Mentally ill EPA workers coming to work in tears

At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

Imagine having to work at a place where you have to abandon your integrity to conform to some pseudoscientific theories you know hurts us in the long term

If that were an issue, most of government would quit.
It is a question of you abandon your values just to earn a paycheck?

Imagine studying for years to get an advanced degree, working for decades to protect the environment and then having some simpleton who is looking out for the oil companies tell you to shut your mouth and declare the earth to be flat

Imagine studying to get that degree then finding out the person you consider a simpleton doesn't adhere to the bullshit you've been indoctrinated to believe. That's the whiners at the EPA. Let the pussies cry.
EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

FUUUUUUCK the EPA. They're a bunch of dip shit non-thinking assholes. I was pretty pissed when they fought us tooth and nail for a decade to get rid of useless fucking IM tests that were costing Anchoragites billions every year, 10 fucking years and we were well above lower 48 standards. The don't burn wood or we take away your road funding was the last straw of my patience with these pricks.

I hope Trump fires every one of these sobbing little bitches, and their co-workers.

Fairbanks Air Quality Plan | EPA in Alaska | US EPA

The EPA has taken a necessary step to protect air quality in Fairbanks, Alaska.
We are proposing to approve the Fairbanks North Star Borough fine particulate or PM2.5 air quality plan submitted by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
Alaska’s air quality plan demonstrates that the Borough has been unable to attain the Clean Air Act PM2.5 air quality standard by the date required.
Alaska’s air quality plan also identifies reasonable actions to move toward meeting the PM2.5 standard. The plan focuses on reducing emissions from residential heating sources — wood stoves and hydronic heaters — that contribute to high particulate pollution levels in the area.

Fairbanks was designated nonattainment for the 2006 24-hr PM2.5 air quality standard in December 2009. The state’s Fairbanks air quality plan was due in December 2012. In January 2013, the DC Circuit Court remanded the Clean Air Act 2007 implementation rule for particulate matter. In response to this ruling, EPA revised the submission date for states to submit their moderate air quality plans to December 31, 2014.

Alaska submitted the Fairbanks air quality plan in December 2014. For more information on Alaska's air quality plan, visit Fairbanks PM2.5 Moderate SIP Exit.

EARTHJUSTICE filed a Complaint for Failure to Act on June 9, 2016 against the EPA. After public notice and comment the EPA committed to proposing action by January 19, 2017 and a final action by August 28, 2017 through a consent decree.

The state’s Fairbanks air quality plan included all of the required elements of an attainment plan which demonstrates that it was impracticable to attain the standard by the required deadline.

Alaska demonstrated that it implemented all reasonably available control technologies and measures available including the primary source of elevated fine particulates in the Borough, wood stoves and hydronic heaters.

In 2015 the Borough, and in 2016 the state, approved a mandatory curtailment program to restrict the use of woodstoves during periods of harmful levels of particulates in the air.
Under a curtailment program, the Borough and the state track weather conditions on a daily basis and provide restrictions on woodstove use to reduce emissions when conditions are bad for air quality and public health.

This year, Alaska and the Borough will continue to work with the local community to develop a more rigorous plan to reduce fine particle emissions in Fairbanks and North Pole and to achieve the standard.

The state has until December 31, 2017 to submit a Fairbanks serious air quality plan to the EPA.

In a related action, EPA has proposed to reclassify the Borough from moderate to serious non-attainment, because the Borough did not meet the PM2.5 standard in 2015. The Borough has recorded the highest level of fine particulates in the nation.

Reclassification to serious will require that the state develop a serious air quality plan which will be more stringent than the moderate plan. In contrast with a moderate plan which requires implementation of all reasonably available emissions control technologies and measures, a serious plan will require implementation of the best available emissions control technologies and measures.

The state and the Borough are already working to develop a serious area plan.

Though EPA expects to reclassify the Borough from moderate to serious, the Clean Air Act requires EPA to act on the state’s moderate area plan; EPA must take final action on the moderate plan by August 28, 2017.
The EPA is still protecting us

I trust the EPA to look out for my safety and wellbeing over some capitalist

What a load of crap.

The federal EPA is costing us. It is why we have no steel industry. Or are we willing to buy steel from places that pollute like hell and feel good about it ? What a crock of crap.

States have agencies in place. They do a better job than the federal EPA and are more in tune with their constituents.

The EPA lets oil wells flare with no mitigation. You can litterly barf if the wind is blowing wrong......states can't touch them.

EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights
What a load of crap.

The federal EPA is costing us. It is why we have no steel industry. Or are we willing to buy steel from places that pollute like hell and feel good about it ? What a crock of crap.

States have agencies in place. They do a better job than the federal EPA and are more in tune with their constituents.

The EPA lets oil wells flare with no mitigation. You can litterly barf if the wind is blowing wrong......states can't touch them.

EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Aw, that's just so sad.

Maybe they can get jobs with the border patrol after they get fired.

"On Tuesday, the new administration’s efforts to take hold of the EPA continued, this time with a memo from EPA headquarters requiring all regional offices to submit a list of “all external meetings or presentations by employees planned through February 17.” The memo demanded the offices provide a short description of each event and a note explaining “whether it is controversial and why.”…

"At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark. A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were “coming to work in tears” each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on."

I think they're probably freaking out because they're afraid that not only will they be unemployed..they may be prosecuted.

Or, again, maybe they're just nuts.

"Supervisors were said to be telling distraught employees to take sick leave and go home, something explicitly not allowed by the rules governing sick leave:

"U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.

"And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.

“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”

Which is of course grounds to fire the bosses. You don't get to arbitrarily gift assholes with sick leave because they're freaking out at work.

And WHY are they freaking out?

Because they're being told to own up to the politicking they've been doing on the taxpayer dime, and they are being scrutinized to see WHAT THE FUCK they're doing.

And they know that what they're doing is illegal.

Trump’s Team at EPA Vetting ‘Controversial’ Public Meetings and Presentations
EPA employees still ‘coming to work in tears’ - Hot Air

There has to be some 'cry room' complete with Pony rides and balloons somewhere

Seek help lol

Yeah the EPA and deq were begin the big push in rural areas to replace the wood stoves of elderly ppl who live out in the middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by juniper and other wood, with oil stoves. Then oil jumped to $3 a gallon. Elderly ppl on fixed incomes were stuck with no way to heat their homes except via energy subsidies from the feds. What a fucking racket.
EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Liberals founded this great country
EPA regulations these bureaucrats have been spewing forth for decades are now, finally, in serious jeopardy and that's a very good thing for Trump's march to making America great again.
EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.

a lot further back then 1973 has this been realized

1890s Good old mauve, gotta admit, even with the regular influx of 16.5million shades, it's still one of my favorites heh

The Dakota travesty, I wonder if he was a soldier... Maybe a businessman, the union strikes were hot and heavy and the country was in the grips of a terrible depression. Or was he just a humble farmer with that classic American resistance to the changes that were boiling under the surface?

Do you know where this grave stone is per chance?
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Liberals founded this great country

Not the kind of Liberal you've bastardized the term to mean.
What a load of crap.

The federal EPA is costing us. It is why we have no steel industry. Or are we willing to buy steel from places that pollute like hell and feel good about it ? What a crock of crap.

States have agencies in place. They do a better job than the federal EPA and are more in tune with their constituents.

The EPA lets oil wells flare with no mitigation. You can litterly barf if the wind is blowing wrong......states can't touch them.

EPA is looking out for us
States suck...they always have

Politicians in states looking to lure away jobs from their neighbors will relax environmental standards to make a quick buck

If a state wants stricter standards than the EPA (like California) they are welcome to do it

The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

More bullcrap.

Several states (most notably Wyoming) were giving women the right to vote in local elections long before the feds ever even thought about it. Hurray for them.

There were free states long before the emancipation proclimation.

And on and on and on and on......

The Federal Government has been nothing but an impediment to the social and economic progress of this country since it was formed (anytime it got outside it's 13 specific and enumerated duties).
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Liberals founded this great country


You are not a liberal.

And liberals were not the ones who pushed Roe v. Wade.

It was the far left (to which you belong). They've always loved the idea of big government and the nanny state.
Yeah the EPA and deq were begin the big push in rural areas to replace the wood stoves of elderly ppl who live out in the middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by juniper and other wood, with oil stoves. Then oil jumped to $3 a gallon. Elderly ppl on fixed incomes were stuck with no way to heat their homes except via energy subsidies from the feds. What a fucking racket.


The EPA...protecting your right to freeze to death in the name of some mouse that nobody has ever seen.
EPA To Alaskans In Sub-Zero Temps: Stop Burning Wood To Keep Warm

FUUUUUUCK the EPA. They're a bunch of dip shit non-thinking assholes. I was pretty pissed when they fought us tooth and nail for a decade to get rid of useless fucking IM tests that were costing Anchoragites billions every year, 10 fucking years and we were well above lower 48 standards. The don't burn wood or we take away your road funding was the last straw of my patience with these pricks.

I hope Trump fires every one of these sobbing little bitches, and their co-workers.

Not uncommon.

I recall when the EPA shoved a "solution" down the throats of the people of Colorado. The local EPA had a much more cost effective solution but the feds said "you'll do it our way or you'll lose your highway dollars".

Wonder which one of those blackmailing pricks came to work crying.....because they (like moronwinger) thinks they do something useful.
The EPA looks out for itself.

It has grown in importance in it's own eyes.

States are better than the fed by a long shot.

It's the fed that sucks and always has.

If a state want's less stricter standards, that is their business.....not yours.

Why call yourself Rightwinger when you are really FarLeftWinger (big government nanny state lover) ?

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Liberals founded this great country

That's awesome.. Those liberals you speak of had slaves and refused a women's right to vote.

The states have sold out their people for hundreds of years

If not for the Federal Govt keeping them in check....they would be open sewers


The states are more the people than the Federal Government.

If it were not for the Federal Government getting involved, this country would be a much better place to live.

The Federal Government has been protecting We the People from the terrorism of the states for over 150 years. Slavery, women's rights, worker protection, environmental protection, gay rights

Liberals have been enabling terrorism since 1973 with Roe v. Wade.
Liberals founded this great country

That's awesome.. Those liberals you speak of had slaves and refused a women's right to vote.


They were not liberal in that they were the left wing big government loving types like the idiots who defend the EPA.

They were liberal in that they thought outside the box and were willing to kick George and the Crown to the curb.

Mind you, they were conservative in that attempted to work within the system....but could not get any compromise.

Today's left wingers simply want Uncle Sam to do it all.
EPA regulations these bureaucrats have been spewing forth for decades are now, finally, in serious jeopardy and that's a very good thing for Trump's march to making America great again.

I remember conservatives whining about getting rid of lead in gas and production processes that released Mercury into the environment and sulphur into the air

What about the jobs?

Mean old EPA won't let us dump waste into the environment
EPA regulations these bureaucrats have been spewing forth for decades are now, finally, in serious jeopardy and that's a very good thing for Trump's march to making America great again.

I remember conservatives whining about getting rid of lead in gas and production processes that released Mercury into the environment and sulphur into the air

What about the jobs?

Mean old EPA won't let us dump waste into the environment

That's not the point.. You claim that your job in 1972 let you buy a leaded gas guzzling car..

So you polluted the environment.. With your so called good wages..

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