Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump

Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."

We are looking at impeachment
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."

We are looking at impeachment
And if that doesn't work, we got Hillary in 2020.
So we all get to see how much worse this gets.
Correct. What would you do? Tip your hat and take your beating, if the other guy takes the gloves off? Oh yes, it is going to get much worse.
My goal is to improve things, whether it's done my way or not, not to punish those I don't care for.

Party over country is killing us. We've let our priorities go off the rails because of our egos.
My goal is to improve things, whether it's done my way or not, not to punish those I don't care for.

Party over country is killing us. We've let our priorities go off the rails because of our egos.

Yes, we all need to be self-righteous and pompous like you are. Yeah.. That's the ticket.

Here's the thing. I'm against the republicans because what they are for is generally bad for the country, because they appeal to the worst instincts of the white majority.

It wasn't always this way. It wasn't this way under Reagan or Bush, but it clearly that way under Trump.
So we all get to see how much worse this gets.
Correct. What would you do? Tip your hat and take your beating, if the other guy takes the gloves off? Oh yes, it is going to get much worse.
My goal is to improve things, whether it's done my way or not, not to punish those I don't care for.

Party over country is killing us. We've let our priorities go off the rails because of our egos.
Damnit, Mac, how did the adults like you lose control of the Democratic Party to a bunch of leftwing children commiecrats?
Damnit, Mac, how did the adults like you lose control of the Democratic Party to a bunch of leftwing children commiecrats?

One day they just took over. It's like a bunch of murderous inmates were all released from prison at the same time. What the fuck.

I think it was building in intensity and they all came out with Obama's win, thinking the battle was over and it was time to take control.

It's terrible to watch.
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Damnit, Mac, how did the adults like you lose control of the Democratic Party to a bunch of leftwing children commiecrats?

Because they listened to him say, "Hey, you know what our problem is? We don't fuck over the working class to benefit the rich, and we don't spend enough time sucking up to the irrational fears of White People. You know, like the Republicans do.And that Ann Coulter sure is a hottie, we should listen to her more!"

One day they just took over. It's like a bunch of murderous inmates were all released from prison at the same time. What the fuck.

I think it was building in intensity and they all came out with Obama's win, thinking the battle was over and it was time to take control.

It's terrible to watch.

So you think the problem was Obama, then?

And not things like, Cops shooting kids in the back and Trump throwing kids into concentration camps?
You said this under Reagan and Bush.

You forget how much you HATED any Republican in office

Actually, I voted for Reagan both times. (At the time, I was in the military, and it was probably a good career move, Reagan was good for the military.)

I voted for Bush-41 both times, but by 1992, I was disillusioned with him.

Voted for Dole because Clinton was such a sleazy character.

Vote for Bush-43 both times. And while I think he was an incompetent president, I thought he was a decent guy who did genuine outreach to minorities.

All that said, at the end of 2008, I found myself with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage, and a job that paid 25% less than what I had been making in 2006.

And the GOP answer was, "Hey, you know what we need? MOre religious crazy! More hating on Brown people!"
You said this under Reagan and Bush.

You forget how much you HATED any Republican in office

Actually, I voted for Reagan both times. (At the time, I was in the military, and it was probably a good career move, Reagan was good for the military.)

I voted for Bush-41 both times, but by 1992, I was disillusioned with him.

Voted for Dole because Clinton was such a sleazy character.

Vote for Bush-43 both times. And while I think he was an incompetent president, I thought he was a decent guy who did genuine outreach to minorities.

All that said, at the end of 2008, I found myself with a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage, and a job that paid 25% less than what I had been making in 2006.

And the GOP answer was, "Hey, you know what we need? MOre religious crazy! More hating on Brown people!"
I voted for Reagan twice and Bush 41 once
Ladies and gentleman, the OP is living proof that Democrats have no positive, constructive policy ideas for America; their entire platform, their entire raison d'etre, is their sniveling hatred of President Trump for putting American interests first (as a pres. is SWORN to do at). There have never been such self-hating Americans in this country's history; they literally have stompy-foot tantrums anytime America does really well with something.

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