Middle Schoolers Arrested For Attempted Murder

Americans please!... pull your heads out of your ass and wake up....
More cops not less... cops in schools and on school buses... do it now and stop with the nonsense...
Oh yeah and I do believe that the only reason the kid is alive is through divine intervention and the reason this occurred is probably because these kids grew up in fatherless homes without any male role models around.

Black people need to start raising their children properly if they want to shake their reputation. Go ahead people and start screaming that I'm a racist. It's not like I'm not expecting it.
I'm not saying that race is probably a factor, but that's only because it goes without saying. Nothing to do with racism btw.

Democrats have declared kids are THEIRS once they are enteted into public school.

That means Democrats are to blame.

Eighth graders with guns...MAGAT Dream World.

Oh, don't be such a lying partisan puss. I mean, we all know that's what you are, but you don't have to put on such a dramatic performance to remind everyone.

Just when you think snowflakes, bots, and trolls can't humiliate themselves any more, along comes an over-achiever to say, 'Hold my beer...'

Lots of these boys are out there, including adults, simping for females. He dissed me go kill him. They have no emotional control. Animals behave better.

True, but one of them was a girl.
Oh, don't be such a lying partisan puss. I mean, we all know that's what you are, but you don't have to put on such a dramatic performance to remind everyone.

Just when you think snowflakes, bots, and trolls can't humiliate themselves any more, along comes an over-achiever to say, 'Hold my beer...'

Puuulllleeeeeeezzzzzze you MAGAT FAGGOT

Why are you denying these Americans citizens their Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms????
You're the clowns who go to court over every attempt to regulate firearms so do try to be a little less ignorant in your response.
But But BUT...Violating that 13 year old's right to a firearm?
To "Keep and bear" that firearm?

What are you, some kind of Communist?

Unless they're physically trained then it's for safety reasons.

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