Michael Giles: Petition to commute Veteran's 25-year sentence


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Petition Update Michael s Hearing Postponed by State Attorney Change.org

Just got notice that the Hearing for Michael Giles has been postponed.

From the above link:

"My husband and I are proud military veterans, with a combined 40 years of service, and we were proud when our son also chose to serve his country. Michael completed a tour in Iraq and Kuwait and was looking forward to furthering his career in the military, but now all of that has changed. We believe that we have raised a good man. He had no prior criminal offenses, no history of violence, and was a outstanding father and Airman. So we do not understand how the state of Florida could sentence him to a mandatory 25 years for defending himself."

"Our family just does not understand how a man who proudly fought for his country, and spent 6 years proudly serving as a U.S Airman, could lose the right to live his life for defending himself. The fact is, Michael was attacked, and he was afraid the group fighting would kill him. He fired his legally registered weapon to gain the opportunity to run, from somewhere he had the legal right to be. His attacker not only attacked him but he admitted to attacking others that night.

This sentence has destroyed our family and we hope you will sign this petition to ask Governor Rick Scott and the Clemency Board to commute the sentence of Michael Giles."

I emailed the family and encouraged them to get in contact with Allen West and his foundation to help Veterans.

What is going on, when people get probated sentences for killing others (claiming self-defense), when this man who didn't kill anyone (but causes injury using a gun for defense) gets 25 years. Really?
Better description of the incident here.

Florida s Gun Laws Are Putting People in Prison for Standing Their Ground VICE United States

He retreated from a massive melee, but grabbed a weapon then lingered in proximity to the fight. When someone then assaulted him he used his weapon.

Sorry but he got what he deserved. If he was in fear of his life, he could have withdrawn, should have withdrawn. Not picked up a weapon and waited around.

The other problem was he was in fear of his friends' lives, not just his.
So it is not just self-defense. What do you do if it is up to you because no police are there?

This is why I would recommend that all citizens, especially ones bearing arms, take the same
training and oath as police officers, so there is a signed written agreement to follow the same policies and procedures.
Then these assaults and conflicts can be prevented at the start; if people cannot even agree to follow civil policies,
they would already require counseling to correct any criminal behaviors preventing them from complying voluntarily.

My personal opinion is the sentence should be less, especially when killing someone gets that much or less.
It should be proportional. Maybe if the person who instigated the fight would normally get 5-10 years for assault, then if that is waived for getting shot instead, then subtract those 5-10 years from the shooter's sentence since he got assaulted.

There was someone in Pasadena/Greater Houston who stretched the castle doctrine
to cover a neighbor's house that was being robbed. He got no-billed/no charges, as the public
in Houston, Texas, was sympathetic and against illegal immigrants getting away with crimes,
but in a different place or situation, that could have been seen as too far a stretch and illegal to play cop.
Better description of the incident here.

Florida s Gun Laws Are Putting People in Prison for Standing Their Ground VICE United States

He retreated from a massive melee, but grabbed a weapon then lingered in proximity to the fight. When someone then assaulted him he used his weapon.

Sorry but he got what he deserved. If he was in fear of his life, he could have withdrawn, should have withdrawn. Not picked up a weapon and waited around.

The other problem was he was in fear of his friends' lives, not just his.
So it is not just self-defense. What do you do if it is up to you because no police are there?

This is why I would recommend that all citizens, especially ones bearing arms, take the same
training and oath as police officers, so there is a signed written agreement to follow the same policies and procedures.
Then these assaults and conflicts can be prevented at the start; if people cannot even agree to follow civil policies,
they would already require counseling to correct any criminal behaviors preventing them from complying voluntarily.

My personal opinion is the sentence should be less, especially when killing someone gets that much or less.
It should be proportional. Maybe if the person who instigated the fight would normally get 5-10 years for assault, then if that is waived for getting shot instead, then subtract those 5-10 years from the shooter's sentence since he got assaulted.

There was someone in Pasadena/Greater Houston who stretched the castle doctrine
to cover a neighbor's house that was being robbed. He got no-billed/no charges, as the public
in Houston, Texas, was sympathetic and against illegal immigrants getting away with crimes,
but in a different place or situation, that could have been seen as too far a stretch and illegal to play cop.

He didn't fire in defense of his friends, so that part's irrelevant. He only fired after someone hit himself.

He lingered around a situation he claims put him in fear for his life. Ok, so then he goes to his car, has the chance to flee being so scared, doesn't, but instead arms himself then waits around. That's not someone in fear of his life or his friends' lives. That's someone thinking "Please come mess with me, I'll blow you away."
His being a soldier btw only hurts his case. A soldier will know the rules of engagement where you can't fire unless fired upon. He fired to a physical fist type assault that wasn't especially serious (he didn't lose consciousness or receive a mortal wound like.) That he legged the guy suggests he meant to instead of kill him, but was still outside the law.

Can't have trained professional soldiers feeling free to shoot civilians because they frightened them. If anyone sholda known better, it's the professional soldier. This isn't "Streets of Fire." :)

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