Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

We don't know that since the prosecutor overlooked Johnson's testimony that Wilson use his vehicle as a weapon.

This case should have gone to trial.

Wasn't Johnson the one who said Brown was shot in the back? Why would you believe anything from a witness who has an incentive to lie, has been proven to have lied, and who just robbed a store? Why would you? Can you show somewhere that Wilson has a history of abuses against blacks or minorities? Why would Wilson suddenly do something out of character like this? Keep in mind Wilson was on the way to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem , while brown had just roughed up a store clerk. Now put their respective frame of minds side by side on your balance sheet, and see what probable actions would correspond.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

A) The physical evidence proves that didn't happen
B) Missouri law allows a LEO to shoot a fleeing felon in the back
C) You are a lying, pathetic POS
The physical evidence doesn't prove that Wilson didn't shoot at Brown as he was fleeing. Another lie on your part or just abject stupidity?
Yes it does. The shell casings prove it and the location of those shell casings and all the hits on Brown prove Brown was not running away when fired on. Further witnesses stated as much.
And other witnesses said he was. Now what?
Wasn't Johnson the one who said Brown was shot in the back? Why would you believe anything from a witness who has an incentive to lie, has been proven to have lied, and who just robbed a store? Why would you? Can you show somewhere that Wilson has a history of abuses against blacks or minorities? Why would Wilson suddenly do something out of character like this? Keep in mind Wilson was on the way to a call to help a kid with a respiratory problem , while brown had just roughed up a store clerk. Now put their respective frame of minds side by side on your balance sheet, and see what probable actions would correspond.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

A) The physical evidence proves that didn't happen
B) Missouri law allows a LEO to shoot a fleeing felon in the back
C) You are a lying, pathetic POS
The physical evidence doesn't prove that Wilson didn't shoot at Brown as he was fleeing. Another lie on your part or just abject stupidity?

Was he shot in the back? Nope, So anyone who said he was , is a liar.
Johnson didn't say he was shot in the back, asshole.

Oh? Not many people would choose to run backwards while fleeing from the police. Bold choice.
No, Johnson testified that Wilson shot at Brown as Brown was running away.

Ferguson Documents What Michael Brown s Friend Saw The Two-Way NPR

A) The physical evidence proves that didn't happen
B) Missouri law allows a LEO to shoot a fleeing felon in the back
C) You are a lying, pathetic POS
The physical evidence doesn't prove that Wilson didn't shoot at Brown as he was fleeing. Another lie on your part or just abject stupidity?

Was he shot in the back? Nope, So anyone who said he was , is a liar.
Johnson didn't say he was shot in the back, asshole.

Oh? Not many people would choose to run backwards while fleeing from the police. Bold choice.
Ok, I'm going to go with you are abjectly stupid.
A) The physical evidence proves that didn't happen
B) Missouri law allows a LEO to shoot a fleeing felon in the back
C) You are a lying, pathetic POS
The physical evidence doesn't prove that Wilson didn't shoot at Brown as he was fleeing. Another lie on your part or just abject stupidity?

Was he shot in the back? Nope, So anyone who said he was , is a liar.
Johnson didn't say he was shot in the back, asshole.

Oh? Not many people would choose to run backwards while fleeing from the police. Bold choice.
Ok, I'm going to go with you are abjectly stupid.

Stop talking to yourself Ravi

Tell me how anyone could be RUNNING from the police and be shot ANYWHERE but from the direction the police was at.. Wilson was BEHIND Brown when Brown was fleeing. Therefor logically he would have been shot in the BACK if Wilson shot him while he was fleeing.

I mean my God, that's not even debatable Ravi.
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."

Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."

Thank you.

If Wilson shot at a fleeing Brown and missed, it doesn't mean Wilson didn't try to shoot him in the back.

I also read that Brown had a graze wound on his arm that could have hit him if fired at him if he were facing Wilson or running from Wilson.

The results are inconclusive.
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Johnson said he was surrendering for all intents and purposes. "I don't have a gun".
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Johnson said he was surrendering for all intents and purposes. "I don't have a gun".

"I don't have a gun" as you are charging the police isn't surrendering

With that being said, I've given you FAR longer than I should have. Welcome to my ignore list. Goodbye Ravi
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Johnson said he was surrendering for all intents and purposes. "I don't have a gun".

"I don't have a gun" as you are charging the police isn't surrendering

With that being said, I've given you FAR longer than I should have. Welcome to my ignore list. Goodbye Ravi
Your concession is noted.

We only have Wilson's word that Brown was charging.
Have you ever seen someone do an accurate shot at 148 feet? That is one fantastic shot. And to do it twice is so far off the charts, it's just can't have happened. Now, 35 feet, I could easily made those shots. But even when I spent tons of time on a range, more than 25 yds or 75 feet was about the limit for a handgun without a scope. And a 9mm would be hard pressed to accurately make that shot even with scope. I made 50 yard shots with a 41 mag with a 7 1/2 inch barrel doing running boar. It wasn't a sure shot even with that rig. Considering I spent much more time on the range than the average cop and would be hard pressed to make the 148 foot shot once tells me that there are quite a few liars out there. I do accept 35 feet though as a reasonable distance.
Amazing how the distance between officer Wilson and Brown keeps expanding.
Michael Brown's mother described her son as a big gentle teddy bear who was always smiling and wouldn't hurt anyone.
In a couple of photos of him, he was scowling and giving gang-signs and then there's the video of him doing a strong-arm robbery in a convenience store.
So much for her gentle teddy bear. He was a criminal, a thug.
It was established that his hands weren't up as some claimed.
Brown's friend claimed that officer Wilson shot when Brown was running away. All bullets entered Brown from the front.
He was running toward officer Wilson when Wilson shot.
Brown was much larger than officer Wilson, had he reached him, he would most likely been able to overpower the officer.
Also, many people in the U.S. die in fights from fists and shoe kicks to the head, so it's not unreasonable to believe Wilson's life was on the line, as he had no backup at that time.
The one thing officer Wilson did do wrong, which I would have done, would have been to not only draw the weapon, but also the taser and try to down him with that first. If he kept coming, then I would have shot him.
Bottom line, we have one less street thug.
Not sure why they don't get the difference between being "shot at" and being "shot."


Well, good I was hoping you would go there.

That makes your argument this.

Brown was fleeing, and Wilson was firing at him and missing, so Brown turned around and made sure he got close enough for Wilson to hit him by charging the man who was firing at him.
Ayup. Better to die facing your killer than shot in the back. FYI the cop was catching up. The teen's pants were falling down.

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