Merrick Garland Hearing Another Big Fail

Listening to him speak, Garland made it obvious that he knows nothing, understands nothing, questions nothing, recalls nothing, has learned nothing and is capable of nothing.

He is the perfect Democrat.
So......that was your interpretation of Garland batting away inane questions from The Crazies?

The former agent, who retired last year after more than 20 years with the agency, told investigators that he was frustrated over the decision by more senior officials to block the interview but didn't consider the outcome problematic.

"I wasn't aware of political interference, personally," the former agent said.

Republicans pointed to the testimony as evidence that the Justice Department intervened to delay the Hunter Biden probe, even though the events took place while Republican President Donald Trump was in office.
CornPop said:
3. There was a mountain of evidence of overseas income that was not declared on his taxes. The DOJ and IRS were in agreement to bring charges, but Weiss slow-walked it and did not do so, according to numerous whistleblowers.
Top IRS official latest witness to dispute allegations from whistleblower on Hunter Biden tax case

CornPop said:
4. Whistleblowers and FBI witnesses say Weiss was blocked from bringing charges in DC and California.
US attorney leading Hunter Biden probe refutes whistleblowers’ politicization claims

You might also benefit from reading...Republican Claims About Hunter Biden Offenses -
the right says the same thing about you guys....the two parties say the same shit about each other....its a wonder they just dont join forces and get what they want...
I don't speak for "you guys". I speak for myself. As such I pride myself to have principles. Principles I can hold too regardless of political expediency. It requires intellectual honesty, and forces me to sometimes disagree with those I align myself ideologically. As a reward I get to be consistent.

It's my experience on this board that few people are capable or willing to do the same.
I don't speak for "you guys". I speak for myself. As such I pride myself to have principles. Principles I can hold too regardless of political expediency. It requires intellectual honesty, and forces me to sometimes disagree with those I align myself ideologically. As a reward I get to be consistent.

It's my experience on this board that few people are capable or willing to do the same.

You are a left wing loon.
Can you point to those posts where you have had principled points against that position?
I don't speak for "you guys". I speak for myself. As such I pride myself to have principles. Principles I can hold too regardless of political expediency. It requires intellectual honesty, and forces me to sometimes disagree with those I align myself ideologically. As a reward I get to be consistent.

It's my experience on this board that few people are capable or willing to do the same.
so are you saying your shit dont stink as much as the rest of us?...
You are a left wing loon.
Can you point to those posts where you have had principled points against that position?
You are a left wing loon.
Can you point to those posts where you have had principled points against that position?
Sure how many do you need?
I'm gonna do something here you'll probably find weird. I just did a search about the amount of people that actually used a gun to prevent burglary. Now I just said that the government should try to help the most amount of people. I found that statistically it is more likely to stop a crime by owning a gun then it is to be used in a crime. So in light of this I find my objection to handguns in the house untennable.

No, I believe politics should not drive decisions made by the FBI. Unfortunately, when you make a decision during an election year you will influence the elections for one party or another regardless. At that point, I believe it's the duty of the FBI to just tell the truth. In the case of Clinton, Comey first came out saying that Clinton was in the clear. The problem was. Potential additional evidence was discovered after that statement. Comey could sit on it, in which case, the GOP would blame him for trying to cover up evidence if it leaked. Which it would surely do. Or he could immediately release it. In an attempt to cut off the accusation. And try to expedite the evaluation of the potential evidence. Now, I think there is nothing wrong with making decisions based on what you consider the best of 2 shitty options.

Oh, And by the way it's only a belief in the sense that I think it the most likely explanation. I might very well be wrong.

In the absence of compelling evidence, I do not feel qualified to make actual assertions

I stand corrected and will agree to wait for the report. Thank you for a well considered rebuttal. They are rare on this board and deserve specific praise when they occur.
you people are just mad because they don't have any real evidence against Hunter or Joe and there are mountains of vicious and credible evidence against Papa Orange. Vicious evidence proving the Orange guilt.

Attack Garland because Hunter and Joe didn't commit any crimes, and there is no serious evidence against either.

Republicans seem to want them to just make something up, like they do on Fox news.
Well, I wouldn't say that Hunter Biden hasn't committed any crimes. Let him stand trial and let the legal chips fall as they may.
banker would you ever criticize your cult? come biden never talks about the price of food,the crime in our cities,out of control immigration...why does he and you always talk about just the good that is happening?...
Simple. Because it is a very, very short list and easy to remember. :D
you people are just mad because they don't have any real evidence against Hunter or Joe and there are mountains of vicious and credible evidence against Papa Orange. Vicious evidence proving the Orange guilt.

Attack Garland because Hunter and Joe didn't commit any crimes, and there is no serious evidence against either.

Republicans seem to want them to just make something up, like they do on Fox news.

LOL! ^^^This is where the cult is at right now, everyone - "no real evidence against Hunter". Total denial of Hunter's federal indictments.
Note bucky boi talking about evidence, and not about them actually doing anything wrong.
They have no evidence at all of them doing anything wrong

You people just make shit up, but in the real world you need this thing called proof and evidence, which you do not have at all.

You need to provide evidence of wrong doing, just crying like a weakling and yelling "Biden crime family" is not evidence at all.
people ask me something i will give them an answer and not care about what the fucking party certain posters do here...
You never answer anything.
You are scared to answer.
All you do is duck questions.
I have asked you hundreds of questions and you can't answer them. Case in point:

Can you admit That Bush inherited a balanced budget then passed massive spending bills and started 2 failed and mis-managed wars and blew up the deficit terribly and destroyed the balanced budget?
Well, I wouldn't say that Hunter Biden hasn't committed any crimes. Let him stand trial and let the legal chips fall as they may.
They don't even have enough evidence to bring charges or put him on trial.

To have a trial you first need evidence of a crime, which you don't even have.

BUT there is massive mountains of evidence against Trump proving his guilt, that is why he is charged and going on trial.
They have no evidence at all of them doing anything wrong

You people just make shit up, but in the real world you need this thing called proof and evidence, which you do not have at all.

You need to provide evidence of wrong doing, just crying like a weakling and yelling "Biden crime family" is not evidence at all.

They are as dirty as the underside of your ballsack.

But they are "your people", so a little government corruption is allowable.
They are as dirty as the underside of your ballsack.

But they are "your people", so a little government corruption is allowable.

Republicans Fail to Find Any Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden in Floundering Biden Family Probe​


Republicans Fail to Find Any Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden in Floundering Biden Family Probe​


Republicans Fail to Find Any Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden in Floundering Biden Family Probe​

Opinion masquerading as fact, usual shit from progs.

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