I can say with true conviction that Mexico has a very twisted idea of what justice and public service is...
The word Public Server in Mexico means a person who works for the Government to rape the system for everything they can take out of it...
Politicians, Judges, the Judges Secretaries and the Police, are all for Sale to the Highest Bidder...
To Serve the public in Mexico is to sell justice to the highest bidder, twist the laws to favor who ever shall give the biggest payoff, to satisfy their own needs, justice is truly a business in Mexico, their justice system is designed for corruption...
From the very beginning Politicians take office with intent to corrupt the system, sell contracts for public works to the highest bidder not the lowest
Judges and their secretaries, sit on cases until someone comes in and offers them enough money to decide a case in favor of who ever is the highest bidder
I can say from first hand experience that the Judges and Politician in Mexico are corrupted to the point that they have a blatant and obvious disregard for the law and the citizens of their own nation, they will stop at nothing to keep the corruption a live and strong, backing each other, allowing the corruption to stay alive and well
As for the boarder issue, between the United States and Mexico, the Mexican Government does the same boarder patrol against the people of Belize Guatemala and Honduras, they do not allow them to cross the boarder to look for work, and send them back as fast as the come in...
The Mexican Government Gives Millionaire contracts to People who are already millionaires who pay their employees the Mexican minimum wedge wile Charging American wedges in there contracts to the Government PEMEX (PETROLEUM MEXICO) is one of the biggest roots of CORRUPTION in MEXICO...
To be continued .
The word Public Server in Mexico means a person who works for the Government to rape the system for everything they can take out of it...
Politicians, Judges, the Judges Secretaries and the Police, are all for Sale to the Highest Bidder...
To Serve the public in Mexico is to sell justice to the highest bidder, twist the laws to favor who ever shall give the biggest payoff, to satisfy their own needs, justice is truly a business in Mexico, their justice system is designed for corruption...
From the very beginning Politicians take office with intent to corrupt the system, sell contracts for public works to the highest bidder not the lowest
Judges and their secretaries, sit on cases until someone comes in and offers them enough money to decide a case in favor of who ever is the highest bidder
I can say from first hand experience that the Judges and Politician in Mexico are corrupted to the point that they have a blatant and obvious disregard for the law and the citizens of their own nation, they will stop at nothing to keep the corruption a live and strong, backing each other, allowing the corruption to stay alive and well
As for the boarder issue, between the United States and Mexico, the Mexican Government does the same boarder patrol against the people of Belize Guatemala and Honduras, they do not allow them to cross the boarder to look for work, and send them back as fast as the come in...
The Mexican Government Gives Millionaire contracts to People who are already millionaires who pay their employees the Mexican minimum wedge wile Charging American wedges in there contracts to the Government PEMEX (PETROLEUM MEXICO) is one of the biggest roots of CORRUPTION in MEXICO...
To be continued .