Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump

Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
Hillary will win by a landslide.
They wanted to protect the majority of the country from the masses of people piled up in big cities
Yes, all those big cities, in the 1700s..

It was designed to firstly prevent freaks like Trump from becoming president, and secondly to preserve slaverym
Like all good six year old assholes will do " torment" you pos fks are so immature we love how you morons prove it all by youselves ever second of the day.

Lay on the floor like a two year old taking a fit.........

Good luck you stupid fks eat yourselves alive keep it up the less we have the better off America will be.
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.
Dems do not need to win to block legislation. Trump can not even gain the backing of his own party, they have passed next to nothing!
Tell that to the fucking tree-huggers.
How many SCJ is Trump going to put on the bench in the next six years? How many hundreds of lower court judges?
You're living in a fucking fantasy world pal.
You are in the fantasy world he no suppoprt on either side f the isle 90 percent of every thing that has passed named some thing or just extended old rules. A fucking fantasy is believeing what comes out the Dons mouth. Great argument though! He may put SCJ in the next six years when he only gets four. Keep bringing up maybe! He has done nothing so far except a tax break but we all know repugs will vote for anything that helps the rich! Any controversy what so ever his own party does not even vote for it.
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."
First of all, the Democrats are not going to take control of the House or Senate in this off year election. The past two years, you scab infested Zombies have shown yourself to the voting public and are about to be shown the door. democrats will not only lose their chance to take the House, but will lose their chance of ever regain power ever again.
Not if they successfully replace the population. Between massive immigration and the slaughter of the Americans that will do it. After all, that's how it was done to the native tribes.
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.
Dems do not need to win to block legislation. Trump can not even gain the backing of his own party, they have passed next to nothing!

Tax cuts, cut union funding of the democrat Party, high consumer optimism and lowest ever minority unemployment, US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Wonder what he'll do once Putin flips 10 Democrat Senate seats?
Meanwhile Corker and Ryan are on TV right now blasting Trump. His own party is blasting him. trump will soon have every one one in power at his throat hge is done!
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.
Dems do not need to win to block legislation. Trump can not even gain the backing of his own party, they have passed next to nothing!

Tax cuts, cut union funding of the democrat Party, high consumer optimism and lowest ever minority unemployment, US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Wonder what he'll do once Putin flips 10 Democrat Senate seats?
Meanwhile Corker and Ryan are on TV right now blasting Trump. His own party is blasting him. trump will soon have every one one in power at his throat hge is done!

And if liberals had a half a god damned brain they would be looking around thinking "now why would the establishment of both parties hate this one man?" and figure out that its cuz both sides have been playing voters for fools for decades and Trump threatens their status quo. But no , while the right woke up and rejected the status quo, the voters on the left are every bit as stupid as their DNC overlords believe them to be and cheer on those who abuse their authority.
Democrats will of course win control of neither the House nor Senate this November.

Trump and his sycophants will incorrectly infer the outcome of the mid-terms to be an ‘endorsement’ of his wrongheaded policies, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The only way to end the Trump blight is by voting his failed ‘administration’ out of office in 2020.
Dems do not need to win to block legislation. Trump can not even gain the backing of his own party, they have passed next to nothing!

Tax cuts, cut union funding of the democrat Party, high consumer optimism and lowest ever minority unemployment, US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Wonder what he'll do once Putin flips 10 Democrat Senate seats?
Meanwhile Corker and Ryan are on TV right now blasting Trump. His own party is blasting him. trump will soon have every one one in power at his throat hge is done!

And if liberals had a half a god damned brain they would be looking around thinking "now why would the establishment of both parties hate this one man?" and figure out that its cuz both sides have been playing voters for fools for decades and Trump threatens their status quo. But no , while the right woke up and rejected the status quo, the voters on the left are every bit as stupid as their DNC overlords believe them to be and cheer on those who abuse their authority.
Go fuckj your self you deluded peice of shit. You have to have no brain what so ever. Every one including his own party cals him a liar and so does evey one in other countries. Sit and spin dumb fuck!
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."

I wish we could stop with all the Red and Blue, Dems and Repubs.... Just flush the big orange turd.



No fucking Pardon, Pence.

Make America whole again with a giant enema in our big fat (T)rump.
‘"Imagine a world where the constraints are gone and every agency is fair game. That is what may be coming and it will completely immobilize the Administration’s immigration agenda and deregulatory agenda. And the smart aides will leave quickly rather than subject themselves to potentially ruinous legal bills."
This second lawyer, who is familiar with the inner workings of the Trump White House, told us there is "no way" that this "disorganized and dysfunctional bunch" is adequately prepared for the inevitable legal and investigatory onslaught should Democrats win the House in November.’ ibid

Trump has only himself to blame.

What are they going to do that they aren't already doing?
Turn about is fair play.

Midterm payback: How Democrats will torment Trump


At the end of last week, one of Washington’s most battle-hardened and sought-after lawyers forecast an ominous future for the Trump administration. We thought the lawyer's analysis was worth reproducing in full as it echoes what we're hearing from other attorneys in close touch with Trump's White House.

The big picture: "The Pruitt situation should be a warning sign to the administration about what will happen if the Democrats take the House."

I wish we could stop with all the Red and Blue, Dems and Repubs.... Just flush the big orange turd.



No fucking Pardon, Pence.

Make America whole again with a giant enema in our big fat (T)rump.
Impeach indict....for what?
America is never gping to be whole again. Democrats are the enemy. They will always be the enemy.

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