Michelle Costing Taxpayers Nearly $80,000 Just For Rental Cars In Trip To Japan

Evidently you have no concept of diplomacy
Sure I do. But, you can't justify what we're spending to kiss-A** over seas. are we any more secure? Do we have fair, equal, and just foreign trade with any of them? Exactly how have we benefitted?

Michelle Obama and the girls are one of our greatest assets in international relations

While John Kerry is responsible for the diplomatic issues the First Lady connects with the people in the nations she visits and does much to improve the image of our country abroad. She will dominate the news while she is in Japan

She is well worth what it costs
Cute, very cute. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom this morning. And, do you have anything on the games today? I have about 15 boards working and was curious as to whether my picks are solid or not?

Buffalo over West Virginia
I'm going with West Virginia. Wait. let me check to see which boards have more than the other. I took different teams on different boards. I may have taken both teams.
So you like Big 12 teams?
Evidently you have no concept of diplomacy
Sure I do. But, you can't justify what we're spending to kiss-A** over seas. are we any more secure? Do we have fair, equal, and just foreign trade with any of them? Exactly how have we benefitted?

Michelle Obama and the girls are one of our greatest assets in international relations

While John Kerry is responsible for the diplomatic issues the First Lady connects with the people in the nations she visits and does much to improve the image of our country abroad. She will dominate the news while she is in Japan

She is well worth what it costs
Cute, very cute. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom this morning. And, do you have anything on the games today? I have about 15 boards working and was curious as to whether my picks are solid or not?

Buffalo over West Virginia
I'm going with West Virginia. Wait. let me check to see which boards have more than the other. I took different teams on different boards. I may have taken both teams.

What do I know?

I went to Buffalo
Have you missed the news over the past 15 years?
Obviously you have.
How so?
Laura took 46 foreign trips, including 5 "goodwill" trips to Africa.
A HUGE waste of taxpayers' hard earned dollars. It's a shame they can do and get by with it.
Congress controls the funds. The House of Representatives to be specific. The trips are funded by the Republican controlled House. The funds being used for this specific trip was funded, hence approved, by the Republican's in the House. Go whine about it to them.
What difference does it make which party funded what? The point is that it's all borrowed money that future generations will be paying back. And, I doubt the benefits, if there are any, can't justify the enormous cost. How much interest are we paying on the national debt each month? Just curious here. And, what would be a better use of the money? Hey, what about infrastructure repairs and upgrades that would put Americans back to work? Just an idea, of course.
Sure I do. But, you can't justify what we're spending to kiss-A** over seas. are we any more secure? Do we have fair, equal, and just foreign trade with any of them? Exactly how have we benefitted?

Michelle Obama and the girls are one of our greatest assets in international relations

While John Kerry is responsible for the diplomatic issues the First Lady connects with the people in the nations she visits and does much to improve the image of our country abroad. She will dominate the news while she is in Japan

She is well worth what it costs
Cute, very cute. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom this morning. And, do you have anything on the games today? I have about 15 boards working and was curious as to whether my picks are solid or not?

Buffalo over West Virginia
I'm going with West Virginia. Wait. let me check to see which boards have more than the other. I took different teams on different boards. I may have taken both teams.
So you like Big 12 teams?
I picked Ohio State and Wiscon. I'll have to check the others. I have about 15 boards on ESPN and Yahoo. I have different picks to cover myself. I missed only three games yesterday. I missed Baylor, Iowa State, and SMU.
Sure I do. But, you can't justify what we're spending to kiss-A** over seas. are we any more secure? Do we have fair, equal, and just foreign trade with any of them? Exactly how have we benefitted?

Michelle Obama and the girls are one of our greatest assets in international relations

While John Kerry is responsible for the diplomatic issues the First Lady connects with the people in the nations she visits and does much to improve the image of our country abroad. She will dominate the news while she is in Japan

She is well worth what it costs
Cute, very cute. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom this morning. And, do you have anything on the games today? I have about 15 boards working and was curious as to whether my picks are solid or not?

Buffalo over West Virginia
I'm going with West Virginia. Wait. let me check to see which boards have more than the other. I took different teams on different boards. I may have taken both teams.

What do I know?

I went to Buffalo
It's all chance anyway. No sure things in March Madness.
So, we have to continue to suck up to them in order to be friends? We have to spend enormous amounts of money in order to be in their favor? Pleeeeeeease. Sorry, that boat doesn't float. And, exactly what qualifies Mrs. Obama as a diplomat and foreign relations expert?
That's what it's all about, if you don't go around and play the game, someone else will, and if we lost them, you'd be bitchin' about that also.....Okay Vern???
Exactly what have we gained. Please explain the justification. Thanks. So, this trip is going to greatly benefit the American people? If so, how?

What we have gained is we are spreading our culture to other areas of the world. Michelle Obama is very approachable and has great rapport with children and common people around the world

She is very good at what she does
Oh, I see. So, culture is not working here in America where we've become the salad bowl of the world? Exactly how many nationalities are represented in this country? How much real estate do they own? How many large corporations are they part owners of? Pleeeeease.

You are the one who questioned if we are liked around the world

When Michelle Obama visits those countries it is clear that the answer is yes. Internationally, Michelle Obama and the girls are like rock stars. They draw crowds, stop traffic are the top news story while they are there
That's wonderful. It's great. We should all be liked so well.
Pleeeease. Tell that line of BS to someone that doesn't know any better.

Evidently you have no concept of diplomacy
Sure I do. But, you can't justify what we're spending to kiss-A** over seas. are we any more secure? Do we have fair, equal, and just foreign trade with any of them? Exactly how have we benefitted?

Michelle Obama and the girls are one of our greatest assets in international relations

While John Kerry is responsible for the diplomatic issues the First Lady connects with the people in the nations she visits and does much to improve the image of our country abroad. She will dominate the news while she is in Japan

She is well worth what it costs
Cute, very cute. Thanks, I needed that bit of wisdom this morning. And, do you have anything on the games today? I have about 15 boards working and was curious as to whether my picks are solid or not?

Buffalo over West Virginia
It's possible. Strange things are happening again this year.
Michelle Obama excells at stepping out from the reception line and interracting with the people she meets. She does a great job representing our nation

Show me any corporate big shot who would take on a job the size of the US Presidency for a lousy $450K a year, and I'll jump on the pettiness bandwagon with the righties and the tea baggers.

Most of them are rich to begin with. so they aren't there for the frikken pay. People will accept cheap if it means they can have POWER over others. And be so evil They want to Transform a whole country they supposedly, LOVES
Show me any corporate big shot who would take on a job the size of the US Presidency for a lousy $450K a year, and I'll jump on the pettiness bandwagon with the righties and the tea baggers.

Most of them are rich to begin with. so they aren't there for the frikken pay. People will accept cheap if it means they can have POWER over others
AMEN !!!! Exactly right. It's egos and power, nothing more.

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