Mike Pence declines invitation to speak at CPac

a Vice-President forgoing his constitutional duty and effectively overthrowing our constitutional republic

Refusing to certify a stolen election IS his constitutional duty! If I know that with what's available to me then Pence HAD to know it.

But if you think you can show all my evidence as false, invalid and baseless, I invite you to try.

Biden won NOTHING.

Pence also has the option of certifying alternate electors. The man is dirt.

And your story still ain't worth Jack. It is based on 2nd hand info. They don't even KNOW what Pence has done, they said he said. Passes for "news" to you.

Have some coleslaw.

Still shrieking the same shitty warble eh Freaky? :auiqs.jpg: Here's a recap. 67 court cases..dismissed. Not one sniff of widespread fraud. He lost.
And I don't know if you actually live in that garage of yours or if you get cable out there, but there were dozens of sources reporting it. It wasn't 2nd hand info. Only first hand denial on your part. :)
All your post is just a regurgitation of the Big Lie. Nothing was stolen.

QUIT your accusations of it being a lie unless you have proof. Quit stating nothing was stolen unless you can back it up. Quit telling us what this person or that person said when for the past four years you've criticized, attacked and disbelieved everything else these very same people said on everything else because it didn't comport with your wishes!

What makes these people right NOW but wrong all the rest of the time?

I'm asking YOU, Mother f*@ker to back up what YOU say. I have absolute, undeniable, documented proof that the election was a FRAUD. I'm ready to BACK THAT UP just as soon as I can get even ONE of you shitheads to agree to structured debate where nothing can be claimed without documentation to BACK IT UP. We stick to the verifiable FACTS. No games. No BS.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE THE ELECTION WASN'T STOLEN, Buttwipe. I DARE you to try. Put your money where your mouth is. I will absolutely show that there is no way possible Biden won a free election reflecting the fair choice of the American people. And we can have the people here decide (vote) who best made the convincing case.

BIDEN WON NOTHING. HE IS AN ILLEGAL USURPER INSTALLED in the WHITE HOUSE. The greatest lie ever foisted upon America by the corrupt government-media complex.
I've asked TWENTY of you dickwads to go up against my evidence and documentation item by item and show us how any or all of it is wrong.
well sure, your whiny, dumb ass sits on an anonymous message board and invites challenges .Get off your fat, sissy ass and take your horseshit to court or to law enforcement. Report back so we can laugh at you,
Here's a recap. 67 court cases..dismissed. Not one sniff of widespread fraud.

UP YOURS with those lies, funnelhead. Not one of the dismissed cases was dismissed FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE OF WIDESPREAD FRAUD. Even Barr only said that HE DIDN'T FIND any evidence, not that there WASN'T any. It's all a big coverup. They were rejected on procedural grounds, technicalities, timing. NOT ONE of those courts even had standing to rule on WIDESPREAD FRAUD. No court can rule outside their jurisdiction, idiot, except the SCOTUS and Roberts shot down even taking the case.

And I think there is still a case pending there! :21:

But if you know so much, I'm ready to go over the facts one by one and let you disprove it all.

Pence has been remarkably silent about Jan 6.

Doesn’t want reporters asking questions

And he doesn't want to answer any, either.
What a wimp.
I think he's thinking of running for POTUS in 2024 but he's just such an impotent, beige and completely vapid guy, I just can't see the GQP voting for him.
He could run as a democrat. They seem to love that kind of a candidate.
Still shrieking the same shitty warble eh Freaky?

Still asking you to show me where I'm wrong, asshole. I've asked TWENTY of you dickwads to go up against my evidence and documentation item by item and show us how any or all of it is wrong.

STILL WAITING, Butthole. Biden won nothing. I'm ready to dance any time you want.

Biden 306
Trump 232

Certified by 50 states
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

If you need a link for that statement, you have been living in a cave the past month and a half!

I don't need it....

The thread has a link to Pence's declination.

The link states nothing about 'Trump supporters trying to kill him.'

USMB wants links to story sources and commentary. This OP supplies both. You don't link to your own commentary. WTF is wrong with you?
All your post is just a regurgitation of the Big Lie. Nothing was stolen.

QUIT your accusations of it being a lie unless you have proof. Quit stating nothing was stolen unless you can back it up. Quit telling us what this person or that person said when for the past four years you've criticized, attacked and disbelieved everything else these very same people said on everything else because it didn't comport with your wishes!

What makes these people right NOW but wrong all the rest of the time?

I'm asking YOU, Mother f*@ker to back up what YOU say. I have absolute, undeniable, documented proof that the election was a FRAUD. I'm ready to BACK THAT UP just as soon as I can get even ONE of you shitheads to agree to structured debate where nothing can be claimed without documentation to BACK IT UP. We stick to the verifiable FACTS. No games. No BS.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE THE ELECTION WASN'T STOLEN, Buttwipe. I DARE you to try. Put your money where your mouth is. I will absolutely show that there is no way possible Biden won a free election reflecting the fair choice of the American people. And we can have the people here decide (vote) who best made the convincing case.

BIDEN WON NOTHING. HE IS AN ILLEGAL USURPER INSTALLED in the WHITE HOUSE. The greatest lie ever foisted upon America by the corrupt government-media complex.
Holy Meltdown, Batman!
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

Bull Fucking Shit@!!!!!!

Pence is in hiding.....he's ashamed of the part he played in closing out the Trump Administration.
Benedict Arnold would be proud of that SOB.

What, you mean by following that damn "Constitution" thing?

Yeah that's always in the way. Why not just get rid of it.
a Vice-President forgoing his constitutional duty and effectively overthrowing our constitutional republic

Refusing to certify a stolen election IS his constitutional duty! If I know that with what's available to me then Pence HAD to know it.

But if you think you can show all my evidence as false, invalid and baseless, I invite you to try.

Biden won NOTHING.

Pence also has the option of certifying alternate electors. The man is dirt.

And your story still ain't worth Jack. It is based on 2nd hand info. They don't even KNOW what Pence has done, they said he said. Passes for "news" to you.

Have some coleslaw.
All your post is just a regurgitation of the Big Lie. Nothing was stolen. Trump's own DOJ, Republicans Governors, Republican election officials, Trump appointed and Republican judges and justices found no proof whatsoever of widespread election fraud. Stop with spouting the Big Lie. Vomit up that kool-aid you have been drinking and clear your system so you can once again think clearly.

If you agree with Vice President Pence's position on this, you should contribute to his future campaigns and pledge your fealty if he decides to run against Biden in 2024
Any VP that stands up to would-be tyrants deserves respect. In this day and age of unrestrained partisanship, I can understand your confusion. I support Pence's decision to put country before individual or party. It was the right thing to do. It doesn't mean I support his political positions. However, I respect his actions. The Country is thankful for his actions.
All your post is just a regurgitation of the Big Lie. Nothing was stolen.

QUIT your accusations of it being a lie unless you have proof. Quit stating nothing was stolen unless you can back it up. Quit telling us what this person or that person said when for the past four years you've criticized, attacked and disbelieved everything else these very same people said on everything else because it didn't comport with your wishes!

What makes these people right NOW but wrong all the rest of the time?

I'm asking YOU, Mother f*@ker to back up what YOU say. I have absolute, undeniable, documented proof that the election was a FRAUD. I'm ready to BACK THAT UP just as soon as I can get even ONE of you shitheads to agree to structured debate where nothing can be claimed without documentation to BACK IT UP. We stick to the verifiable FACTS. No games. No BS.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE THE ELECTION WASN'T STOLEN, Buttwipe. I DARE you to try. Put your money where your mouth is. I will absolutely show that there is no way possible Biden won a free election reflecting the fair choice of the American people. And we can have the people here decide (vote) who best made the convincing case.

BIDEN WON NOTHING. HE IS AN ILLEGAL USURPER INSTALLED in the WHITE HOUSE. The greatest lie ever foisted upon America by the corrupt government-media complex.
I noticed that you quoted only part of my post. The Big Lie is just that a lie. I repeat: Trump's own DOJ, Republicans Governors, Republican election officials, Trump appointed and Republican judges and justices found no proof whatsoever of widespread election fraud.

You on the other hand have nothing but rantings and ravings for your support of the Big Lie.

Rantings and ravings are not an argument.

Clear your head and face reality.
a Vice-President forgoing his constitutional duty and effectively overthrowing our constitutional republic

Refusing to certify a stolen election IS his constitutional duty! If I know that with what's available to me then Pence HAD to know it.

But if you think you can show all my evidence as false, invalid and baseless, I invite you to try.

Biden won NOTHING.

Pence also has the option of certifying alternate electors. The man is dirt.

And your story still ain't worth Jack. It is based on 2nd hand info. They don't even KNOW what Pence has done, they said he said. Passes for "news" to you.

Have some coleslaw.
All your post is just a regurgitation of the Big Lie. Nothing was stolen. Trump's own DOJ, Republicans Governors, Republican election officials, Trump appointed and Republican judges and justices found no proof whatsoever of widespread election fraud. Stop with spouting the Big Lie. Vomit up that kool-aid you have been drinking and clear your system so you can once again think clearly.

If you agree with Vice President Pence's position on this, you should contribute to his future campaigns and pledge your fealty if he decides to run against Biden in 2024
Any VP that stands up to would-be tyrants deserves respect. In this day and age of unrestrained partisanship, I can understand your confusion. I support Pence's decision to put country before individual or party. It was the right thing to do. It doesn't mean I support his political positions. However, I respect his actions. The Country is thankful for his actions.

If you, and others of like mind, won't support him politically, all that makes him is a "loser". Is that what you are thankful for? Another Loser Republican like McCain and Romney?
I wonder why 1000 people with supposedly serious legal concerns about the election went to a Trump fundraising website to make their sworn statements, instead of to law enforcement?


Because they wanted to be heard, and knew that the Deep State was silencing them.
If you agree with Vice President Pence's position on this, you should contribute to his future campaigns
Any VP that stands up to would-be tyrants deserves respect.

So Pence DOESN'T deserve respect! :21:

ITMT, Trump WAS standing up to tyrants, standing up to an illegal, unconstitutional election, so you respect him!
The only thing this means is that Mike Pence is officially retired from any/all political aspirations. Declining this invitation is his attempt to separate himself from Conservative Republicans, which makes him totally non-viable as any sort of candidate.
I noticed that you quoted only part of my post.
Then you don't notice much, shithead. I truncate almost every post just to the SALIENT FACTS or points to which I'm replying. Makes it far easier to read and follow for others.

The Big Lie is just that a lie.
So you say. With no proof to back it up. Not even the guts to try. You got nothing. Balless Coward.
200 copy.gif

Trump's own DOJ, Republicans Governors, Republican election officials, Trump appointed and Republican judges and justices found no proof whatsoever of widespread election fraud.
So you believe all these same people's allegations that Obama and Biden are criminals and Hillary is a felon who should be locked up? Nice to know.
ITMT, NOT ONE of them ever said there was no proof. Most didn't even look for proof. Most didn't even examine the evidence! At best, a couple said they FOUND no proof wherever they looked. Meantime, it could take YEARS to properly go through it all! :21: And they spent days.

You on the other hand have nothing but rantings and ravings
Nope. Another lie. I can prove the election was a fraud. I'm not the one ranting and raving, YOU ARE. I'm ready to go and have been ready for weeks and lay out all the evidence in Structured Debate where we go over the facts one by one. I've ask about TWENTY of your balless cowards unable to stand behind a word you say. Why do you shit yourself and keep running away with piss running down your legs?

BIDEN WON NOTHING. There is a FRAUD in the White House.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

Pence is an establishment authoritarian – he seeks to compel conformity, silence dissent, and increase the size of government at the expense of individual liberty through the political process by establishing and defending Republican minority rule; he wants nothing to do with the extremists fulminating to destroy the political process and our democratic institutions.

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