Mentally ill EPA workers coming to work in tears

EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"
EPA regulations these bureaucrats have been spewing forth for decades are now, finally, in serious jeopardy and that's a very good thing for Trump's march to making America great again.

I remember conservatives whining about getting rid of lead in gas and production processes that released Mercury into the environment and sulphur into the air

What about the jobs?

Mean old EPA won't let us dump waste into the environment

You remember? Do you have proof of what you claim to have heard?
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

You mean by appeasing the bigots you support being appeased. There is one congressional district in my state that was purposely gerrymandered as a majority minority district. It's the only way the dumbass representing it can get elected. He has a built in guarantee. Sad part is it's the only district in the state, and the only blue one, where more than 1 in 5 use food stamps and has a poverty level greater than any other area. Guess that appeasement of the whiners didn't work out well for them but they have them a black representing them.
Our family knows someone who works for the EPA. She only goes into the office three days a month. The rest of the time she is supposedly doing official EPA 'field work'. AKA being a full time stay at home mother of two small kids.
She bitches about having to drive "all the way to the office" three days a month but she plans her COSTCO and WALMART shopping trips to coincide so in a way she helping her precious fucking enviroment right?. At the office she visits with some of her friends who also spend most of the month doing official EPA 'field work' from their nice homes surrounded with lots of green lawns. Those lush green lawns require LOTS of fresh water to keep them green.
The phony bitch has been handing in monthly 'pencil-tests' for the last few years. Exactly the same 'data' collected just the dates have been changed.
Last year the phony LIB bitch was bragging about a local large national brand paint store (you'd recognise the name) who 'happened' mistakenly to mix up the exact perfect color she wanted to repaint the exterior of her entire house. They gave the paint to her for FREE because "no one would ever want to paint their house 'Light Aspen Green'.
Oh ya the paint store was scheduled to have an EPA inspection a few years ago but she, being the one to schedule the inspection has never 'found the time to sign off on the inspection order.
Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air

Trump needs to fire the lot of them the way Reagan did to the TFA.
It sucks to be in oregon. Our racketeers in charge are freaking militant enviro whacks. Governor is a lezbo cat lady.

They're going to start charging people to paybto put kayaks and canoes in the water. They already pay! Next it will be air. I'm hopeful that feds will yank all money to every federally subsidized enviro provrams. The state parks get federal do city do dams and bridges. Fucking morons.
They also won't like it when trump yanks energy subsidies, tanf money and foodstamps. They'll starve in the dumbass cities. And their homeless.ppl will eat them.
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

More bullcrap......

The federal government is way way beyond it's means.

It sucks.

It always has when it came to anything that mattered beyond prosecuting wars and making treaties.

No states don't get corrected....moron.

The fed stuck it's nose into abortion (Roe v. Wade) and the states have spent the last 50 years slowly shutting abortions down.

It was hysterical to watch Ted "The Liar" Kennedy try to sort out a water dispute between AZ and CA. Like he knows anything about either state.

Our family knows someone who works for the EPA. She only goes into the office three days a month. The rest of the time she is supposedly doing official EPA 'field work'. AKA being a full time stay at home mother of two small kids.
She bitches about having to drive "all the way to the office" three days a month but she plans her COSTCO and WALMART shopping trips to coincide so in a way she helping her precious fucking enviroment right?. At the office she visits with some of her friends who also spend most of the month doing official EPA 'field work' from their nice homes surrounded with lots of green lawns. Those lush green lawns require LOTS of fresh water to keep them green.
The phony bitch has been handing in monthly 'pencil-tests' for the last few years. Exactly the same 'data' collected just the dates have been changed.
Last year the phony LIB bitch was bragging about a local large national brand paint store (you'd recognise the name) who 'happened' mistakenly to mix up the exact perfect color she wanted to repaint the exterior of her entire house. They gave the paint to her for FREE because "no one would ever want to paint their house 'Light Aspen Green'.
Oh ya the paint store was scheduled to have an EPA inspection a few years ago but she, being the one to schedule the inspection has never 'found the time to sign off on the inspection order.


If this is true, someone might want to report her.
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

The federal government can require nothing. The constitution does.

The federal government has a few tasks and it doesn't do them very well.

Telling people how much wheat they can grow isn't their best day.....

Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air
Is whining bad for the environment?
The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

More bullcrap......

The federal government is way way beyond it's means.

It sucks.

It always has when it came to anything that mattered beyond prosecuting wars and making treaties.

No states don't get corrected....moron.

The fed stuck it's nose into abortion (Roe v. Wade) and the states have spent the last 50 years slowly shutting abortions down.

It was hysterical to watch Ted "The Liar" Kennedy try to sort out a water dispute between AZ and CA. Like he knows anything about either state.

Who else is going to correct a dispute between states?

Constitutional rights need to be the same in every state whether it is integration, women's rights, gay marriage or even protecting the environment
Our family knows someone who works for the EPA. She only goes into the office three days a month. The rest of the time she is supposedly doing official EPA 'field work'. AKA being a full time stay at home mother of two small kids.
She bitches about having to drive "all the way to the office" three days a month but she plans her COSTCO and WALMART shopping trips to coincide so in a way she helping her precious fucking enviroment right?. At the office she visits with some of her friends who also spend most of the month doing official EPA 'field work' from their nice homes surrounded with lots of green lawns. Those lush green lawns require LOTS of fresh water to keep them green.
The phony bitch has been handing in monthly 'pencil-tests' for the last few years. Exactly the same 'data' collected just the dates have been changed.
Last year the phony LIB bitch was bragging about a local large national brand paint store (you'd recognise the name) who 'happened' mistakenly to mix up the exact perfect color she wanted to repaint the exterior of her entire house. They gave the paint to her for FREE because "no one would ever want to paint their house 'Light Aspen Green'.
Oh ya the paint store was scheduled to have an EPA inspection a few years ago but she, being the one to schedule the inspection has never 'found the time to sign off on the inspection order.


If this is true, someone might want to report her.

My guess is that she has been and the one in charge of looking into it does/did the same thing.

The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

More bullcrap......

The federal government is way way beyond it's means.

It sucks.

It always has when it came to anything that mattered beyond prosecuting wars and making treaties.

No states don't get corrected....moron.

The fed stuck it's nose into abortion (Roe v. Wade) and the states have spent the last 50 years slowly shutting abortions down.

It was hysterical to watch Ted "The Liar" Kennedy try to sort out a water dispute between AZ and CA. Like he knows anything about either state.

Who else is going to correct a dispute between states?

Constitutional rights need to be the same in every state whether it is integration, women's rights, gay marriage or even protecting the environment

As long as they are actually rights and not just something someone wants.
Our family knows someone who works for the EPA. She only goes into the office three days a month. The rest of the time she is supposedly doing official EPA 'field work'. AKA being a full time stay at home mother of two small kids.
She bitches about having to drive "all the way to the office" three days a month but she plans her COSTCO and WALMART shopping trips to coincide so in a way she helping her precious fucking enviroment right?. At the office she visits with some of her friends who also spend most of the month doing official EPA 'field work' from their nice homes surrounded with lots of green lawns. Those lush green lawns require LOTS of fresh water to keep them green.
The phony bitch has been handing in monthly 'pencil-tests' for the last few years. Exactly the same 'data' collected just the dates have been changed.
Last year the phony LIB bitch was bragging about a local large national brand paint store (you'd recognise the name) who 'happened' mistakenly to mix up the exact perfect color she wanted to repaint the exterior of her entire house. They gave the paint to her for FREE because "no one would ever want to paint their house 'Light Aspen Green'.
Oh ya the paint store was scheduled to have an EPA inspection a few years ago but she, being the one to schedule the inspection has never 'found the time to sign off on the inspection order.


If this is true, someone might want to report her.
A few employees in her department started 'asking questions' so she a two of her friends suddenly quit.
Now she's teaching a few courses called 'The Study Of Environmental Studies' at the local community college.
The bitch knows the college president and she was basically allowed to 'create' a part time job for herself out of thin air.

The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
Nothing prevents a state from offering more freedoms than the federal government requires

However, those states who sell out the rights of their own citizens for profit or to appease their resident bigots get "corrected"

More bullcrap......

The federal government is way way beyond it's means.

It sucks.

It always has when it came to anything that mattered beyond prosecuting wars and making treaties.

No states don't get corrected....moron.

The fed stuck it's nose into abortion (Roe v. Wade) and the states have spent the last 50 years slowly shutting abortions down.

It was hysterical to watch Ted "The Liar" Kennedy try to sort out a water dispute between AZ and CA. Like he knows anything about either state.

Who else is going to correct a dispute between states?

Constitutional rights need to be the same in every state whether it is integration, women's rights, gay marriage or even protecting the environment


Womens rights are not constitutional rights.

Women have constitutional rights.

Big difference.

Protecting the Environment.....not a Constitutional Right.

Oooohhh the left:

Somehow thinking that government is the solution to every problem.

And generally creating more problems along the way.
If I were working for the EPA I'd be crying to.

Its a real kick in the teeth when you lose power.

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