Michigan Election Officials' Request to Recant 2020 Certifications Made Under Duress, Should Decertify Biden Electoral Votes


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
3 states, MI, WI, PA, would need to be stolen for Biden to win. WI, MI exactly where 130K votes ALL for Biden show up in the middle of the night. PA where no-signature and late mail-in ballots concern SCOTUS enough to order impounding the ballots. But that is far from all of the supposedly non-existent evidence of fraud, which includes thousands of pages of affidavits, many from election officials, that was simply never heard. How can you say "no evidence" before you look at the evidence?

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman
Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.

"Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.
The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground -- immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.
Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name."

GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election

"Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that "intense bullying and coercion" plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no."
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This story is from November 2020
he's your fake president also enjoy.

Liberals are run by and express themelves in emotion, not rationale thought. It is not the evidence, it is what you feel. A spoiled brat. Angry. Sad. The evidence is irrelevant. For this reason Darwin will wipe your from the Earth. You became an animal experiment for the rich man's drugs, and he pushed them on you like New Jack City. lol. How dumb can you get. And when you blame me, you will get what is coming to you. You little bitch.
Liberals are run by and express themelves in emotion, not rationale thought. It is not the evidence, it is what you feel. A spoiled brat. Angry. Sad. The evidence is irrelevant. For this reason Darwin will wipe your from the Earth. You became an animal experiment for the rich man's drugs, and he pushed them on you like New Jack City. lol. How dumb can you get. And when you blame me, you will get what is coming to you. You little bitch.
Liberals are run by and express themelves in emotion, not rationale thought. It is not the evidence, it is what you feel. A spoiled brat. Angry. Sad. The evidence is irrelevant. For this reason Darwin will wipe your from the Earth. You became an animal experiment for the rich man's drugs, and he pushed them on you like New Jack City. lol. How dumb can you get. And when you blame me, you will get what is coming to you. You little bitch.
Are you channeling your orange fuhrer? Pretty spot on. 👌
---Wisconsin Legislature Should Decertify 2020 Election Results---

---Wisconsin Legislature Should Decertify 2020 Election Results---

Don't hold your breath.

Actually, scratch that. Go on. Hold your breath till the 2020 election is decertified. Any day now, right? :itsok:
3 states, MI, WI, PA, would need to be stolen for Biden to win. WI, MI exactly where 130K votes ALL for Biden show up in the middle of the night. PA where no-signature and late mail-in ballots concern SCOTUS enough to order impounding the ballots. But that is far from all of the supposedly non-existent evidence of fraud, which includes thousands of pages of affidavits, many from election officials, that was simply never heard. How can you say "no evidence" before you look at the evidence?

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman
Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.

"Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.
The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground -- immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.
Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name."

GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election

"Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that "intense bullying and coercion" plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no."

Nov 5, 2020 — Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Yup, sure did!
---Wisconsin Legislature Should Decertify 2020 Election Results---

If Biden is not the legitimate president, and he is not, then none of the SCOTUS judges he winds up seating are legitimate either. What a tangled web we weave.

Nov 5, 2020 — Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Yup, sure did!

LOL the standard libtard response to this. They were Milwaukee absentee ballots coming in (nothing about Michigan.) But even Milwaukee went 30% Trump.
3 states, MI, WI, PA, would need to be stolen for Biden to win. WI, MI exactly where 130K votes ALL for Biden show up in the middle of the night. PA where no-signature and late mail-in ballots concern SCOTUS enough to order impounding the ballots. But that is far from all of the supposedly non-existent evidence of fraud, which includes thousands of pages of affidavits, many from election officials, that was simply never heard. How can you say "no evidence" before you look at the evidence?

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman
Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.

"Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.
The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground -- immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.
Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name."

GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election

"Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that "intense bullying and coercion" plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no."
Sounds to me like, with all that evidence, you ought to be at the SCOTUS pounding on the door!

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