Menthol cigs are racist

Has anyone considered that thinking Black people cannot make their own choices and decisions on what to smoke and that the powers that be must make those decisions for them is in itself racist?
Has anyone considered that thinking Black people cannot make their own choices and decisions on what to smoke and that the powers that be must make those decisions for them is in itself racist?
Jesus Christ man!!.... you just literally stated the entire liberal policy on blacks.
You can't do that! non mask wearer!!!

Sounds like a stupid idea, with all due respect. Newports are part of black culture, right along with kinky hair, malt liquor and pants sagging off of their butts.

I suppose that banning newports and kools is possible as they are mass produced products made in large factories. However, the brothers who want to smoke will just find something else- although probably not a honky coffin nail like marlboros.

When I was a young man, black people loved to drink Thunderbird Wine. But the Gallo familia quit making it. Didn't change black alky rates, the brothers just switched to popularly priced vodka.
one more thing added to the growing list of racist things
global warming
ID cards

Its really beyond silly. African Americans prefer particular brands of other products too, just not cigarettes. Doesn't make those products "racist".

In the case of selling coffin nails, the product is basically just ground tobacco wrapped in a thin rolling paper. Really not much to distinguish a pell mell from a newport or a marlboro, except for the image that the advertising agency invents for them.

The fact that some ad campaigns appeal more to blacks and others to whites, isn't surprising, shocking or "racist"
ban all nicotine products.
I'd still allow sale of tobacco leaf along with others like marijuana and coca. Reasonably fresh and free of chemical additives. No advertising or selling of anything more processed would be legal. If people wished to add mint or menthol flavoring later for personal consumption that would be totally up to them. Governments could continue issuing usage warnings, but no taxes would be levied supporting any more "drug war" nonsense, big pharma, or big insurance.
Only person I ever knew to smoke menthol cigarettes (KOOL) wasn't black. He was Polish. Oh, liberals....that doesn't mean he was shiny. It meant is family came from Poland. He was a good customer for other stuff at the little store down the street so they stock one carton of KOOLs - he was the only customer. But he'd only buy one pack at a time - I think he actually bought from another store, too. Until the carton had been on the shelves so long that the shop owners put them on sale - then he'd stock up. When they didn't have any he'd bring his other shopping to the counter and if there were no KOOLs he'd just say "Never mind" - leave everything on the counter and go try the other store.

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