Mexico. Age of consent: 12

Mexico has an age of consent at the age of 12, therefore the charges against Moore are totally baseless.

That is an excellent defense.

And other supporting facts should be:
  • Weinstein gave money to the DNC
  • Kevin Spacey is a liberal
  • Bill Clinton was a pervert
  • An article reports that Obama received college funds from a radial Muslim
  • Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old when he was 38
  • Bezos owns the Washington Post
  • Ali Velshi is of Indian descent
With ALL of the above evidence, it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Roy Moore did not have inappropriate relations with a 14-year-old girl or other minors.

nope, it just reveals that the left only has a problem with sexual misconduct if they can use it as a weapon against their enemies.

If you have the right politics, go right ahead.

That's the point.
Mexico has an age of consent at the age of 12, therefore the charges against Moore are totally baseless.

That is an excellent defense.

And other supporting facts should be:
  • Weinstein gave money to the DNC
  • Kevin Spacey is a liberal
  • Bill Clinton was a pervert
  • An article reports that Obama received college funds from a radial Muslim
  • Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old when he was 38
  • Bezos owns the Washington Post
  • Ali Velshi is of Indian descent
With ALL of the above evidence, it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Roy Moore did not have inappropriate relations with a 14-year-old girl or other minors.

nope, it just reveals that the left only has a problem with sexual misconduct if they can use it as a weapon against their enemies.

If you have the right politics, go right ahead.

That's the point.

And if you support Roy Moore, then you are just as hypocritical.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!

Mexicans, and HIspanics, are an even growing portion of our cultural fusion.

That culture is here and growing every day.

No strawmen here, lefty.

Well let get a few things straight:

1. This is the United States of America and not Mexico and if you, the OP'er and those like Moore and Weiner want to molest children then go to Mexico and never come back!

Also Hispanics and Latinos want the Mexican way of life then they can stay there and not come here!

2. It seem you are the lefty here seeing you support an old man right to molest underage girls, and fathers and the law should be watching those like you!

3. Now as you report my response please let the mods know you called me a lefty because I disagree with the op'er strawman and you believe that molesting girls are just fine as long as it is done by a Christian that is Republican.

As for my opinion Moore is just as bad as Weiner and should be shun.

Notice I don't condone abuse against minors like you do!
You know, one of the dumbest defenses of Moore was on MSNBC yesterday. A person who was defending Moore was being interviewed, and one of the points he tried to bring up was that Velshi was of foreign descent, and should understand that some cultures have women marry young.

That may have held water but for one thing. Ari Velshi is a foreigner yeah, but he's from Canada.

Just another example of a conservative nutjob grasping at surface things trying to defend the indefensible.

And he didn't do much homework on Velshi either.
You know, one of the dumbest defenses of Moore was on MSNBC yesterday. A person who was defending Moore was being interviewed, and one of the points he tried to bring up was that Velshi was of foreign descent, and should understand that some cultures have women marry young.

That may have held water but for one thing. Ari Velshi is a foreigner yeah, but he's from Canada.

Just another example of a conservative nutjob grasping at surface things trying to defend the indefensible.

And he didn't do much homework on Velshi either.

Or maybe you are the idiot:

Age of consent law in Canada refers to cultural and legal discussions in Canadaregarding the age of consent, which was raised from 14 to 16 in May 2008 as part of the Tackling Violent Crime Act. This applies to all forms of sexual activity.

Age of consent reform in Canada - Wikipedia

Did you forget, the accusation is 30+ years old? Can you read age of consent in Canada was 14 at that time?

What a moron/CNN viewer.
You know, one of the dumbest defenses of Moore was on MSNBC yesterday. A person who was defending Moore was being interviewed, and one of the points he tried to bring up was that Velshi was of foreign descent, and should understand that some cultures have women marry young.

That may have held water but for one thing. Ari Velshi is a foreigner yeah, but he's from Canada.

Just another example of a conservative nutjob grasping at surface things trying to defend the indefensible.

And he didn't do much homework on Velshi either.

Or maybe you are the idiot:

Age of consent law in Canada refers to cultural and legal discussions in Canadaregarding the age of consent, which was raised from 14 to 16 in May 2008 as part of the Tackling Violent Crime Act. This applies to all forms of sexual activity.

Age of consent reform in Canada - Wikipedia

Did you forget, the accusation is 30+ years old? Can you read age of consent in Canada was 14 at that time?

What a moron/CNN viewer.

I actually watched the interview, and he was trying to refer to Velshi's heritage as someone of Arabic or Hindu descent.
You know, one of the dumbest defenses of Moore was on MSNBC yesterday. A person who was defending Moore was being interviewed, and one of the points he tried to bring up was that Velshi was of foreign descent, and should understand that some cultures have women marry young.

That may have held water but for one thing. Ari Velshi is a foreigner yeah, but he's from Canada.

Just another example of a conservative nutjob grasping at surface things trying to defend the indefensible.

And he didn't do much homework on Velshi either.

Or maybe you are the idiot:

Age of consent law in Canada refers to cultural and legal discussions in Canadaregarding the age of consent, which was raised from 14 to 16 in May 2008 as part of the Tackling Violent Crime Act. This applies to all forms of sexual activity.

Age of consent reform in Canada - Wikipedia

Did you forget, the accusation is 30+ years old? Can you read age of consent in Canada was 14 at that time?

What a moron/CNN viewer.

I actually watched the interview, and he was trying to refer to Velshi's heritage as someone of Arabic or Hindu descent.

And judging from the name, he's probably right about that too. In their cultures the age would be even lower.

Oh i am sure you watched it all and a lot of other CNN material to boot...
Mexico has an age of consent at the age of 12, therefore the charges against Moore are totally baseless.

That is an excellent defense.

And other supporting facts should be:
  • Weinstein gave money to the DNC
  • Kevin Spacey is a liberal
  • Bill Clinton was a pervert
  • An article reports that Obama received college funds from a radial Muslim
  • Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old when he was 38
  • Bezos owns the Washington Post
  • Ali Velshi is of Indian descent
With ALL of the above evidence, it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Roy Moore did not have inappropriate relations with a 14-year-old girl or other minors.

nope, it just reveals that the left only has a problem with sexual misconduct if they can use it as a weapon against their enemies.

If you have the right politics, go right ahead.

That's the point.

And if you support Roy Moore, then you are just as hypocritical.

NOpe. It shows that I have learned my lesson.

Sexual misconduct doesn't matter.

I THOUGHT it did, but then I was taught that it does not.

I am not going to allow liberals to pretend it does, just when it suits them.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!

Mexicans, and HIspanics, are an even growing portion of our cultural fusion.

That culture is here and growing every day.

No strawmen here, lefty.

Well let get a few things straight:

1. This is the United States of America and not Mexico and if you, the OP'er and those like Moore and Weiner want to molest children then go to Mexico and never come back!

Also Hispanics and Latinos want the Mexican way of life then they can stay there and not come here!

2. It seem you are the lefty here seeing you support an old man right to molest underage girls, and fathers and the law should be watching those like you!

3. Now as you report my response please let the mods know you called me a lefty because I disagree with the op'er strawman and you believe that molesting girls are just fine as long as it is done by a Christian that is Republican.

As for my opinion Moore is just as bad as Weiner and should be shun.

Notice I don't condone abuse against minors like you do!

The point is that bringing in millions of people from a culture that supports an age 12 consent age,

we ARE changing our national culture towards that.

NOthing in your post challenged, or really even addressed that.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!

Mexicans, and HIspanics, are an even growing portion of our cultural fusion.

That culture is here and growing every day.

No strawmen here, lefty.

Well let get a few things straight:

1. This is the United States of America and not Mexico and if you, the OP'er and those like Moore and Weiner want to molest children then go to Mexico and never come back!

Also Hispanics and Latinos want the Mexican way of life then they can stay there and not come here!

2. It seem you are the lefty here seeing you support an old man right to molest underage girls, and fathers and the law should be watching those like you!

3. Now as you report my response please let the mods know you called me a lefty because I disagree with the op'er strawman and you believe that molesting girls are just fine as long as it is done by a Christian that is Republican.

As for my opinion Moore is just as bad as Weiner and should be shun.

Notice I don't condone abuse against minors like you do!

The point is that bringing in millions of people from a culture that supports an age 12 consent age,

we ARE changing our national culture towards that.

NOthing in your post challenged, or really even addressed that.

Bullshit and you damn well know it!

All you and the OP'er are attempting to do is excuse Moore for his possible molesting ways with minors, so let cut the nonsense now!

Moore is no better than Weiner and if found guilty for abusing minors his ass should be sitting in jail but he will not!

So either stop using strawman arguments or admit you are a defender of a creep just because he is Republican!
deep in the "deliverance" hills of RW redneck country there is no age of consent OR taboo for family members.

be proud .
You may wish to expand your view. According to the NHS In Great Britain 75% of pakistanis in GB marry a first cousin. In and of itself that's not a problem. the problem is that their parents are first cousins, their grandparents are first cousins.............
And you folks have the nerve to rag country folk in the US where such things are extremely rare? Typical.
The leftists or absolutely HORRIFIED about the (baseless) claim that a republican may have had relations with a 14 year old.

Meanwhile in Mexico, it's the way of the country to have sexual relations with 12 year olds. These are the people they want to import. Any comments?

Yeah, America is not Mexico, Iran or the Sudan, so your Strawman is a failure!

Moore is a sick pervert and trying to defend him is a battle you will lose!!

Moore is another veraion of Weiner and both should be shun from society!!!

Mexicans, and HIspanics, are an even growing portion of our cultural fusion.

That culture is here and growing every day.

No strawmen here, lefty.

Well let get a few things straight:

1. This is the United States of America and not Mexico and if you, the OP'er and those like Moore and Weiner want to molest children then go to Mexico and never come back!

Also Hispanics and Latinos want the Mexican way of life then they can stay there and not come here!

2. It seem you are the lefty here seeing you support an old man right to molest underage girls, and fathers and the law should be watching those like you!

3. Now as you report my response please let the mods know you called me a lefty because I disagree with the op'er strawman and you believe that molesting girls are just fine as long as it is done by a Christian that is Republican.

As for my opinion Moore is just as bad as Weiner and should be shun.

Notice I don't condone abuse against minors like you do!

The point is that bringing in millions of people from a culture that supports an age 12 consent age,

we ARE changing our national culture towards that.

NOthing in your post challenged, or really even addressed that.

Bullshit and you damn well know it!

All you and the OP'er are attempting to do is excuse Moore for his possible molesting ways with minors, so let cut the nonsense now!

Moore is no better than Weiner and if found guilty for abusing minors his ass should be sitting in jail but he will not!

So either stop using strawman arguments or admit you are a defender of a creep just because he is Republican!

You have not and will not see me calling for anyone, right or left, to step down due to sexual misconduct since Clinton, and for the rest of my life.

America, not just the Left, but America stated loudly and clearly that they don't care.

You lefties, do not get to pretend to care, just when it suits you.


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