Mexico pissed at Texas troops on Border.

Mexico is a failure. La Raza should be pushing for US to annex Mexico and the rest of Central America.

Actually, this is what La Raza is pushing for:


Taking it back one brown baby at a time...
All I can say is "Waaahhhh"

We have the right to patrol our borders as we see fit.

You can do what you want on your side, we do what we want on our side.

That's the way it goes.

Mexico Protests Texas National Guard Troops on US Border - Tea Party News

– Mexico’s foreign ministry late Friday protested Texas Governor Rick Perry’s deployment of National Guard troops to the southern US border to halt the surge of child migrants.

Mexico “reiterates, in a firm and categorical way, its rejection of this measure,” read a statement from the foreign ministry.

“No circumstance at all or change in border security exists that justifies this measure taken by the state.”

The troop deployment “does not contribute in any way to solving the immigration problem,” and is inconsistent with US-Mexico talks aimed at “building a modern, prosperous and safe border,” the statement read.

They'll be even more pissed with the National Guard starts firing back one of these fine days.

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