Michael Mann - The Storm Damage was Caused by Manmade Climate Change.

Where are all the missing links mr. smart guy catholic?
Genetic mutations easily explains that. Long periods of stasis followed by abrupt changes... genetic mutations. It's called punctuated equilibrium. Maybe read "The Phenomenon of Man."
You can't make up stories about 3 million years ago when we already know that the earth is young! Are you going to start sinning now by disavowing Genesis too?

Your catholic church is going a bit too far with it's latest policy of subscribing to Darwin. You yourself are quoted as completely accepting the fossil record!
It's common knowledge that the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet. The planet has been bipolar glaciated for the last 3 million years with the north pole cycling between long periods of frigid temperature and short intervals of warm temperatures. These glaciation and deglaciation cycles affect the temperature of the entire planet; atmosphere and oceans. I'm getting tired of explaining it to you. So either get this through your thick skull or fuck off.
Scientists primarily know about the 30 glacial cycles

This is the Co2 FRAUD.

It is completely refuted by the ICE CORES.

To keep endlessly pushing the "glacials" as real is PROOF YOU ARE PART OF THE CO2 FRAUD AND HAVE NO REGARD FOR TRUTH
Glaciers leave behind marks on the landscape, LIKE LONG ISLAND.
Long Island, as part of the Outer Lands region, is formed largely of two spines of glacial moraine, with a large, sandy outwash plain beyond. These moraines consist of gravel and loose rock left behind during the two most recent pulses of Wisconsin glaciation during the ice ages some 21,000 years ago (19,000 BC). - Wikipedia

and you have just entered the debate over North American Ice Age vs. Milankovich aka McBullshit

The whole concept of a "pulse" of an "ice age" (as they define it) is complete BS. We have really good data on Greenland. They have absolutely nothing backing up McBullshit....

and McBullshit it really is... just read the OPs of these three to understand what the debate is and how laughable McBullshit is...

This is the Co2 FRAUD.

It is completely refuted by the ICE CORES.

To keep endlessly pushing the "glacials" as real is PROOF YOU ARE PART OF THE CO2 FRAUD AND HAVE NO REGARD FOR TRUTH
It's just empirical climate evidence of the geologic record.
glacial cycles.png

ocean temperature.png


glacial mininum and interglacial maximum.jpg


glacial cycles.gif
Thank you for confirming that you are indeed a moron. :clap:
Well at least it' true that anyone speculating on questions concerning the Ark, would be morons.

I no longer speculate. The heads sticking out of the roof weren't giraffes, they were Brontosaurus. 21st. century children know that now at least!
Well at least it' true that anyone speculating on questions concerning the Ark, would be morons.

I no longer speculate. The heads sticking out of the roof weren't giraffes, they were Brontosaurus. 21st. century children know that now at least!
That's not why you're a moron. You're a moron because you brought up the Ark narrative in the environmental forum in a discussion on man made climate change.

But just to close the circle, I see people believing that hurricanes are signs of man made global warming the exact same way as I see people reading the account of the flood literally... idiots.
That's not why you're a moron. You're a moron because you brought up the Ark narrative in the environmental forum in a discussion on man made climate change.

But just to close the circle, I see people believing that hurricanes are signs of man made global warming the exact same way as I see people reading the account of the flood literally... idiots.
Tell your fellow Catholics what the qualification demanded by your church is, that then permits them to believe Darwinian evolution. The great flood then becomes either factual or it can be just a story that was never meant to be believed literally.

There will then be peace in their hearts, knowing that they can accept the 'big fish, the flood, or Noah's ark or simply laugh at all those silly stories, and still be o.k. with the god.

Stop pretending you don't know the answer!
Tell your fellow Catholics what the qualification demanded by your church is, that then permits them to believe Darwinian evolution. The great flood then becomes either factual or it can be just a story that was never meant to be believed literally.

There will then be peace in their hearts, knowing that they can accept the 'big fish, the flood, or Noah's ark or simply laugh at all those silly stories, and still be o.k. with the god.

Stop pretending you don't know the answer!
Why don't you create a thread in the bull ring and I'll address it there. Mano a mano.
Why don't you create a thread in the bull ring and I'll address it there. Mano a mano.
No, it's one simple question that can be answered in 5 or 6 words.

And of course there's noting to debate!

Are you now suggesting that catholics can't choose to believe Darwinian evolution?
No, it's one simple question that can be answered in 5 or 6 words.

And of course there's noting to debate!

Are you now suggesting that catholics can't choose to believe Darwinian evolution?
There's always something to correct with a compulsive liar like you. Tee it up. I'll make you my bitch. Again.
The "official Co2 FRAUD geologic record" is a pile of fudge from at best dirty data not about temperature, but about isotopes....

If you believe it, you are a real moron.

The Co2 FRAUD is completely destroyed by two indisputable truths.

1. Greenland froze while North America thawed
2. both Greenland and Antarctica grew ice straight through the Co2 FRAUD's bullshit "interglacials"
The "official Co2 FRAUD geologic record" is a pile of fudge from at best dirty data not about temperature, but about isotopes....

If you believe it, you are a real moron.

The Co2 FRAUD is completely destroyed by two indisputable truths.

1. Greenland froze while North America thawed
2. both Greenland and Antarctica grew ice straight through the Co2 FRAUD's bullshit "interglacials"
It's just empirical climate evidence of the geologic record.
But he is still saying that it can be stopped if we take action now on eliminating our use of fossil fuels. The time for the denial is over, regardless of Trump needing to deny for his political purposes.

Responsible Americans need to come out of their closets and express themselves now! Their god has no control over the situation anymore!

As if he ever did??

You wonder if

"man made climate change" includes

cloud seeing - chem trails

nuclear subs under the eye of the storm with microwave emitters at full blast
The Co2 FRAUD is completely destroyed by two indisputable truths.
It's been destroyed by the empirical climate evidence from the geologic record that I have been sharing. Not by your incoherent ramblings of idiocy.

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