Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?

Whoever is picked for VP would be president, if Beijing Biden were to be cheated into office. Joe keeps putting his shoes on his ears to go out and have a stern talk with that sassy squirrel who he has had a month long feud with....
Your thought is a worthy one. She'd be quite a strong candidate, and maybe more to the instant point would give Rump fits figuring out how to attack her.

What "criminal investigations of her husband's associates" would these be though? And how would they be relevant?
She has no experience leading or managing anything. How is she the prefect choice aside from name recognition?

Neither did Rump, but at least she's not a self-infatuated asshole.

Hell, she's a parent, at the most basic level. That alone puts here worlds past Rump and his obsession with avoiding any kind of responsibility for anything ever.
NOOOOO! Not MOOCH!!!!!!! You might as well get Barrack while you're at it.
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
Yes her vast experience as a ghost chairperson on the snack food council is all a person needs to run the most powerful nation on the planet. Or her gifted VP of Community Affairs job at Chicago University... man... literally a bastion of executive experience to gain there!
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
Michelle Michael Obama is rumored to be and has been photographed sporting a "male organ"...... You don't believe me? Search Michelle Obama Pen.s
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
You can’t investigate Democrats..
NOOOOO! Not MOOCH!!!!!!! You might as well get Barrack while you're at it.

What the OP is saying is that she, as president could pardon Barack and his gang of traitors who are in deeper shit every day.

If Beijing Biden isn't somehow put in office, then to be replaced by his VP, a LOT of the conspirators in rigging the 2016 election are going to prison. Barr may well indict a couple of the traitors before the election.

Obama is dirty - he engaged in treason - we all know it. The democrats have to figure out how to keep him from the needle.
She has no experience leading or managing anything. How is she the prefect choice aside from name recognition?

Of course she's experienced. Look at how she destroyed school cafeterias all over the country. He goal was to make fat kids skinny by forcing schools to present menus of her choice that were so bad, a kid would rather starve to death.

How many of us have lost weight since she got her husband to issue an order that all restaurants had to post calorie count on every item they sell. I bet you didn't know that big-mac combo was so fattening until you seen the calorie count next to it.
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
Michelle Michael Obama is rumored to be and has been photographed sporting a "male organ"...... You don't believe me? Search Michelle Obama Pen.s


Please focus on reality.

We have an ex-president, Barack Obama who engaged in treason and tampered with the 2016 presidential election. THAT is what matters.
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?
I seriously doubt Michelle wants to move back into a house built by slaves again and become a prisoner for 12 years.
NOOOOO! Not MOOCH!!!!!!! You might as well get Barrack while you're at it.

That is EXACTLY the point: Barrack would be an unofficial co-President if Michelle was elected. You may not like him, but MILLIONS still do.
Either for VP or President, Michelle Obama would be the perfect choice for Democrats this year. As the wife of the former President, she would be immune from questions about her own experience and would thus be seen as someone who could take over from Joe Biden before or after the election.

The biggest question so far is whether she would want to run for this office, but the criminal investigations of her husband's associates may make her candidacy a defensive imperative. If not her, who else could serve this purpose?

I doubt she wants anything to do with it. It would be pretty difficult for a person who's never been proud of this country until her husband got elected to make the case she'd be a good VP pick. Besides, Joe won't last very long, and her egomaniac husband would never allow her to make him First Gentleman.
Would that mean the Kenyan Faggot could finally fulfil his dream of being First Lady???

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