
Paranoid nonsense. When Savage comes up with an interesting theory, hell will have frozen over. Who in their right mind can believe this stupidity? While evolution has created in us a sense of conspiracy, you'd think that any adult would read this stuff and say WTF.

Sure would like to see you engage, and try to show the errors in his theory.

It certainly accounts for the facts.

It's not so much error as a stupid premise. What is nefarious about trying to get a straight answer out of Romney?
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Paranoid nonsense. When Savage comes up with an interesting theory, hell will have frozen over. Who in their right mind can believe this stupidity? While evolution has created in us a sense of conspiracy, you'd think that any adult would read this stuff and say WTF.

Sure would like to see you engage, and try to show the errors in his theory.

It certainly accounts for the facts.

It's not so much error as a stupid premise. What is nefarious about trying to get a straight answer out of Romney?

Are you actually suggesting that expecting the vaunted Fourth Estate to merely report, rather than attempt to form an opinion in the minds of recipients is outlandish???

I can't decide whether your reputation is precipitously declining in either honesty, or in intellect.
They're not attempting to form opinion. They're trying to get the guy to give a straight answer to a legitimate question.
1. The Fourth Estate (or fourth estate) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media; especially print journalism or "The Press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. cor·rupt/kəˈrəpt/
Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
adjective. rotten - depraved - venal - bad - putrid
verb. spoil - pervert - deprave - vitiate - rot - debauch

3."Open mic shows reporters coordinating question on whether Romney regrets criticizing Obama on Egypt, Libya
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was widely criticized Wednesday for his outspoken criticism of the Obama administration on its handling of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic stations in Egypt and Libya.

That criticism hasn’t only been coming from campaign operatives, but apparently from the media as well.

The Right Scoop blog captured the audio feed from Romney’s press briefing on the situation Wednesday morning, showing reporters covering Romney working together to base their question on that premise."
Open mic shows reporters coordinating questions to Romney | The Daily Caller

And, in a related story....

4. Michael Savage ( “Trickle Down Tyranny” ) put forth an interesting theory, also based on a supposed Soros strategy. He suggests that there is an international ‘Government-Media Complex,’ in which Soros is the major player. Fox’s Rupert Murdoch’s UK empire is under attack in Britain for paying private detectives and listening in on phone calls to get personal information about government officials, professional athletes, movie stars and even the royal family. James Murdoch Caught in New Facts From Parliament Hacking Testimony - The Daily Beast

a. What is not revealed, is that the tactics of the Murdoch papers is routine among just about all the media. The 2006 report, “What Price Privacy Now?” lists some 305 journalists from 21 different publications committed over 11,000 violations of the Data Protection Act, Britain’s privacy law; most were non-Murdoch publications.
House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport - Seventh Report

b. Soros then tasked his contacts at “The Daily Beast,” owned by Tina Brown and the Harmon family (owners of Newsweek) to publicize Murdoch’s British problems, and suggested “the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. law under which some suggest Rupert Murdoch could be prosecuted….for paying a bribe to an official in a foreign country to win a government contract.” Rupert Murdoch

c. Of course, there were no Americans involved, and no British government contracts involved, but they salivated: “…an independent monitor to oversee the company. Imagine an Eric Holder-appointed supervisor looking over Roger Ailes’ shoulder?!” Ibid.

d. Sure enough, “The U.S. Justice Department has confirmed a preliminary investigation is underway into the extent of the ongoing phone hacking scandal that has engulfed News Corp, which is headquartered in New York. “News of the World phone hacking and bribes: US Justice Department launches investigation | Mail Online
ZOMG!! Stop the presses, call out the national guard...we got some journalists conducting journalism.


They're not attempting to form opinion. They're trying to get the guy to give a straight answer to a legitimate question.

You've just moved yourself into the category of dishonest.

"Before Romney issued his statement today, an open mic capture the press coordinating questions to ask Romney, with one saying “no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question”.
EXCLUSIVE: Open mic captures press coordinating questions for Romney “no matter who he calls on we’re covered” » The Right Scoop -

Over and over...the same question.
It is designed to produce a view in the uninformed that 'well, everyone thinks it was wrong..."

Essentially, it is an obvious attempt to paint Romney's criticism of Obama as a mistake. Even you must see this...and, therefore, you have identified yourself as dishonest.


"This looked like amateur hour, and it also fed into the broader critique many Republicans have made of the Obama administration. So it seemed natural that Romney would release a statement Tuesday night condemning both the attacks and Obama's weak response. But Obama campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt shot back and said he was "shocked" Romney would play politics at such a time. And the media fell into line.

When Romney gave a press conference Wednesday, the questions focused on whether it was appropriate for him to criticize Obama at the time he did. Romney's responses didn't really matter, because reporters had already decided their narrative. Obama did not take any questions in his own press conference moments later."
How the media turned Obama's foreign policy bungle into a Romney gaffe |
1. The Fourth Estate (or fourth estate) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media; especially print journalism or "The Press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. cor·rupt/kəˈrəpt/
Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
adjective. rotten - depraved - venal - bad - putrid
verb. spoil - pervert - deprave - vitiate - rot - debauch

3."Open mic shows reporters coordinating question on whether Romney regrets criticizing Obama on Egypt, Libya
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was widely criticized Wednesday for his outspoken criticism of the Obama administration on its handling of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic stations in Egypt and Libya.

That criticism hasn’t only been coming from campaign operatives, but apparently from the media as well.

The Right Scoop blog captured the audio feed from Romney’s press briefing on the situation Wednesday morning, showing reporters covering Romney working together to base their question on that premise."
Open mic shows reporters coordinating questions to Romney | The Daily Caller

And, in a related story....

4. Michael Savage ( “Trickle Down Tyranny” ) put forth an interesting theory, also based on a supposed Soros strategy. He suggests that there is an international ‘Government-Media Complex,’ in which Soros is the major player. Fox’s Rupert Murdoch’s UK empire is under attack in Britain for paying private detectives and listening in on phone calls to get personal information about government officials, professional athletes, movie stars and even the royal family. James Murdoch Caught in New Facts From Parliament Hacking Testimony - The Daily Beast

a. What is not revealed, is that the tactics of the Murdoch papers is routine among just about all the media. The 2006 report, “What Price Privacy Now?” lists some 305 journalists from 21 different publications committed over 11,000 violations of the Data Protection Act, Britain’s privacy law; most were non-Murdoch publications.
House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport - Seventh Report

b. Soros then tasked his contacts at “The Daily Beast,” owned by Tina Brown and the Harmon family (owners of Newsweek) to publicize Murdoch’s British problems, and suggested “the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. law under which some suggest Rupert Murdoch could be prosecuted….for paying a bribe to an official in a foreign country to win a government contract.” Rupert Murdoch

c. Of course, there were no Americans involved, and no British government contracts involved, but they salivated: “…an independent monitor to oversee the company. Imagine an Eric Holder-appointed supervisor looking over Roger Ailes’ shoulder?!” Ibid.

d. Sure enough, “The U.S. Justice Department has confirmed a preliminary investigation is underway into the extent of the ongoing phone hacking scandal that has engulfed News Corp, which is headquartered in New York. “News of the World phone hacking and bribes: US Justice Department launches investigation | Mail Online
ZOMG!! Stop the presses, call out the national guard...we got some journalists conducting journalism.



Time for your remedial, Marc-ey.

1Definition of JOURNALISM
a : the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media
b : the public press
c : an academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news or the management of a news medium
a : writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine
b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation
c : writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest
Journalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

": writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation" the course of a presidential campaign, I'd say "direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation"
is the function of the journalist....

...not to function as a subsidiary of the Democrat Party, or to make certain that a particular candidate is elected.

Wouldn't you agree?
When the media becomes an arm of the government either willingly or unwillingly it means the government can get away with negligence or any other criminal act. The left wingers "reporters" were actually caught in a little sound bite conspiring to work together to try to trip Romney up while the freaking president is AWOL and diplomats are being murdered...
It's ironic, because without the media, PC wouldn't have any material to start a thread.


1. Do you know the meaning of "ironic"? It refers to something counter to what is written.

Clearly, I'm neither suggesting that there be no press, nor that the press should write only what I agree with.

Try to be more articulate.

2. If I don't agree with the behavior of the press, but point out that I've read about same in the press, how does that obviate my ability to critique same?

3. "...without the media,..."
Wrong again....
I do far more reading of books, and posts on the USMB, than I do reading the press. that that is cleared up, a question for you: am I correct that one should expect reporting of facts, and equal treatment of the candidates by those who function as journalists....rather than the conspiratorial attempts to favor one over the other?
Jeebus christ PC.

You called the media disgusting in your title.

You constantly rely on media to copy/paste your OPs.

That's ironic, whether you agree or not is irrelevant.
Jeebus christ PC.

You called the media disgusting in your title.

You constantly rely on media to copy/paste your OPs.

That's ironic, whether you agree or not is irrelevant.

Did you miss this, Bobby?

" that that is cleared up, a question for you: am I correct that one should expect reporting of facts, and equal treatment of the candidates by those who function as journalists....rather than the conspiratorial attempts to favor one over the other?"

I don't believe that you missed it.....rather you sense that answering it, and I believe you'd feel constrained to answer honestly, would validate the OP.

Am I correct?
1. The Fourth Estate (or fourth estate) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media; especially print journalism or "The Press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. cor·rupt/kəˈrəpt/
Having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
adjective. rotten - depraved - venal - bad - putrid
verb. spoil - pervert - deprave - vitiate - rot - debauch

3."Open mic shows reporters coordinating question on whether Romney regrets criticizing Obama on Egypt, Libya
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was widely criticized Wednesday for his outspoken criticism of the Obama administration on its handling of the attacks on U.S. diplomatic stations in Egypt and Libya.

That criticism hasn’t only been coming from campaign operatives, but apparently from the media as well.

The Right Scoop blog captured the audio feed from Romney’s press briefing on the situation Wednesday morning, showing reporters covering Romney working together to base their question on that premise."
Open mic shows reporters coordinating questions to Romney | The Daily Caller

And, in a related story....

4. Michael Savage ( “Trickle Down Tyranny” ) put forth an interesting theory, also based on a supposed Soros strategy. He suggests that there is an international ‘Government-Media Complex,’ in which Soros is the major player. Fox’s Rupert Murdoch’s UK empire is under attack in Britain for paying private detectives and listening in on phone calls to get personal information about government officials, professional athletes, movie stars and even the royal family. James Murdoch Caught in New Facts From Parliament Hacking Testimony - The Daily Beast

a. What is not revealed, is that the tactics of the Murdoch papers is routine among just about all the media. The 2006 report, “What Price Privacy Now?” lists some 305 journalists from 21 different publications committed over 11,000 violations of the Data Protection Act, Britain’s privacy law; most were non-Murdoch publications.
House of Commons - Culture, Media and Sport - Seventh Report

b. Soros then tasked his contacts at “The Daily Beast,” owned by Tina Brown and the Harmon family (owners of Newsweek) to publicize Murdoch’s British problems, and suggested “the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. law under which some suggest Rupert Murdoch could be prosecuted….for paying a bribe to an official in a foreign country to win a government contract.” Rupert Murdoch

c. Of course, there were no Americans involved, and no British government contracts involved, but they salivated: “…an independent monitor to oversee the company. Imagine an Eric Holder-appointed supervisor looking over Roger Ailes’ shoulder?!” Ibid.

d. Sure enough, “The U.S. Justice Department has confirmed a preliminary investigation is underway into the extent of the ongoing phone hacking scandal that has engulfed News Corp, which is headquartered in New York. “News of the World phone hacking and bribes: US Justice Department launches investigation | Mail Online

I couldn't rep, need to 'spread' but agreed. Honestly, the cloaks have fallen.

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