Michigan Rapist Gets Joint Custody Of Child


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Convicted rapist and newly recognized dad.

Raped and impregnated at 12, she must now permit her rapist to visit her child. If you thought this was a story out of Pakistan or some other Islamic theocracy you would be forgiven your error. Surely this cannot happen in America — in 2017? Apparently, it can.

As reported in the Detroit News:

A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender[Christoper Mirasolo, 27] who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago.

There is no ‘allegedly’. A DNA test established that Mirasolo is the father of the now 9-year-old child. The mother is 21. The math, if you add in a nine-month pregnancy, confirms her age at conception as 12. Regardless of force, it was rape.

It gets worse:

[Judge Gregory S.] Ross disclosed the rape victim’s address to Mirasolo and ordered Mirasolo’s name to be added to the child’s birth certificate — all without the victim’s consent or a hearing, according to Kiessling[the victim’s lawyer].

And let’s not think for one moment that the child was a product of an inappropriate but close relationship. The assault on the child’s mother took place over two days in which she was kept a captive. The crime was so severe the sentence would have been potentially life — and no less than 25 years. But in a deal, Mirasolo pled guilty to attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct. And received a year.

And then he did it again.

In March 2010, Mirasolo committed a sex assault on a victim between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. He served only four years for that second offense

It gets even worse. The matter arose as the state was auditing its food stamp program. I’ll let the victim explain.

“They (officials) never explained anything to me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some of the money back.”

While this is the first instance of this in the US, evangelicals have been lobbying for parental rights for rapists for a while. Wait till they hear you can save money too. The ‘Christianity’ will be overwhelming.

Michigan Rapist Gets Joint Custody of Child.
Under Biblical law, the family of the GIRL would be within their rights to kill the bastard (the father).

He should not be walking among us on this planet.

Raises an interesting question.

If one of her parents did kill him, would you vote guilty if you sat on the jury?
I find it rather surprising that the guy even cares about the kid in the first place. He made it clear as glass that the girl didn't matter so why should her little boy be any different?

God bless you and him and his mom always!!!


Convicted rapist and newly recognized dad.

Raped and impregnated at 12, she must now permit her rapist to visit her child. If you thought this was a story out of Pakistan or some other Islamic theocracy you would be forgiven your error. Surely this cannot happen in America — in 2017? Apparently, it can.

As reported in the Detroit News:

A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender[Christoper Mirasolo, 27] who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago.

There is no ‘allegedly’. A DNA test established that Mirasolo is the father of the now 9-year-old child. The mother is 21. The math, if you add in a nine-month pregnancy, confirms her age at conception as 12. Regardless of force, it was rape.

It gets worse:

[Judge Gregory S.] Ross disclosed the rape victim’s address to Mirasolo and ordered Mirasolo’s name to be added to the child’s birth certificate — all without the victim’s consent or a hearing, according to Kiessling[the victim’s lawyer].

And let’s not think for one moment that the child was a product of an inappropriate but close relationship. The assault on the child’s mother took place over two days in which she was kept a captive. The crime was so severe the sentence would have been potentially life — and no less than 25 years. But in a deal, Mirasolo pled guilty to attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct. And received a year.

And then he did it again.

In March 2010, Mirasolo committed a sex assault on a victim between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. He served only four years for that second offense

It gets even worse. The matter arose as the state was auditing its food stamp program. I’ll let the victim explain.

“They (officials) never explained anything to me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some of the money back.”

While this is the first instance of this in the US, evangelicals have been lobbying for parental rights for rapists for a while. Wait till they hear you can save money too. The ‘Christianity’ will be overwhelming.

Michigan Rapist Gets Joint Custody of Child.

never agreed to these laws. Rapists should hold no power over the woman or child.
That is just a way of her reliving the rape for her.

Convicted rapist and newly recognized dad.

Raped and impregnated at 12, she must now permit her rapist to visit her child. If you thought this was a story out of Pakistan or some other Islamic theocracy you would be forgiven your error. Surely this cannot happen in America — in 2017? Apparently, it can.

As reported in the Detroit News:

A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender[Christoper Mirasolo, 27] who allegedly raped the child’s mother nine years ago.

There is no ‘allegedly’. A DNA test established that Mirasolo is the father of the now 9-year-old child. The mother is 21. The math, if you add in a nine-month pregnancy, confirms her age at conception as 12. Regardless of force, it was rape.

It gets worse:

[Judge Gregory S.] Ross disclosed the rape victim’s address to Mirasolo and ordered Mirasolo’s name to be added to the child’s birth certificate — all without the victim’s consent or a hearing, according to Kiessling[the victim’s lawyer].

And let’s not think for one moment that the child was a product of an inappropriate but close relationship. The assault on the child’s mother took place over two days in which she was kept a captive. The crime was so severe the sentence would have been potentially life — and no less than 25 years. But in a deal, Mirasolo pled guilty to attempted third-degree criminal sexual conduct. And received a year.

And then he did it again.

In March 2010, Mirasolo committed a sex assault on a victim between the ages of 13 and 15 years old. He served only four years for that second offense

It gets even worse. The matter arose as the state was auditing its food stamp program. I’ll let the victim explain.

“They (officials) never explained anything to me. I was receiving about $260 a month in food stamps for me and my son and health insurance for him. I guess they were trying to see how to get some of the money back.”

While this is the first instance of this in the US, evangelicals have been lobbying for parental rights for rapists for a while. Wait till they hear you can save money too. The ‘Christianity’ will be overwhelming.

Michigan Rapist Gets Joint Custody of Child.

Only in America................................and Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and Iraq and Turkey, and the Sudan, and Yemen and...............
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.

I didn't say it wasn't rape. I contemplated if his age at the time of the offense may have played a part in their decision.
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.

I didn't say it wasn't rape. I contemplated if his age at the time of the offense may have played a part in their decision.

the thread is about a convicted rapist
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.

He would have been 17 in all likelihood.

Also, is that the law in that state?
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.

I didn't say it wasn't rape. I contemplated if his age at the time of the offense may have played a part in their decision.

the thread is about a convicted rapist

The thread is about rapists paying child support
If he is 27, the child is nine, then he must have been underage when the even happened too. wonder if that played into their decision

18 is not under age if girl/woman is the same age or older

If the girl is more than two younger, it is rape.

If both are consenting and both underage, it is not rape.

I didn't say it wasn't rape. I contemplated if his age at the time of the offense may have played a part in their decision.

the thread is about a convicted rapist

The thread is about rapists paying child support

No. It is about rapists having visitation rights.

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