Media Claims Trump Knew Gen Flynn Was A Foreign Agent, But Ignores John Podesta Is One


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The media is trying to make a big deal about Michael Flynn, who was fired by Trump last month, being a Turkish agent, but totally ignores the fact that Hillary Clintons campaign chairman has been a foreign agent for years.

I guess this is another example of the left telling everyone do as I say, not as I do.

September 1, 2016
Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

by Medea Benjamin


If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi government’s payroll, you’d probably think I was a Trump-thumping, conspiratorial nutcase. But it’s true.

The lobby firm created by both Tony and John Podesta in 1988 receives $140,000 a month from the Saudi government, a government that beheads nonviolent dissidents, uses torture to extract forced confessions, doesn’t allow women to drive, and bombs schools, hospitals and residential neighborhoods in neighboring Yemen.

The Podesta Group’s March 2016 filing, required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, shows that Tony Podesta himself oversees the Saudi account. At the same time, Tony Podesta is also a top campaign contributor and bundler for Hillary Clinton. So while one brother runs the campaign, the other brother funds it with earnings that come, in part, from the Saudis.

John and Tony Podesta have been heavyweights in DC insider politics for decades. John Podesta served as President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, founded the influential DC think tank Center for American Progress (which regularly touts Saudi “reforms”), and was counselor to President Obama. Tony Podesta was dubbed by The New York Times as “one of Washington’s biggest players” whose clients “are going to get a blueprint for how to succeed in official Washington.”

The brothers seem to have no problem mixing their roles into the same pot. Tony Podesta held a Clinton campaign fundraiser at his home featuring gourmet Italian food cooked by himself and his brother, the campaign chairman. The fundraiser, by the way, came just days after Tony Podesta filed his Saudi contract with the Justice Department, a contract that included an initial “project fee” payment of $200,000.

The Saudis hired the Podesta Group in 2015 because it was getting hammered in the press over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and its crackdown on political dissidents at home, including sentencing blogger Raif Badawi to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes for “insulting Islam.” Since then, Tony Podesta’s fingerprints have been all over Saudi Arabia’s advocacy efforts in Washington DC. When Saudi Arabia executed the prominent nonviolent Shia dissident Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, causing protests throughout the Shia world and inflaming sectarian divisions, The New York Times noted that the Podesta Group provided the newspaper with a Saudi commentator who defended the execution.​

Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.
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Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.

They are just mad that Trump got rid of him before the press found out about it....they are pissed. If Flynn had stayed on till this came out they could have roasted Trump...but Flynn is gone, and it is hard to push this story when Flynn was pushed out weeks ago.........
Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.

Yes....hilary was taking in hundreds of millions of dollars through her charity foundation from foriegn governments...including Russia, while she was Secretary of State, and her rapist husband was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches while she was Secretary of State.....and the democrats in the press wing of he democrat party weren't in the least bit curious...

This is why Trump is one trusts the press at this point...their selective investigative journalism has been one sided for far too long....
Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.

They are just mad that Trump got rid of him before the press found out about it....they are pissed. If Flynn had stayed on till this came out they could have roasted Trump...but Flynn is gone, and it is hard to push this story when Flynn was pushed out weeks ago.........
They're still going to try, apparently.
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dummy.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now, would have been her chief of staff, and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
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Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.
. To heck with that agitating sell out Chris Wallace. Who the heck do these journalist think they are, that they can create or try to create a narrative instead of just reporting the news fairly ?? People like Chris is trying to act as if he is the senior journalist in the world of media when he carries on like he does, but he is making an idiot of himself if you ask me.
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
That's amazing that Podesta worked for a private individual and doesn't serve in the govt..I see the differences...Yet you feel it is unfair to go after an active govt. employee and one that is not....
It's unreal. The Podesta brothers are paid directly by the Kremlins bank to lobby against the sanctions and no one in the press says freaking boo.

But whoa geeze everyone and their mother is still trying to find a Trump connection to Russia.
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
That's amazing that Podesta worked for a private individual and doesn't serve in the govt..I see the differences...Yet you feel it is unfair to go after an active govt. employee and one that is not....

Both brothers get paid by the Kremlin's bank. While one of the brothers was working for candidate to be President Clinton. Do you really want to debate this?
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
That's amazing that Podesta worked for a private individual and doesn't serve in the govt..I see the differences...Yet you feel it is unfair to go after an active govt. employee and one that is not....

Both brothers get paid by the Kremlin's bank. While one of the brothers was working for candidate to be President Clinton. Do you really want to debate this?
Did they break any laws by working on a campaign?
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.

Nice try, well the best a hack can do, I suppose.

Let's compare an adviser vis a vis a National Security Adviser. Such a comparison is tantamount to the bat boy and Babe Ruth. As usual mudwhistle simply trolls for the biddable and not the reasonable.
Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.

Yes....hilary was taking in hundreds of millions of dollars through her charity foundation from foriegn governments...including Russia, while she was Secretary of State, and her rapist husband was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches while she was Secretary of State.....and the democrats in the press wing of he democrat party weren't in the least bit curious...

This is why Trump is one trusts the press at this point...their selective investigative journalism has been one sided for far too long....
. Agenda's are being pushed, and the Americans are on to the bullcrap. We know the agenda's, and which media is the mouth piece for those agenda's. Then you have the "gone rogue" journalist who are either operating to use the strength of their platform to throw their suttle jabs or they are doing so for the higher up who have them doing their bidding for them, and doing so to keep themselves hidden as to where their loyalties lay in the hearts of the matters.
Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.

Yes....hilary was taking in hundreds of millions of dollars through her charity foundation from foriegn governments...including Russia, while she was Secretary of State, and her rapist husband was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches while she was Secretary of State.....and the democrats in the press wing of he democrat party weren't in the least bit curious...

This is why Trump is one trusts the press at this point...their selective investigative journalism has been one sided for far too long....
. Agenda's are being pushed, and the Americans are on to the bullcrap. We know the agenda's, and which media is the mouth piece for those agenda's. Then you have the "gone rogue" journalist who are either operating to use the strength of their platform to throw their suttle jabs or they are doing so for the higher up who have them doing their bidding for them, and doing so to keep themselves hidden as to where their loyalties lay in the hearts of the matters.
Where in the hell have you been while this has been going on since before you were born?
Chris Wallace this morning claims that Michael Flynn has registered as a foreign lobbyist for Turkey and that Trump should have known something about it. The only people that say this is true is fake news purveyors CNN and the like. Maybe they feel they can get score some political points off of the story. But it's a bit strange that they've been looking the other way for the last 8 years and now after months of revelations of Hillary taking massive amounts of cash from foreign countries for speeches, supposedly a fired former employee of Trumps is doing now is worse.
. To heck with that agitating sell out Chris Wallace. Who the heck do these journalist think they are, that they can create or try to create a narrative instead of just reporting the news fairly ?? People like Chris is trying to act as if he is the senior journalist in the world of media when he carries on like he does, but he is making an idiot of himself if you ask me.
He even liked asking a silly question "Does Trump deserve credit for the booming economy??"

Of course the libs on the panel gave Obama at least part of the credit.....even though the only reason it's happening is because Trump is busy getting rid of Obama's anti-business executive orders and regulations.
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
That's amazing that Podesta worked for a private individual and doesn't serve in the govt..I see the differences...Yet you feel it is unfair to go after an active govt. employee and one that is not....

Both brothers get paid by the Kremlin's bank. While one of the brothers was working for candidate to be President Clinton. Do you really want to debate this?
Did they break any laws by working on a campaign?

Lobbying for Russia against the sanctions?
When did Podesta get a job in the current administration?
Podesta works for Hillary, dipshit.

It doesn't matter if she isn't president. Podesta works for Hillary right now and has been a foreign agent for years. Flynn supposedly is going to register as an agent now that he's been fired.
Amazing that you can't see the similarities as well as the differences.
That's amazing that Podesta worked for a private individual and doesn't serve in the govt..I see the differences...Yet you feel it is unfair to go after an active govt. employee and one that is not....

Both brothers get paid by the Kremlin's bank. While one of the brothers was working for candidate to be President Clinton. Do you really want to debate this?
Did they break any laws by working on a campaign?

Lobbying for Russia against the sanctions?
Are they? Since it is a case where sanctions cover a limited area of operation..
The media is trying to make a big deal about Michael Flynn, who was fired by Trump last month, being a Turkish agent, but totally ignores the fact that Hillary Clintons campaign chairman has been a foreign agent for years.

I guess this is another example of the left telling everyone do as I say, not as I do.

September 1, 2016
Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

by Medea Benjamin


If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi government’s payroll, you’d probably think I was a Trump-thumping, conspiratorial nutcase. But it’s true.

The lobby firm created by both Tony and John Podesta in 1988 receives $140,000 a month from the Saudi government, a government that beheads nonviolent dissidents, uses torture to extract forced confessions, doesn’t allow women to drive, and bombs schools, hospitals and residential neighborhoods in neighboring Yemen.

The Podesta Group’s March 2016 filing, required under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, shows that Tony Podesta himself oversees the Saudi account. At the same time, Tony Podesta is also a top campaign contributor and bundler for Hillary Clinton. So while one brother runs the campaign, the other brother funds it with earnings that come, in part, from the Saudis.

John and Tony Podesta have been heavyweights in DC insider politics for decades. John Podesta served as President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, founded the influential DC think tank Center for American Progress (which regularly touts Saudi “reforms”), and was counselor to President Obama. Tony Podesta was dubbed by The New York Times as “one of Washington’s biggest players” whose clients “are going to get a blueprint for how to succeed in official Washington.”

The brothers seem to have no problem mixing their roles into the same pot. Tony Podesta held a Clinton campaign fundraiser at his home featuring gourmet Italian food cooked by himself and his brother, the campaign chairman. The fundraiser, by the way, came just days after Tony Podesta filed his Saudi contract with the Justice Department, a contract that included an initial “project fee” payment of $200,000.

The Saudis hired the Podesta Group in 2015 because it was getting hammered in the press over civilian casualties from its airstrikes in Yemen and its crackdown on political dissidents at home, including sentencing blogger Raif Badawi to ten years in prison and 1,000 lashes for “insulting Islam.” Since then, Tony Podesta’s fingerprints have been all over Saudi Arabia’s advocacy efforts in Washington DC. When Saudi Arabia executed the prominent nonviolent Shia dissident Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, causing protests throughout the Shia world and inflaming sectarian divisions, The New York Times noted that the Podesta Group provided the newspaper with a Saudi commentator who defended the execution.​

If Hillary was in office, well you have an argument... She lost, probably because of those issues.

Trump never fired him , and they were not going to do a thing until the truth came out to the public..

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