Meet The Mormons -- Teaser Trailer 2014

Christians don't wear Magic Underwear or have secret handshakes. No need for that.
You have to be a Mormon to enter their temple (I've been refused). You do not have to be Christian to enter ANY Church.
Mormons separate Men, Women and Children at their temples. Christians do not.
A Christian business will hire anyone who is qualified. Good luck getting a job in Utah.

There is only ONE story of the Virgin Birth and yet Joseph Smith told TWO DIFFERENT STORIES about the Magic Plates.

My Dad, the Mormon, says that the higher ups know BOTH but the people in the seats only know of one.

You wanna' be a Mormon? Better repent NOW cause you aint gonna' be a God like they tell you.

This is like engaging in a debate about how many angels can sit on the head of a pin. Which fictional set of beliefs is better than the other. You can't resolve that debate.
The secret of wrapping your heart, and brain around Mormonism is to pretend you are a Martian who's come to Earth.
Oh come now! Tel the truth Mojo2!:

Mormon Gods are having endless sex and thus populating the earth!

And if YOU do good works here on Earth you'll be rewarded by becoming a God and having endless celestial sex too!

Am I lying? No. That's what you believe, why lie about it?

When I was a kid and was looking into the FOI (Fruit of Islam) I attended a Sunday service at the local mosque and the thing THEY harped on was the unbelievable Virgin Birth.

How could that story be believed?

What if your teen aged daughter came home saying she was pregnant but was still a virgin??!!

How believable is that???

Well, as time went on I found there is NO religion which provides solid proof of its authenticity and is without question, true without requiring one to have faith.

Anyone who calls himself a Christian can't seriously believe the Christian story of the Birth of Jesus is any less fantastic than the story of Joseph Smith and the magic plates.

And I KNOW someone is going to want to take this to a boring discussion of religious points of contrast and comparison.

All I want to establish before you guys bring the thread to a dead sludge-like reading flow is that LDS is an addition to the KJV Holy Bible and that Mormons ARE Christians. And that if you think what Mormons believe is wrong just because it is different, then maybe it is YOU who needs to do some soul searching.

totally a side note. I've always found people being skeptical of the virgin birth as odd. After all science could impregnate a virgin now. Why on earth is it so unbelievable that an all knowing all powerful God could do what we can do?
"No one is asking you to join."

Then who are those kids on bicycles in white shirts and black ties who called themselves, "Elders" who were haunting my house in New Orleans about once per month?
"No one is asking you to join."

Then who are those kids on bicycles in white shirts and black ties who called themselves, "Elders" who were haunting my house in New Orleans about once per month?

Maybe they were looters.

Or vandals.
Christians don't wear Magic Underwear or have secret handshakes. No need for that.
You have to be a Mormon to enter their temple (I've been refused). You do not have to be Christian to enter ANY Church.
Mormons separate Men, Women and Children at their temples. Christians do not.
A Christian business will hire anyone who is qualified. Good luck getting a job in Utah.

There is only ONE story of the Virgin Birth and yet Joseph Smith told TWO DIFFERENT STORIES about the Magic Plates.

My Dad, the Mormon, says that the higher ups know BOTH but the people in the seats only know of one.

You wanna' be a Mormon? Better repent NOW cause you aint gonna' be a God like they tell you.

Dude, you sound more MAD and less SCIENTIST.

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