Michelle Obama Complains About Her Struggles

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Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Michelle Obama Complains About Her Struggles

Poor Michelle Obama. Did you know that she has struggled just like everyday folk? While giving one of her speeches without substance to a group of students assembled for a photo-op at the White House, the First Lady tried to be relatable by saying she too has struggled. It was a message made easier to digest because she left out the part how she is an elitist that has lived the charmed life.

“And then when you’re struggling, right? That’s all we talk about is struggling, right? When you are (she actually struggles to pronounce the word struggling) struggling, because you will. All of us do. We still do,” Obama said with a chuckle.

Wow, who knew Michelle had so many struggles. Not only has she struggled in the past, but also she still struggles today. I did a little research because I was interested in the obstacles she has faced and overcome:

Michelle went to a prestigious magnet high school and graduated with honors and as the class salutatorian. She then went to Princeton and graduated cum laude with a BA in sociology. From there she got a JD from Harvard Law School.

Straight out of college Michelle landed a job with the Sidley Austin law firm. She would go on to work as the assistant to the Mayor of Chicago and then Dean of Students at the University of Chicago.

Somewhere along the line she met this guy that didn’t have a real job but married him anyway. Despite this dude’s complete lack of credentials he was elected President of the United States, twice! She now divides her time between making children unhappy and taking lavish vacations on the taxpayer’s dime.

So much struggle. I don’t know how she was able to rise above it all. This is about as sincere as when white rapper Vanilla Ice used to claim gangsta-cred by saying he “was from the streets, yo.”

I’m not quite sure Michelle Obama understands what it means to struggle. It’s the opposite of having everything work out in your favor. It’s having to take a low-paying job because you can’t afford to go to college, not Ivy League degrees and White House parties. It’s having to deicide if you want food or electricity, not picking which designer to wear on your European vacation.

Maybe the FLOTUS was referring to that harrowing brush with racism she had a Target store when someone asked her for help. Perhaps she meant she struggled to keep time while slow dancing with Big Bird. Looking into her life, I can’t find anything that could even be considered a minor set back.

So what advice did Michelle Obama give to the students after complaining of her struggles? She told them to basically shut up and go to whatever sh*tty school that serves them.

“Go to the bad school that you have,” said Obama.

While not quite as bad as Hillary Clinton’s claim that she and Bubba where dead broke when they left the White House, Michelle Obama’s vague “struggles” smacks of democrat elitism. She’s also giving off that condescending Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake” vibe. Much like her husband, Michelle is completely out of touch with the problems the average person faces.

Michelle Obama Complains About Her Struggles - Downtrend
Compare and Contrast Ben Carson's struggles vs. Michelle Obama's. Look who was more privileged? Which one is more bitter?
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections

I must have missed where Bush and Romney were complaining about their struggles
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The only thing she probably struggled with was her weight

How anyone can sit and listen to that crap. it's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections

I must have missed where Bush and Romney were complaining about their struggles

You didn't... he's ranting as usual.
It never ends with Progressives, they're basically miserable people who can never be happy
Pretty amazing woman. Started with nothing, living in a one bedroom apartment and sleeping in the living room and through her own hard work, "graduated with honors" and went on to earn the respect of admiration of most of the world.

Both President and Mrs Obama are truly proof of that old saw that, in the US, you can be anything you're willing to work for.

Role models for us all.

Thanks to the OP for posting this.
I just noticed the OP's sig -

"We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given life. And it's up to you to make it good or bad".

Very appropriate that the OP should value and admire our wonderful First Family. The Obama's took the hand they were dealt and, by their own hard work, accomplished more than most of us will even dream of.
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections

While not being raised by multi-millionaires, she, like Mitt and W benefitted from a family that was politically connected. What I don't get is the bitterness when compared to Ben Carson. Carson does not demonize Mitt or W for having things better, why does Michelle and The Left demonize? Where and how did America fail Michelle Obama compared to Ben Carson? Why the bitterness?
Pretty amazing woman. Started with nothing, living in a one bedroom apartment and sleeping in the living room and through her own hard work, "graduated with honors" and went on to earn the respect of admiration of most of the world.

Both President and Mrs Obama are truly proof of that old saw that, in the US, you can be anything you're willing to work for.

Role models for us all.

Thanks to the OP for posting this.

A true rags to riches story

I wonder why Republicans would hate her so?
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections

While not being raised by multi-millionaires, she, like Mitt and W benefitted from a family that was politically connected. What I don't get is the bitterness when compared to Ben Carson. Carson does not demonize Mitt or W for having things better, why does Michelle and The Left demonize? Where and how did America fail Michelle Obama compared to Ben Carson? Why the bitterness?

They were politically connected?

Governor? President? Senator?

Do tell
I just noticed the OP's sig -

"We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given life. And it's up to you to make it good or bad".

Very appropriate that the OP should value and admire our wonderful First Family. The Obama's took the hand they were dealt and, by their own hard work, accomplished more than most of us will even dream of.

I don't value nor admire the cow, but keep trying
I just noticed the OP's sig -

"We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given life. And it's up to you to make it good or bad".

Very appropriate that the OP should value and admire our wonderful First Family. The Obama's took the hand they were dealt and, by their own hard work, accomplished more than most of us will even dream of.
We are given life if the blob carrier doesn't murder us first.
Yes, poor poor Michelle Obama

If she wants struggles, let her face what George Bush and Mitt Romney faced

It is not easy being a white male raised by multi-millionaires with huge political connections

I must have missed where Bush and Romney were complaining about their struggles
They never did. Sure, they could have lied and said they did in an effort to "relate to the average Joe".....but being disingenuous in an effort to get votes seems to be reserved for "poor folk" like Hillary Clinton.
Pretty amazing woman. Started with nothing, living in a one bedroom apartment and sleeping in the living room and through her own hard work, "graduated with honors" and went on to earn the respect of admiration of most of the world.

Both President and Mrs Obama are truly proof of that old saw that, in the US, you can be anything you're willing to work for.

Role models for us all.

Thanks to the OP for posting this.

President and Mrs. Obama are not different from previous Presidents and First Ladies that benefitted from privilege and family connections. If there is a President in my lifetime that had to work and pull himself out of meager upbringings it's Bill Clinton.
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