"Microaggression" to win the War on Terror


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I just thought of something, when I saw a picture of a Muslim mosque, with a shoe left at the door.

We should appoint a team of elite pickpockets to go to Muslim mosques, find the shoe pile, and steal all the shoes.

This will frustrate and annoy Muslims to no end.

If the Muslims protest against this policy, we will have an elite squad of baseball pitchers throw the shoes at the demonstrators, which is the ultimate insult for Muslims.

And the Muslims will get pissed off even more.

If they demand foot baths, we can provide them. But we will hook them up so that only rusty water comes out of the pipe.

And again, Muslims will get upset.

They want the sexes to be segregated at all times during their events. So we can send in an elite squad of transgender folks to sit on one side, and then the other, and go back and forth during the entire service.

By the time this is all over, Muslims will be begging for mercy against our "microagression."
Also, if a Muslim man rapes a woman, we will restore her honor by having an elite squad or rapists gang rape him.
If a Muslim taxi driver refuses to carry a passenger because is carrying a bottle of wine or a ham sandwich, he will be forced to eat a whole rack of pork ribs, with a side salad sprinkled with bacon bits. And beer.

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