Mermaid Quest: Video-Game Journal


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a video-game consumerism vignette about eco-consciousness inspired by the film Bio-Dome which I wrote as a commentary on the various global warming concerns in the 21st Century.

Cheers (signing off),



Jesus Christ and Daisy Ridley were at the San Diego cliffs in search of mermaids in the summer of 2019. You see, Jesus had returned to Earth to tell people about the coming of the Apocalypse ahead of time, and he met with Ridley who had become prominent from her roles in the new Star Wars films, portraying the new-gen female Jedi-knight Rey. Jesus and Rey wanted to go searching for mermaids to market a new underwater-quest video-game being produced by the eco-activism organization the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.


Daisy and Jesus were both fans of Mega Man (Capcom) video-games, and they were also fans of Microsoft's Xbox game-platform. The new underwater-game being produced by DiCaprio's eco-group was ideal for the Xbox's special graphics-interface. Daisy and Jesus wanted the new underwater video-game (which would be called Mermaid Empire) to complement the adventure-virtue gameplay and storytelling from Capcom's Mega Man games, since Mega Man was a naturalism-friendly avatar.


So Daisy and Jesus were at the cliffs of San Diego that summer and wanted to see if they could spot real-life mermaids. Now, there's no proof that mermaids exist, but as we know, everyone loves mermaid folklore, since mermaids are so darn magical and enchanting and have been canonized by writers like Hans Christian Andersen. Well, Daisy and Jesus wanted to see if mermaid-sightings could complement the marketing of the new video-game Mermaid Empire. The Apocalypse was approaching after all and humans needed a 'boost' of inspiration.


As it turns out, Daisy and Jesus did indeed spot two mermaids in San Diego that summer. However, these mermaids were very different. One was an ethereally beautiful and virtuous mermaid named Ariel who introduced herself when Daisy and Jesus spotted them off the cliffs at sunset trying to poke her head/body out of the water to bathe in the light of the sunset. The other mermaid was a hideous and sinister leviathan-looking androgynous mermaid named Jesmer who wanted to destroy Ariel. Daisy and Jesus quickly warned Ariel to flee before Jesmer would grab/bite her, and Ariel fled with great speed. Daisy and Jesus recorded the whole thing on their iPhone video-recorders.


When Daisy and Jesus created a YouTube video and journal of their entire experience, people wondered if the sighting was real or a hoax. Of course, Jesus couldn't tell anyone it was he who was helping the celebrity Daisy Ridley, since Jesus had to keep his Christian presence a secret until the End of Days did actually arrive (so he only made himself known to Daisy). Daisy and Jesus commented with their YouTube video of Ariel/Jesmer that mermaid divisions of good and evil (of beauty and ugliness) paralleled a modern-era marketing 'bifurcation' of values and indulgence in consumerism-symbolic items such as toys that may equally represent violence or non-violence (e.g., water-guns)!


When Mermaid Quest was released by Capcom 6 months later, it was a big hit(!). Everyone thought it was the best new game for the Xbox, and everyone wanted it for Christmas. U.S. First Lady Melania Trump tweeted, "Mermaid Quest is definitely the new Pac-Man." The game featured underwater divers and explorers making contact with good and evil mermaids and becoming entrenched in the civil war between these two 'classes' of mermaids. The storytelling of the game represented an American focus on Earth-environment consciousness which was great for new age eco-consciousness. Daisy and Jesus were very pleased.


HOBGOBLIN: It seems video-games are the new checkers!
GOD: Yes, Christmastime-consumerism is promoting Earth values.
HOBGOBLIN: That's good news for people frustrated by global-warming.
GOD: Radical climate-change is a concern for many human beings.
HOBGOBLIN: Daisy and Jesus have served mankind well...
GOD: We have to remain optimistic about capitalism in times of ambition.
HOBGOBLIN: Yes, capitalism does seem to promote great 'mischief.'
GOD: So, you're an advocate of Satan (the Devil), are you?
HOBGOBLIN: I'm merely his 'sidekick.'
GOD: So what did you want to ask me regarding Microsoft/Capcom?
HOBGOBLIN: Do you believe Yale professors think video-games are 'junk-food'?
GOD: It seems consumerism-ornamentation makes room for 'eco-diaries.'




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