Michael Mann - The Storm Damage was Caused by Manmade Climate Change.

But he is still saying that it can be stopped if we take action now on eliminating our use of fossil fuels. The time for the denial is over, regardless of Trump needing to deny for his political purposes.

Responsible Americans need to come out of their closets and express themselves now! Their god has no control over the situation anymore!

As if he ever did??
Michael Mann is the guy with the debunked 'hockey stick' graph that started this whole global warming/climate change hysteria. He comes out from his eco bunker to capitalize on a storm disaster that is typical. One has to be a real ignorant loon to follow Mann. Biden said he was going to kill fossil fuels, I hope Trump kills the 'green' movement.
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It's been destroyed by the empirical climate evidence from the geologic record that I have been sharing. Not by your incoherent ramblings of idiocy.

Your "geologic record" is a giant pile of fudged fraud and laughably dirty and uncontrolled Oxygen isotope = temps bs.
Michael Mann is the guy with the debunked 'hockey stick' graph that started this whole global warming/climate change hysteria. He comes out from his eco bunker to capitalize on a storm disaster that is typical. One has to be a real ignorant loon to follow Mann. Biden said he was going to kill fossil fuels, I hope Trump kills the 'green' movement.
You wonder if

"man made climate change" includes

cloud seeing - chem trails

nuclear subs under the eye of the storm with microwave emitters at full blast
Since your confusion on tide rise and fall, I always look forward to what you'll say next?

This time it seems to be something about submarine contrails!
Michael Mann is the guy with the debunked 'hockey stick' graph
Mann's hockey stick graph (actually Mann, Bradley, Hughes 1999) has not been "debunked". It has been verified over and over and over again.
that started this whole global warming/climate change hysteria.
The concern of the world's scientists that human CO2 emissions were warming the planet predates Mann's graph by many decades.
He comes out from his eco bunker to capitalize on a storm disaster that is typical.
Mann is currently director of the Center for Science, Sustainability & the Media at the University of Pennsylvania. He does not live in an "eco bunker", whatever that's supposed to be.
One has to be a real ignorant loon to follow Mann.
Thousands of scientists have cited Mann's work - it is widely respected. You'd have to be "a real ignorant loon" to think otherwise.
Biden said he was going to kill fossil fuels, I hope Trump kills the 'green' movement.
He would have to get elected first and since 2016, he's done nothing but lose, so... I suspect the "green" movement will continue to exist for the foreseeable future. But, just out of curiosity, even if Trump were president, how do you think he could "kill" the green movement? Pronouncement? Fiat? Executive Order? Sic Seal Team Six on them?
Since your confusion on tide rise and fall, I always look forward to what you'll say next?

This time it seems to be something about submarine contrails!

If you are part of Co2 FRAUD, and you have billions $$$ to spend and DEEP STATE allies in high places, what can you do. The hurricane data shows no breakout in canes...

strongest decade 1940s, second place 1890s..... NO BREAKOUT in cane activity...

Last time a Cat 5 got far enough north to hit Massachusetts with 180 mph wind??? 1938

You need to change that. You need to show canes are "increasing" to keep morons believing. So what can you do?

Well, that would be cloud seeding/chem trails to increase H2O in the cane, and the most important thing is warming the water right under the cane. We have nuclear subs and we have microwave emitters. Fit those emitters on 5 nuke subs in formation inside the eye and....

Cane strength is directly proportional to ocean temps right under the cane. Since we know ocean temps aren't rising which is why canes are not breaking out, and you have Billions to spend on the Co2 FRAUD, GO FOR IT....
If you are part of Co2 FRAUD, and you have billions $$$ to spend and DEEP STATE allies in high places, what can you do. The hurricane data shows no breakout in canes...

strongest decade 1940s, second place 1890s..... NO BREAKOUT in cane activity...

Last time a Cat 5 got far enough north to hit Massachusetts with 180 mph wind??? 1938

You need to change that. You need to show canes are "increasing" to keep morons believing. So what can you do?

Well, that would be cloud seeding/chem trails to increase H2O in the cane, and the most important thing is warming the water right under the cane. We have nuclear subs and we have microwave emitters. Fit those emitters on 5 nuke subs in formation inside the eye and....

Cane strength is directly proportional to ocean temps right under the cane. Since we know ocean temps aren't rising which is why canes are not breaking out, and you have Billions to spend on the Co2 FRAUD, GO FOR IT....
First we have to get you straight on the simple stuff like tides, before you start on canes. Canes?
Hurricanes. It's like your version of the big fish compulsion.
For the record, my version says that it's not a true story but it contains a lesson.

Religion is simply saying that if you don't believe then you will drown. This is why the story was tailored for children IMO.

A bit ironic that the 'big fish' story makes the most sense if it's believed to be the same message on drowning!

Not to even have to mention baptism, in which the priest saves the child.
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For the record, my version says that it's not a true story but it contains a lesson.

Religion is simply saying that if you don't believe then you will drown. This is why the story was tailored for children IMO.

A bit ironic that the 'big fish' story makes the most sense if it's believed to be the same message on drowning!

Not to even have to mention baptism, in which the priest saves the child.
You are drowning though. But that's still not what it is saying. What it is saying is too deep for you to understand because you aren't ready for it.

But getting back to my point, EMH obsesses over something he doesn't understand but has an opinion on. Which is exactly what you do.
You are drowning though. But that's still not what it is saying. What it is saying is too deep for you to understand because you aren't ready for it.
I have no unnatural or elevated fear of drowning.
But getting back to my point, EMH obsesses over something he doesn't understand but has an opinion on.
Yes, and he thinks it's clever to talk about 'canes'. He's one of the most mentally challenged on this board.
Which is exactly what you do.
I'm not accepting just any beliefs on Christianity or the bibles' intent, but I'm not ruling out any versions. In that respect I'm probably closer to your views than anyone. Possibly not Meri?

And my beliefs are now since the 50's acceptable to the CC. That is, with the exception of believing the god created everything. That, as of a few minutes ago, now matches your beliefs on the god not being responsible for everything.

Therefore, contrary to the CC, we believe that the god isn't responsible for ?? We'll make a list.
I have no unnatural or elevated fear of drowning.

Yes, and he thinks it's clever to talk about 'canes'. He's one of the most mentally challenged on this board.

I'm not accepting just any beliefs on Christianity or the bibles' intent, but I'm not ruling out any versions. In that respect I'm probably closer to your views than anyone. Possibly not Meri?

And my beliefs are now since the 50's acceptable to the CC. That is, with the exception of believing the god created everything. That, as of a few minutes ago, now matches your beliefs on the god not being responsible for everything.

Therefore, contrary to the CC, we believe that the god isn't responsible for ?? We'll make a list.
Try to follow the thread. You are drowning, your arguing against God is the proof. You're thrashing around. You're fighting it.
Therefore, contrary to the CC, we believe that the god isn't responsible for ?? We'll make a list.
I have no idea what you are trying to say here but maybe research what the catechism says before speaking for the Church. For instance...

"...If God the Father almighty, the Creator of the ordered and good world, cares for all his creatures, why does evil exist? To this question, as pressing as it is unavoidable and as painful as it is mysterious, no quick answer will suffice. Only Christian faith as a whole constitutes the answer to this question: the goodness of creation, the drama of sin and the patient love of God who comes to meet man by his covenants, the redemptive Incarnation of his Son, his gift of the Spirit, his gathering of the Church, the power of the sacraments and his call to a blessed life to which free creatures are invited to consent in advance, but from which, by a terrible mystery, they can also turn away in advance. There is not a single aspect of the Christian message that is not in part an answer to the question of evil.
But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it? With infinite power God could always create something better. But with infinite wisdom and goodness God freely willed to create a world "in a state of journeying" towards its ultimate perfection. In God's plan this process of becoming involves the appearance of certain beings and the disappearance of others, the existence of the more perfect alongside the less perfect, both constructive and destructive forces of nature. With physical good there exists also physical evil as long as creation has not reached perfection.
For almighty God. . ., because he is supremely good, would never allow any evil whatsoever to exist in his works if he were not so all-powerful and good as to cause good to emerge from evil itself.
In time we can discover that God in his almighty providence can bring a good from the consequences of an evil, even a moral evil, caused by his creatures: "It was not you", said Joseph to his brothers, "who sent me here, but God. . . You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive." From the greatest moral evil ever committed - the rejection and murder of God's only Son, caused by the sins of all men - God, by his grace that "abounded all the more", brought the greatest of goods: the glorification of Christ and our redemption. But for all that, evil never becomes a good.
We know that in everything God works for good for those who love him. The constant witness of the saints confirms this truth..."
Paraphrased and excerpted from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
So in summary... life isn't fair. Expect to make sacrifices.
So in summary... life isn't fair. Expect to make sacrifices.
Stop whining about life being unfair. That's not going to make it any fairer for you. If you're having to make sacrifices then you've probably made bad choices. You can tell me about how life is unfair to you if you like. Sometimes it helps.

Even Meri has accepted responsibility for the bad choices she has made that have resulted in undesirable consequences. She doesn't whine about it!
Stop whining about life being unfair. That's not going to make it any fairer for you. If you're having to make sacrifices then you've probably made bad choices. You can tell me about how life is unfair to you if you like. Sometimes it helps.

Even Meri has accepted responsibility for the bad choices she has made that have resulted in undesirable consequences. She doesn't whine about it!
I'm not whining, I'm stating a reality. You are the one whining about life being unfair when you argue God should have done a better job. So maybe take your own advice.

I don't expect life to be fair. I already know it isn't. I embrace my sacrifices just as Christ embraced his. You are playing a losing hand but let's play it out to see just in case.
Even Meri has accepted responsibility for the bad choices she has made that have resulted in undesirable consequences. She doesn't whine about it!
Original sin wasn't about disobeying God. It was about not taking accountability for it. Many a saint have pondered this.

So yes, taking responsibility is quite powerful. You can't fix what you don't acknowledge is broken. But that's not what this discussion is about. I'm not whining about life isn't fair as an excuse for anything I have done wrong. I'm arguing that it is quite self evident that life isn't fair. I'm surprised a left leaning individual like yourself would argue life is fair. I'm actually quite shocked by that. I don't think you want to pull on that thread. It won't end well for you.
I know that, when I want an informed opinion on a complicated scientific topic, I run to the first uneducated slob I can find!

What else are we going.to ask DrSantis about? The standard model of quantum mechanics?

You missed it!!!? Or avoided it!!! Check his numbers. I did!!

“Tornadoes – I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all human history, for sure, especially in Florida.

How does this storm rate – in kind of – the history of storms.

I think this storm hit with a barometric pressure of – what was it – about 950 millibars when it hit,”

“If you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric, so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is”.

“I think there have been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure on landfall than Milton did, and of those, 17 occurred I think prior to 1960.”

“The most powerful hurricane on record since the 1850s in the state of Florida occurred in the 1930s, the Labor Day Hurricane, barometric pressure on that was 892 millibars,”

“It totally wiped out the Keys. We’ve never seen anything like it, and that remains head and shoulders above any powerful hurricane that we’ve ever had in the state of Florida.”

“The deadliest hurricane the state has ever faced was the Okeechobee hurricane in 1928, which killed more than 4,000 people.”

“Fortunately, we aren’t going to have anything like that this time.”

“So, I just think people should put this in perspective there.”

“They try to take different things that happen with tropical weather and act like it’s something, there’s nothing new under the sun”.

You know, this is something that the state has dealt with for its entire history, and it’s something that will continue to deal with.”

“I think what’s changed is we’ve got 23 million people, a storm that hits are likely to hit more people and property than it would have 100 years ago, and so the potential for that damage has grown, but what’s also changed is our ability to do the prevention, to pre-stage the assets,”

“I mean, we never did the pre-staging of power assets until I became governor. Now, people like expect that, but that wasn’t what was done in the past.”

“That’s why people would be out with power for three weeks when we have hurricanes, we thought that that’s not good. Now we have to pay to get these guys to come in, but my view is, the quicker you get everyone hooked up, the better off the economy is going to be anyway.”

In response to another reporter’s question regarding the claim that human caused global warming was causing increasing intensification of storms Governor DeSantis noted:

“Oh, I think most people remember 2004, right, where it seemed like we had storms occur every other week”

“You know that we had no hurricanes at all from 2006 to 2016.”

“There was a time period we had a lot of hurricanes in the 1940s.”

“So, this situation has a lot of similarities to what happened in 2004.”


You missed it!!!? Or avoided it!!! Check his numbers. I did!!

“Tornadoes – I think you can go back and find tornadoes for all human history, for sure, especially in Florida.

How does this storm rate – in kind of – the history of storms.

I think this storm hit with a barometric pressure of – what was it – about 950 millibars when it hit,”

“If you go back to 1851, there’s probably been 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric, so the lower the barometric pressure, the stronger it is”.

“I think there have been about 27 hurricanes that have had lower barometric pressure on landfall than Milton did, and of those, 17 occurred I think prior to 1960.”

“The most powerful hurricane on record since the 1850s in the state of Florida occurred in the 1930s, the Labor Day Hurricane, barometric pressure on that was 892 millibars,”

“It totally wiped out the Keys. We’ve never seen anything like it, and that remains head and shoulders above any powerful hurricane that we’ve ever had in the state of Florida.”

“The deadliest hurricane the state has ever faced was the Okeechobee hurricane in 1928, which killed more than 4,000 people.”

“Fortunately, we aren’t going to have anything like that this time.”

“So, I just think people should put this in perspective there.”

“They try to take different things that happen with tropical weather and act like it’s something, there’s nothing new under the sun”.

You know, this is something that the state has dealt with for its entire history, and it’s something that will continue to deal with.”

“I think what’s changed is we’ve got 23 million people, a storm that hits are likely to hit more people and property than it would have 100 years ago, and so the potential for that damage has grown, but what’s also changed is our ability to do the prevention, to pre-stage the assets,”

“I mean, we never did the pre-staging of power assets until I became governor. Now, people like expect that, but that wasn’t what was done in the past.”

“That’s why people would be out with power for three weeks when we have hurricanes, we thought that that’s not good. Now we have to pay to get these guys to come in, but my view is, the quicker you get everyone hooked up, the better off the economy is going to be anyway.”

In response to another reporter’s question regarding the claim that human caused global warming was causing increasing intensification of storms Governor DeSantis noted:

“Oh, I think most people remember 2004, right, where it seemed like we had storms occur every other week”

“You know that we had no hurricanes at all from 2006 to 2016.”

“There was a time period we had a lot of hurricanes in the 1940s.”

“So, this situation has a lot of similarities to what happened in 2004.”

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What point do you imgaine you just made?

Helen strengthend very quickly due to warm waters.

Manmade Climate change is almost certainly is responsible for these unusually warm waters.

You have not touched and will not touch these facts.

Now post all the forest fires in history, to prove people can't start forest fires. 🙄

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