as middlemen for sales to countries we did not trade with

Quid pro Quo should be latin for 'Biz as Usual' here

time for all that to end, don't you think? or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?
time for all that to end, don't you think?

wishful thinking, we're the world's police ,and cater to both sides of any conflict, since WW2, despite Ike's warning.

or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?

DJT is merely a bit player , powerless puppet like all past potus' juxtaposed to the 'aholes' you speak of , who are apolitical globalists who've no allegiance to the USA, yet have every incumbent congresscritter on a choke leash

time for all that to end, don't you think?

wishful thinking, we're the world's police ,and cater to both sides of any conflict, since WW2, despite Ike's warning.

or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?

DJT is merely a bit player , powerless puppet like all past potus' juxtaposed to the 'aholes' you speak of , who are apolitical globalists who've no allegiance to the USA, yet have every incumbent congresscritter on a choke leash

so you choose to believe nothing can be done and this is how it is and/or should be.

sorry. i reject that. we need to get the gov back under control somehow, some way. and yes, they are going to kick and scream the entire time it's being attempted.
As long as the carrot of free stuff or entitlement stuff or even things paid into are doled out, the system will remain the same and those who are the power will continue to rule.
time for all that to end, don't you think?

wishful thinking, we're the world's police ,and cater to both sides of any conflict, since WW2, despite Ike's warning.

or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?

DJT is merely a bit player , powerless puppet like all past potus' juxtaposed to the 'aholes' you speak of , who are apolitical globalists who've no allegiance to the USA, yet have every incumbent congresscritter on a choke leash

so you choose to believe nothing can be done and this is how it is and/or should be.

sorry. i reject that. we need to get the gov back under control somehow, some way. and yes, they are going to kick and scream the entire time it's being attempted.

I agree with Sparky.

Trump is just part of the stage show.

When Clinton and the elder Bush got together and kicked the League of Women voters out of hosting the televised debates in favor of having the corporate press do it? It was all over for America. The DNC and GOP saw the threat to their power that an upstart like Perot posed. Someone that truly diagnosed their corruption and could be a threat to their stranglehold on power.

What this amounts to, is a monopoly on power for the two parties.

DJT is controlled by the neo-cons.

He went to the neo-cons begging, and pleading, to find out what he had to do in order to stay in power, to guarantee they would not convict if this went to the Senate.

The two parties are corporate entities, and they both meet and collude with each other at the CFR & with the corporate media, Wall Street, and all the biggest entities in the nation. That is what make up the establishment.

Meanwhile, some folks put their hope in independents or third parties. This too will never work as long as all independents, moderates, and third parties are divided on different assorted issues. And the two parties will continue to make sure that they are. The DNC will fund and promote the libertarians, and the GOP will fund and promote the Greens. Count on it.

Only when everyone gets sick of it and unites, a coalition of ALL independents focused on just one thing, freedom, will it ever end. Ron Paul and Ralph Nader tried once, but no one was listening. I guess things weren't bad enough.
time for all that to end, don't you think?

wishful thinking, we're the world's police ,and cater to both sides of any conflict, since WW2, despite Ike's warning.

or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?

DJT is merely a bit player , powerless puppet like all past potus' juxtaposed to the 'aholes' you speak of , who are apolitical globalists who've no allegiance to the USA, yet have every incumbent congresscritter on a choke leash

so you choose to believe nothing can be done and this is how it is and/or should be.

sorry. i reject that. we need to get the gov back under control somehow, some way. and yes, they are going to kick and scream the entire time it's being attempted.

I agree with Sparky.

Trump is just part of the stage show.

When Clinton and the elder Bush got together and kicked the League of Women voters out of hosting the televised debates in favor of having the corporate press do it? It was all over for America. The DNC and GOP saw the threat to their power that an upstart like Perot posed. Someone that truly diagnosed their corruption and could be a threat to their stranglehold on power.

What this amounts to, is a monopoly on power for the two parties.

DJT is controlled by the neo-cons.

He went to the neo-cons begging, and pleading, to find out what he had to do in order to stay in power, to guarantee they would not convict if this went to the Senate.

The two parties are corporate entities, and they both meet and collude with each other at the CFR & with the corporate media, Wall Street, and all the biggest entities in the nation. That is what make up the establishment.

Meanwhile, some folks put their hope in independents or third parties. This too will never work as long as all independents, moderates, and third parties are divided on different assorted issues. And the two parties will continue to make sure that they are. The DNC will fund and promote the libertarians, and the GOP will fund and promote the Greens. Count on it.

Only when everyone gets sick of it and unites, a coalition of ALL independents focused on just one thing, freedom, will it ever end. Ron Paul and Ralph Nader tried once, but no one was listening. I guess things weren't bad enough.

I disagree with your context that Trump went "begging and pleading" to neo-cons asking what he needs to do to stay in power. The article says that Trump met with (40) Republican senators to explain to them why he needs to be supported.
Trump is the strong independent that you seem to be wishing for. Just look at his list of accomplishments. What's not to like?

I also like that Trump makes mistakes and shows vulnerability. Not that it matters, the democrats keep saying "we have Trump now" and poof, the "road runner" escapes again. The swamp hates Trump, just look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and the rest of the Hillary supporters in the FBI & DOJ, as well as the Departments of State and Defense. Look at Schiff's witnesses from State, and the irate generals who criticized Trump's pulling back in Syria. Trump was right in every instance. Especially giving Ukraine lethal "Javelin" anti-tank weapons when Obama sent them blankets.

I know who I'm voting for in 2020, and it not any of the democrat socialists. The deep state needs to be rooted out as much as possible.
time for all that to end, don't you think?

wishful thinking, we're the world's police ,and cater to both sides of any conflict, since WW2, despite Ike's warning.

or is trump so evil you'd rather he goes and the very core of assholes stealing our tax dollars keep on as usual?

DJT is merely a bit player , powerless puppet like all past potus' juxtaposed to the 'aholes' you speak of , who are apolitical globalists who've no allegiance to the USA, yet have every incumbent congresscritter on a choke leash

so you choose to believe nothing can be done and this is how it is and/or should be.

sorry. i reject that. we need to get the gov back under control somehow, some way. and yes, they are going to kick and scream the entire time it's being attempted.

I agree with Sparky.

Trump is just part of the stage show.

When Clinton and the elder Bush got together and kicked the League of Women voters out of hosting the televised debates in favor of having the corporate press do it? It was all over for America. The DNC and GOP saw the threat to their power that an upstart like Perot posed. Someone that truly diagnosed their corruption and could be a threat to their stranglehold on power.

What this amounts to, is a monopoly on power for the two parties.

DJT is controlled by the neo-cons.

He went to the neo-cons begging, and pleading, to find out what he had to do in order to stay in power, to guarantee they would not convict if this went to the Senate.

The two parties are corporate entities, and they both meet and collude with each other at the CFR & with the corporate media, Wall Street, and all the biggest entities in the nation. That is what make up the establishment.

Meanwhile, some folks put their hope in independents or third parties. This too will never work as long as all independents, moderates, and third parties are divided on different assorted issues. And the two parties will continue to make sure that they are. The DNC will fund and promote the libertarians, and the GOP will fund and promote the Greens. Count on it.

Only when everyone gets sick of it and unites, a coalition of ALL independents focused on just one thing, freedom, will it ever end. Ron Paul and Ralph Nader tried once, but no one was listening. I guess things weren't bad enough.

I disagree with your context that Trump went "begging and pleading" to neo-cons asking what he needs to do to stay in power. The article says that Trump met with (40) Republican senators to explain to them why he needs to be supported.
Trump is the strong independent that you seem to be wishing for. Just look at his list of accomplishments. What's not to like?

I also like that Trump makes mistakes and shows vulnerability. Not that it matters, the democrats keep saying "we have Trump now" and poof, the "road runner" escapes again. The swamp hates Trump, just look at Comey, McCabe, Strzok and the rest of the Hillary supporters in the FBI & DOJ, as well as the Departments of State and Defense. Look at Schiff's witnesses from State, and the irate generals who criticized Trump's pulling back in Syria. Trump was right in every instance. Especially giving Ukraine lethal "Javelin" anti-tank weapons when Obama sent them blankets.

I know who I'm voting for in 2020, and it not any of the democrat socialists. The deep state needs to be rooted out as much as possible.
Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out.

if anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.
LOL!!!!!! Wow what a dumbfuck!!!!!!! The chairman of that commitee was Hal Rogers a republican from kentucky and the retard repugs held a majority on the commitee. It was your party that did the whole thing!!!!!!!!! hilarious
Here's hoping that Barr can investigate these real crimes and issue indictments.
hey, if any R's are in on this, take 'em down also. but so far the harder the left pushes to get to trump, the more we see the real reasons why they are doing the full court press. they WERE laundering money for blimps never intended to be produced.

i simply don't understand how anyone on the left regardless of their emotional state on trump, can see all this and still think trump has done MORE than everything we're finding out.

if anyone is going to continue to force this onto trump then please explain this scenario with more than "fake news" as well.
LOL!!!!!! Wow what a dumbfuck!!!!!!! The chairman of that commitee was Hal Rogers a republican from kentucky and the retard repugs held a majority on the commitee. It was your party that did the whole thing!!!!!!!!! hilarious
So. . . your contention is. . .when it comes to war for imperial ambition, that there is somehow a qualitative difference between a neo-con and a neo-lib, is that it?


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