Michelle Obama is Coming

Step aside Joe and Kamala. They need someone who can win

I'm sorry but this is major tin foil hat material. It makes our side look bad to keep on bringing this up. It ain't happinin, no way, no how. Michelle Obama does not want this. She wouldn't be the nominee if everyone on the left got down on their hands and knees and begged her. All this shit is coming from tin foil hatters on the far right. None of it is coming from Michelle Obama or even democrats.
How do they plan to get rid of Sleepy Joe? a faked suicide? Maybe a "botched robbery" like what happened to Seth Rich?
Not that much of a stretch for Joe to say he wants to enjoy his retirement years (not that he hasn't been doing that already) and he wants to turn control over to someone younger...more vibrant.
It's not occurring. This is literally nothing substantial to support this. It's a bunch of right wing rumors being perpetuated on social media.

Exactly. Barry Obumma is already still in the background running things calling the shots for Joe these past 3 years without having to get up each day, shave, and put on nice clothes.
Kamala Harris was chosen for V.P as she was presumably the most qualified for the job. Mrs. Obama has no political experience as we hear so often. I'm not even sure the Dem Establishment would allow this as her husbands term would be fair game and plenty exposed they don't want exposed.

Politics is a very dirty game.
Not that much of a stretch for Joe to say he wants to enjoy his retirement years (not that he hasn't been doing that already) and he wants to turn control over to someone younger...more vibrant.
If Obama "asked" him to step aside for the "good" of the party (certainly not the country), I have no doubt he would

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