Mia Love goes Uncle Tom

true TPers didnt care about color, o
That may be true, but their movement was hijacked as a front to organize people mad that there was a brown president.
as a member I never saw that happen,,,it was always about the constitution and freedom, you need to stop watching the leftist media and broaden your horizons

reality does suck sometimes, but its still reaity
as a member I never saw that happen,,,it was always about the constitution and freedom, you need to stop watching the leftist media and broaden your horizons
Hmm, no, i draw my own conclusions. And it was clearly a front for organizing racists.
I am sure you have proof???

that said there of course are racist in every group, and if there were you might find them in the trump camp since his beliefs are more similar to obamas big government than tea party small government
well because republicans are twofaced liars they fell hook line and sinker for trumps lies,

and they never really believed in anything but getting elected
Well...you NAILED IT!!!

In her first CNN appearance as a commentator, she was introduced on CNN’s "New Day," where she discussed everything from the new Congress to the government’s partial shutdown.

Love said her new role allows her to have more time and “no restraints.”

“I say unleashed, and being able to just go out and speak your mind and actually get things done by getting the American public involved,” she said. WATCH: Republican Former Rep. Mia Love Joins CNN, Hits Trump Admin
If that's what she thinks CNN is expecting from her or what news reporting is she will be disappointed and gone shortly
I knew it, has always been a true blue progressive... That is why she lost...
In her first CNN appearance as a commentator, she was introduced on CNN’s "New Day," where she discussed everything from the new Congress to the government’s partial shutdown.

Love said her new role allows her to have more time and “no restraints.”

“I say unleashed, and being able to just go out and speak your mind and actually get things done by getting the American public involved,” she said. WATCH: Republican Former Rep. Mia Love Joins CNN, Hits Trump Admin
If that's what she thinks CNN is expecting from her or what news reporting is she will be disappointed and gone shortly
She no longer has to toe the party line
She always has been and always will be a progressive open your eyes you silly little fucker

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