Michells Obama is a "tranny"

?It?s Not Mean, It?s Not Mean, It?s Not Mean?: Raging Joan Rivers Storms Off CNN Set | Video | TheBlaze.com

Joan Rivers recently came out and said that President Obama was America's first gay president and his wife is a "tranny", or transgender.

After saying these incredibly offensive comments, should Joan lose her NBA team?

Why? It is not like she said that the civil rights movement for blacks and being gay is equivalent. She never even mention race. She is just being her.
If she voted for Romney, then yes. Also any trademarks she might own.

Seriously, there must be a way to punish her. What can be done to her to make an example of her?

If she is allowed to say these offensive things and not be punished, others will follow. We must end this un-PC free speech.
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Let's see, which one would I rather look like?



The last First Frump or her mother in law? No.

How about the wannabe crazy Mrs. Romney? Don't think so.

Gotta be Michelle.
Let's see, which one would I rather look like?



The last First Frump or her mother in law? No.

How about the wannabe crazy Mrs. Romney? Don't think so.

Gotta be Michelle.

To hell with what they look like, I'd love to have Michelle Obama's education: Princeton and Harvard Law.

Queen Ann looks great even though she's a smoker, which is forbidden by the LDS Church but what the hell, when you have that kind of influence the Elders don't give you any $hit, if you know what I mean.
Let's see, which one would I rather look like?



The last First Frump or her mother in law? No.

How about the wannabe crazy Mrs. Romney? Don't think so.

Gotta be Michelle.

To hell with what they look like, I'd love to have Michelle Obama's education: Princeton and Harvard Law.

Queen Ann looks great even though she's a smoker, which is forbidden by the LDS Church but what the hell, when you have that kind of influence the Elders don't give you any $hit, if you know what I mean.

MO's the smartest one of the bunch as well. Ann Romney is a nutbar. Why wouldn't she be after living with all those boys and Mitten all these years.
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Let's see, which one would I rather look like?



The last First Frump or her mother in law? No.

How about the wannabe crazy Mrs. Romney? Don't think so.

Gotta be Michelle.

To hell with what they look like, I'd love to have Michelle Obama's education: Princeton and Harvard Law.

Queen Ann looks great even though she's a smoker, which is forbidden by the LDS Church but what the hell, when you have that kind of influence the Elders don't give you any $hit, if you know what I mean.

MO's the smartest one of the bunch as well. Ann Romney is a nutbar. Why wouldn't she be after living with all those boys and Mitten all these years.

Who gives rat's ass about Ann Romney?
You must have a very empty life. To go along with that melon on your shoulders, that been relieved of any significant mass.

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