Mexico Warns US, They May Be Bothered. Wow

These partisan cheerleaders who throw out empty talking points as if their personal anecdotes must work for everyone are a hoot. Well, here's my anecdotal counter to your funny list of imaginary things, Zeke:

1. My business tax rate has seen negligible difference from last year, even after deductions. Also, you need to hire a creative accounting firm to take full advantage - an added expense when local Joe or Suzy bookkeeper charge more reasonable fees. Hardly 'major', more like 'bullshit'.

2. Yeah, thanks, but keep your bullshit, we're all full up. The regulations? I watched that dog and pony show too. The Orange Virus posturing, pointing at stacks of paper saying it's 1960 all over again and cutting a ribbon. I've seen drunk/high/on the spectrum people put together much, much more lucid, comprehensive presentations on their worst day than the Orange Virus does on the fly. What a total shit show he is. BTW: I've also seen zero change to regulation in my industry over the past year, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

3. This statement is just plain devoid of meaning bullshit. First, shipping depends on geography, and geographically it's completely logical to assume it's cheaper moving stuff internally than having to hop across large masses of water. Derp! The U.S. is not alone in this. This isn't much of an achievement.
Two, depends entirely upon what you ship, now don't it, slick? That might be good for Joe Consumers getting a box of crap from Amazon delivered to their home, but I sometimes have to ship things weighing several tons. I've only seen increases in those particular costs per the last several years.

4. Gas prices are increasing in my neck of the woods as I write this. I've seen no dramatic decrease in my energy costs (I check the bills). Increasing fuel prices will impact shipping costs, genius. Believe it or don't, whatever. Smells like... bullshit to me, though.

5. Duh. That's just Econ 101 philosophy. The Orange Virus had nothing to do with that. Go back to sleep.
The 1st person written 11 times in this post. Thinks all the economic changes were going to be in his one industry ? Thinks it matters ? Pheeeew!
These partisan cheerleaders who throw out empty talking points as if their personal anecdotes must work for everyone are a hoot. Well, here's my anecdotal counter to your funny list of imaginary things, Zeke:

1. My business tax rate has seen negligible difference from last year, even after deductions. Also, you need to hire a creative accounting firm to take full advantage - an added expense when local Joe or Suzy bookkeeper charge more reasonable fees. Hardly 'major', more like 'bullshit'.

2. Yeah, thanks, but keep your bullshit, we're all full up. The regulations? I watched that dog and pony show too. The Orange Virus posturing, pointing at stacks of paper saying it's 1960 all over again and cutting a ribbon. I've seen drunk/high/on the spectrum people put together much, much more lucid, comprehensive presentations on their worst day than the Orange Virus does on the fly. What a total shit show he is. BTW: I've also seen zero change to regulation in my industry over the past year, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

3. This statement is just plain devoid of meaning bullshit. First, shipping depends on geography, and geographically it's completely logical to assume it's cheaper moving stuff internally than having to hop across large masses of water. Derp! The U.S. is not alone in this. This isn't much of an achievement.
Two, depends entirely upon what you ship, now don't it, slick? That might be good for Joe Consumers getting a box of crap from Amazon delivered to their home, but I sometimes have to ship things weighing several tons. I've only seen increases in those particular costs per the last several years.

4. Gas prices are increasing in my neck of the woods as I write this. I've seen no dramatic decrease in my energy costs (I check the bills). Increasing fuel prices will impact shipping costs, genius. Believe it or don't, whatever. Smells like... bullshit to me, though.

5. Duh. That's just Econ 101 philosophy. The Orange Virus had nothing to do with that. Go back to sleep.
The 1st person written 11 times in this post. Thinks all the economic changes were going to be in his one industry ? Thinks it matters ? Pheeeew!

Sorry my anecdotes trumped yours, kitten. I'm just telling you how it is in reality, not the super-fun denial world of partisanship you must live in. My 'one industry' impacts several others. It matters. You're done here. Fritter off back into your wasteland of Orange Virus servitude and let the adults talk, kay? MAGA!!
This just in: Mexico threatens to bombard El Paso with tacos if Trump builds wall. There is a major shortage of spray paint with which Mexican can paint graffiti upon it.
Sorry my anecdotes trumped yours, kitten. I'm just telling you how it is in reality, not the super-fun denial world of partisanship you must live in. My 'one industry' impacts several others. It matters. You're done here. Fritter off back into your wasteland of Orange Virus servitude and let the adults talk, kay? MAGA!!
You didn't trump anything. Your moronic post was so weak, I feel slight to even be responding to it. The only reality you posted about, is your ONE industry (which you still haven't revealed what it is), in a field of thousands of others.

And if your industry is so important, how about telling us what it is ? In the meantime, I'll post something REALLY important >>

Prices won't be going up.

1. Major reduction in the Corporate tax

2 Major reductions in business regulations

3. Shipping costs are much lower US internally, than from outside the US.

4 Energy costs have dropped

5. Very difficult for companies to raise prices (anytime) Prices are set by sales. When prices are hiked above current rates, sales (and income) go down.
Oh boy, i guess Trump should embark on one of Hussein's 'Apology Tours.'

But seriously, i don't give a damn that fixing our broken Immigration System is pissing off Illegals and Communists/Democrats. They can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. Go Trump! :thup:
Our relations with Mexico were impaired the minute they legalized pot in the US. What the Mexicans mean to say is 'if you interrupt the flow of heroin across the border to make up our former clandestine pot revenue, we're going to be openly nasty, instead of undermining your country (while we shake your hand with a smile) by addicting all your stressed out unemployed people because they don't have jobs because our illegals have sucked away your income tax base by stealing jobs from actual taxpaying citizens in America." Heroin addicts quickly become indigent and a burden on what little revenue is left; also turning to mayhem, theft and other crimes, increasing the burden on law enforcement. Pretty tight little cocktail if your into toppling the US from underneath..

Mark my words, Mexico hates the US to this day for taking the California/Oregon territory..and it wouldn't surprise me at all to learn they're happy to help others bring us to our economic knees... There may be spoils to divide planned for the future. Sounds paranoid I know. But it's just my pet theory.

Yes, the Mexicans do have a point. Or own greed is what leads our profiteers to create sanctuary cities to increase competition between even the lowest paid workers (illegals) so their portfolios can keep escalating. Corporate greed creates the masses of unemployed taxpaying Americans. Sanctuary cities make it nice in that illegals don't and won't pay income tax, justifying their lower wages.

If Trump had a comprehensive plan, he'd send the rest of the National Guard up I-5 in the West and hit every business and town along that spine with ICE raids. Leave the fields alone. God how I long for the day when the gentleman's agreement was 'turn a blind eye to pot coming across the border and turn a blind eye to illegals as long as they worked in just agriculture'. It was a system that kept both countries happy; until stupid States started playing havoc with a good thing in full brazen defiance of federal law.
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Even Their Classmates on the Right Use That Illegitimate Term

Notice the traitors' progression from "illegal aliens" to "illegal immigrants." Calling these lawless creatures "immigrants" is like calling shoplifters "shoppers."
Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is like calling a bank robber, an "informal withdrawl agent"
Out of Sing Sing

Continuing with its thughugging agenda, Harveywood made George Clooneytunes a sympathetic bank rubber who gets to hook up with Jennifer Lopez, a U.S. Marshall.
As you said, we will see, what the Law allows.... or what President Trump does, that may be different from the last 2 presidents that called in the NG to help border patrol....
Probably depends on what Mexico does, with her illegal alien pillager "troops" Regardless of what they do though, the wall will be built. Big and bold. That's my prediction.

My predictions are pretty good. Before the primaries, I predicted Trump would beat all 16 contenders, and then go on to beat Hillary in the GE.
I think it will....not a wall but a wall with slots in it, so you can see thru it, basically a real sturdy Fence will be added to what we have the places needed..... it will not be across our entire border, there are many areas that won't need one due to natural conditions like a mountainous region or a dessert region with no towns around on either side...

If we do have to pay for it, and not Mexico as the president chanted and promised then it should come out of the 3/4's of a trillion dollars in our yearly Defense/Pentagon budget... since you all are claiming our border security is in our National defense....and it could be argued as such imo too.

I'm certain there is some military industrial complex wish list that they want our gvt to pay for that is probably just wasted money that could fund it, without our national defense missing a beat!

You would think the $1.8 billion slotted would be a good start for heaven's sake....

that is one thousand eight hundred, MILLION dollars. yes, 1800 million dollars!!!! I just can not comprehend ever needing the 25,000 million dollars the estimate came to.....that is just incomprehensible to me for a darn sturdy fence or wall.....

maybe most of that money is to buy out some of the land from land owners on the border, many of whom do not want to give it up.....? so it could cost a pretty penny for that, but all seems just outrageous.... :dunno:
A Man, a Plan a Canal Panama (Palindrone)

A canal from the Gulf Coast to the West Coast would pay for itself and prevent border incursions. China will never take control of that one, so it will help win the trade war, too.
Get ready for a big HUH ??? Mexico is warning the US that if American National Guard troops placed on the border result in a militarization of it, that relations may be impaired.

Whoa! "Relations" ? So, in other words, Mexico is saying that if we take steps to defend ourselves from the 70 year invasion of our border they have been perpetrating....the international burglary of our economy they have been committing....the theft of millions of our jobs they have done...the theft of Billions of our tax dollars$$...then their feelings will be hurt.

This is like if your next door neighbor was entering your house every week for decades, and stealing things from you, and now you say he shouldn't come in any more, he'll be miffed.
I have one question. Why has Mexico not been taken over by the US, and made into a US territory, under all our laws and regualtions ? And why wasn't this done many years ago ?

After the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), then US President James K. Polk was outraged that we acquired 1/2 of Mexico's territory. Polk thought we should have gotten ALL of Mexico, and made it part of the US, entirely under US rule. No US president ever said anything more correct.

Mexico is a Hemorrhoid on Americas ass.
This just in: Mexicans have learned how to climb over a wall! Trump is dumbfounded!

Hopping the wall into Trump's US, in under 2 minutes
Going over a wall is part 1. Then there's the problem of Part 2. And I do mean problem.

Problem A

Problem B
If one has alligators, why would one need a wall? Is trump asking the Pentagon for alligator money? Is Mexico going to pay for them? Or, are we just going to round them up down here in the AZ desert, and put them to work?
If one has alligators, why would one need a wall? Is trump asking the Pentagon for alligator money? Is Mexico going to pay for them? Or, are we just going to round them up down here in the AZ desert, and put them to work?
No need to pay for alligators. Here in Florida, we have millions of them, and are more than happy to donate them, free of charge. :biggrin:

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