Merry Xmas: Trump regime creates more Islamist terrorists


Nov 14, 2012
Deep inside lands controlled by US-controlled SDF gangster forces, the US is training another "New Syrian Army". It is now clear why the US was so eager to make ISIS fighters surrender to SDF.

"Earlier in the day, the Russian Center for reconciliation of opposing sides in Syria said that the US instructors were training new armed groups of the New Syrian Army composed of various terrorist groups, including Daesh at the refugee camp in Al Hasakah.

“Almost the same thing the United States was doing in 1980s during the war in Afghanistan, when they trained terrorists and incited them against the Soviet Union. It seems like the time has stopped for the United States. Today’s Russia, like the Soviet Union 30 years ago, is regarded by them as the main geopolitical rival, in a fight with whom all means are acceptable,” Klintsevich said, as quoted by his press service.

At the same time, US President Donald Trump is trying to avoid most radical forms of confrontation, according the lawmaker.
“But he [Trump] is really incapable of changing the US political system. The training militants by US instructors is underway,” Klintsevich added."

US training new militants to counter Russia in Syria – Lawmaker

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