Michael Mann - The Storm Damage was Caused by Manmade Climate Change.

What point do you imgaine you just made?

Helen strengthend very quickly due to warm waters.

Manmade Climate change is almost certainly is responsible for these unusually warm waters.

You have not touched and will not touch these facts.

Now post all the forest fires in history, to prove people can't start forest fires. 🙄
So what accounted for previous hurricanes; cavemen playing with flint?? You are really quite stupid!!

Manmade Climate change is almost certainly is responsible for these unusually warm waters.
No. That would be the sun. It's idiotic to believe the atmosphere - which contains 1/1000 the heat of the ocean and is 1/300 the mass of the ocean is heating the ocean.

Do you suppose the ocean warming is a new thing?

Helen strengthend very quickly due to warm waters.
Do you suppose hurricanes today are materially different compared to hurricanes from the previous interglacial period which was 2C warmer than today with 26 ft higher seas than today?
glacial cycles.png
Manmade Climate change is almost certainly is responsible for these unusually warm waters.
Why do you believe the waters are unusually warm? What is your point of reference for normal?


these unusually warm waters

Waters? = HEBREW TO ENGLISH translation software issues again???

Hurricane data actually proves oceans are NOT WARMING, and the 1938 hurricane proves water off the Atlantic Coast is way colder for the past 5 decades than it was in 1938...
The junk Ding posted above is all about Vlostok and believing oxygen isotopes in Antarctic ice = global temps, which is pathetic and laughable.

O isotope data is dirty and uncontrolled, and the spikes down are almost certainly volcanic eruptions on the peninsula 180 degrees misinterpreted by dirty uncontrolled O isotope data...

All the Co2 FRAUD did is take that dirty uncontrolled data and paste it on oceans and global "temps," which is beyond pathetic, even for the Co2 FRAUD....
But he is still saying that it can be stopped if we take action now on eliminating our use of fossil fuels. The time for the denial is over, regardless of Trump needing to deny for his political purposes.

Responsible Americans need to come out of their closets and express themselves now! Their god has no control over the situation anymore!

As if he ever did??

Q. By how much must we lower America's CO2 emissions in order to prevent hurricanes?

A. $3 Trillion annually, but there will still be hurricanes
Mann's hockey stick graph (actually Mann, Bradley, Hughes 1999) has not been "debunked". It has been verified over and over and over again.

The concern of the world's scientists that human CO2 emissions were warming the planet predates Mann's graph by many decades.

Mann is currently director of the Center for Science, Sustainability & the Media at the University of Pennsylvania. He does not live in an "eco bunker", whatever that's supposed to be.

Thousands of scientists have cited Mann's work - it is widely respected. You'd have to be "a real ignorant loon" to think otherwise.

He would have to get elected first and since 2016, he's done nothing but lose, so... I suspect the "green" movement will continue to exist for the foreseeable future. But, just out of curiosity, even if Trump were president, how do you think he could "kill" the green movement? Pronouncement? Fiat? Executive Order? Sic Seal Team Six on them?


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