Memories of Quantico


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2016
The jet airliner flew us to Dulles in DC and we got off the plane and got onto a bus.

We rode down wooded highways and byways to an exit that said "Quantico".

Once the bus got to the tarmac a corporal got on the bus and started yelling,

"Get off the bus! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off!

Get off the bus! Get off! Get off! Get off! Get off!"

We got off.

We stood in the yellow painted footprints on the tarmac.

We learned the position of attention.

We learned that from now on we would only speak when spoken to.

A W/M walked by and the Corporal told us,

"Don't fokk them -- they have the clap and crabs."

We were marched over to the dispensary and inspected, infected, detected, and selected.

One guy was asked by the Navy doctor, "What did you take for it?"

He replied.

They got rid of him. NPQ. Not physically qualified. Clap.

We were marched to the barber shop and got our buzz cuts.

We were marched to the supply houch and got our deuce gear and clothing and sea bag.

We were marched to the barracks and met our D/I's (drill instructors).

They called off our names from a clipboard and we fell-in behind them.


They rearranged us by height from our right to left.

These became our squads -- first squad -- second squad -- third squad.

(Formerly during Viet Nam platoons were arranged in to 4 squads but this was changed afterwards into 3 squads.)

We were marched as a herd without cadence over to our barracks and up the stairs into our squad bays.
"My name is Gunnery Sergeant William T. Cabrerra your senior drill instructor.

From now on you worms will speak only when spoken to and you will speak in the third person.

You are "the candidate".

I am "the platoon sergeant".

You are not a me and I am not a you.

Do you worms understand that?

"Aye aye platoon sergeant!"

"Bull sh!t I can't hear you! Sound off like you've got a pair!"

"Aye aye platoon sergeant !!"
What's your name worm ?!

Where in the Hell are you from ?!

Texas !!

Holy sh!t only steers and queers come from Texas -- so which are you ??

Bullsh!t you look like you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose !!
California ?!

Holy shit California does not have steers so that sort of narrows it down doesn't it ?!

Are you a peter puffer ?!

Do you suck dicks ?!
How tall are you candidate ?!

Five foot eight ?!

I did not know they stacked sh!t that high !!

It looks like the best part of you slipped thru the crack in your momma's azz and stained the mattress !!

I'll be watching you fokking midget !!
From now on you better start sh!tting me Tiffany's cufflinks or I will definitely fokk you up !!

Say your prayers candidates.

Tomorrow we will find out who has got balls and who has got a slit.

And my orders are to weed out any non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps.
Quantico Virginia.

Home of the phony tough and the crazy brave.

A place where a Catholic drill instructor can look and sound like the Devil himself.

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