Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump

Ladies and gentleman, the OP is living proof that Democrats have no positive, constructive policy ideas for America; their entire platform, their entire raison d'etre, is their sniveling hatred of President Trump for putting American interests first (as a pres. is SWORN to do at). There have never been such self-hating Americans in this country's history; they literally have stompy-foot tantrums anytime America does really well with something.
Maybe you have some positive suggestions.
No one really knows. The last Presidential election should tell you that. All the pundits and pretty little maps they produce don't really mean anything.

Well, no, the last presidential election just told us what we should have done in 2000... get rid of the Electoral College.
Actually the electoral college serves a purpose and is the correct way to elect a president. Period.
No one really knows. The last Presidential election should tell you that. All the pundits and pretty little maps they produce don't really mean anything.

Well, no, the last presidential election just told us what we should have done in 2000... get rid of the Electoral College.

We have an EC because we are a republic, not a lynch mob democracy.
Ladies and gentleman, the OP is living proof that Democrats have no positive, constructive policy ideas for America; their entire platform, their entire raison d'etre, is their sniveling hatred of President Trump for putting American interests first (as a pres. is SWORN to do at). There have never been such self-hating Americans in this country's history; they literally have stompy-foot tantrums anytime America does really well with something.

Democrats are concerned with the well being of Americans
Their health, education, fair wages,

Republicans are stooges of the rich
Actually the electoral college serves a purpose and is the correct way to elect a president. Period.

Actually, it's a retarded way to elect a president, and the worst presidents we've had are the ones where the EC ignored the people and put the guy who won the EC in charge.

Besides the fact that it disenfranchises everyone but the residents of about 10 swing states, it creates a situation where only those states really get pandered to.
Actually the electoral college serves a purpose and is the correct way to elect a president. Period.

Actually, it's a retarded way to elect a president, and the worst presidents we've had are the ones where the EC ignored the people and put the guy who won the EC in charge.

Besides the fact that it disenfranchises everyone but the residents of about 10 swing states, it creates a situation where only those states really get pandered to.
Again you are woefully wrong.
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
Don't worry, you want. You loons prove everyday you should never be in power again. Please keep it up!
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.
Trump is in till 2024, get used to it.
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
I want you to listen carefully to me, my friend.....The democrats will not, I repeat will not have a huge marginal win this Nov, at best perhaps we'll pick a few seats but not enough....and I'm gonna tell you why and God I hope I'm wrong.....illegal immigration and ICE is gonna doom us this Nov. you mark my word. Turnout will be light and because we're not pushing for paper ballots, I see Russia once again making their move on us....keep in mind, if anybody is out to lose this Nov. its Putin having Trump in check, restrained, marginalized, something that will defeat his agenda. Democrats are not strong enough to take on Trump and his will to distort facts.
Go back out in the yard and finish your 40.
We have an EC because we are a republic, not a lynch mob democracy.

We have an EC because the slave rapists who wrote the constitution didn't trust the people and only wanted the franchise limited to land owning white males...

Nope. They wanted to protect the majority of the country from the masses of people piled up in big cities. The big cities should be the sole determining factor for choosing the President.
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
First of all, the Democrats are not going to take control of the House or Senate in this off year election. The past two years, you scab infested Zombies have shown yourself to the voting public and are about to be shown the door. democrats will not only lose their chance to take the House, but will lose their chance of ever regain power ever again.
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.

I think they have a pretty good chance of winning the house. they are on track to pick up 7 GOP Seats with another 28 in the "Toss up column".

Meanwhile, the Republicans are likely to only pick up 1 Dem seat with another 4 seats in the "Toss up Column".

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

The Senate is a much tougher hill to climb.

Note those polls again cupcake?

"Trump has no path to victory based on any polling."
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.

I think they have a pretty good chance of winning the house. they are on track to pick up 7 GOP Seats with another 28 in the "Toss up column".

Meanwhile, the Republicans are likely to only pick up 1 Dem seat with another 4 seats in the "Toss up Column".

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

The Senate is a much tougher hill to climb.

Yeah, more polling
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
I want you to listen carefully to me, my friend.....The democrats will not, I repeat will not have a huge marginal win this Nov, at best perhaps we'll pick a few seats but not enough....and I'm gonna tell you why and God I hope I'm wrong.....illegal immigration and ICE is gonna doom us this Nov. you mark my word. Turnout will be light and because we're not pushing for paper ballots, I see Russia once again making their move on us....keep in mind, if anybody is out to lose this Nov. its Putin having Trump in check, restrained, marginalized, something that will defeat his agenda. Democrats are not strong enough to take on Trump and his will to distort facts.

Putin will ruin your day -- again

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