Media Generates Another Lie Over Trump's Bloodbath Comments

Come on man, don't be a part of the disinformation problem.
He just wants Canuck boi to read/hear what was actually said.
It's runnin' wild, brother! :D

Sadly, Don isn't all that bright to connect the dots, so he lets his socialist/communist buddies do his thinking for him.
When you have an entire media conglomerate publishing lies about you 24/7 Don doesn't have to do anything.

He needs to have all of his speeches rehearsed and no off the cuff comments that can be twisted unrecognizable.
Trump was on the stump yesterday and he was talking about a possible bloodbath in the auto industry,

So the lying MSM claims Trump said that there will be a bloodbath if he doesn't win the next election. Meaning violence. From what I remember Democrats are the only ones committing violence. Black on white violence.

Trump wasn't talking about the election. He was talking about China building EV car factories in Mexico and selling them in the United States..

Your desperation is apparent. He said what he said and you can't spin it.
Trump should’ve been speaking to his Ohio cult followers about the bloodbath of the Trump organization. That’s coming very soon.

FAKE MEDIA .. no other words when they don't provide the context.

Peaceful Protests .. Injecting bleach ... Bloodbath ....

Where are the fact checkers on truth?

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