Mike Pence Facts


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
1) he was "Mikey" from those Life cereal ads in the 70s!

2) hit for the cycle off Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren in a softball game!

3) once suggested that, if schoolteachers are so smart, they should earn extra cash on Jeapardy, rather than grubbin for taxpayer $!

4) When asked why he voted to defund NASA, smartassly replied, "because of all the aborted missions!"


5) is considered by folks to be a friend of the common man, since his policies favor millionaires over billionaires!
Pence is the perfect match for Trump. A evil bastard behind a fool.
Pence is the perfect match for Trump. A evil bastard behind a fool.
You mean like the Dubya Administration? It really does smack of that, doesn't it?

Pence looks like Putin. It's weird. He looks like a constipated Putin. :lmao:


"Hit for the cycle off Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren in a softball game"? What the hell does that even mean? Maybe foreign ass wipes should take a course in American recreational sports.

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