Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

24 Nov 2020 ~~ By Shelby Talcott
The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).
Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)
“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.
The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.
MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.

Solid evidence that the Quisling Media by censoring the truth skewed this election along with the criminal use of Dominion voter systems.
This conrinues to prove that twenty percent of the nation is hardcore leftist evil. About 35% to 40%of the Nation considers itself "conservative" and only a bout 2/3's or less of them vote most of the time.
Looking at both sides we have a lot more men capable of fighting and they have a lot more willing to initiate violence, and almost 100% of those willing to initiate illegal violence. Our challenge is how to get our side engaged in legal ways against their illegal violence.
Meanwhile we find that China has corrupted our Media and Big Tech allowing this debacle of a false and corrupt election within Ametica.
See: China Is Buying Influence In American Media, Does It Impact How They Cover The Communist Power?
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

24 Nov 2020 ~~ By Shelby Talcott
The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).
Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)
“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.
The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.
MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.

Solid evidence that the Quisling Media by censoring the truth skewed this election along with the criminal use of Dominion voter systems.
This conrinues to prove that twenty percent of the nation is hardcore leftist evil. About 35% to 40%of the Nation considers itself "conservative" and only a bout 2/3's or less of them vote most of the time.
Looking at both sides we have a lot more men capable of fighting and they have a lot more willing to initiate violence, and almost 100% of those willing to initiate illegal violence. Our challenge is how to get our side engaged in legal ways against their illegal violence.
Meanwhile we find that China has corrupted our Media and Big Tech allowing this debacle of a false and corrupt election within Ametica.
See: China Is Buying Influence In American Media, Does It Impact How They Cover The Communist Power?
Suddenly you believe polls? LOL
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

24 Nov 2020 ~~ By Shelby Talcott
The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).
Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)
“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.
The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.
MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.

Solid evidence that the Quisling Media by censoring the truth skewed this election along with the criminal use of Dominion voter systems.
This conrinues to prove that twenty percent of the nation is hardcore leftist evil. About 35% to 40%of the Nation considers itself "conservative" and only a bout 2/3's or less of them vote most of the time.
Looking at both sides we have a lot more men capable of fighting and they have a lot more willing to initiate violence, and almost 100% of those willing to initiate illegal violence. Our challenge is how to get our side engaged in legal ways against their illegal violence.
Meanwhile we find that China has corrupted our Media and Big Tech allowing this debacle of a false and corrupt election within Ametica.
See: China Is Buying Influence In American Media, Does It Impact How They Cover The Communist Power?

Mail out voting cost him. I figured it would, though, I assumed he'd win with 290 or so.

It is what it is. Too many who dislike Trump don't know what the end game is for Americas enemies.
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The media has always been in cahoots with the government,they are nothing but a tool for them.they won’t report what a hypocrite Biden is that he was at a party of over a 100 people and did not wear a face mask.not the ass kidding media of Biden,no sir.
If the Media refused to cover these stories where did you read or find out about them?

Do you think the free press should be forced or coerced into covering certain stories?
He is talking about the msm media who are funded by the corporations Einstein. :uhoh3: He obviously got them from an independent news source not controlled by them that does not omit facts as they always
He is talking about the msm media who are funded by the corporations Einstein.

Those are profit centers owned by corporations and everybody is out for profit, zippy, even the indies who publish last minute shockers.

Do you think the free press should be forced or coerced into covering certain stories?
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

24 Nov 2020 ~~ By Shelby Talcott
The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).
Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)
“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.
The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.
MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.

Solid evidence that the Quisling Media by censoring the truth skewed this election along with the criminal use of Dominion voter systems.
This conrinues to prove that twenty percent of the nation is hardcore leftist evil. About 35% to 40%of the Nation considers itself "conservative" and only a bout 2/3's or less of them vote most of the time.
Looking at both sides we have a lot more men capable of fighting and they have a lot more willing to initiate violence, and almost 100% of those willing to initiate illegal violence. Our challenge is how to get our side engaged in legal ways against their illegal violence.
Meanwhile we find that China has corrupted our Media and Big Tech allowing this debacle of a false and corrupt election within Ametica.
See: China Is Buying Influence In American Media, Does It Impact How They Cover The Communist Power?

Mail out voting cost him. I figured it would, though, I assumed he'd win with 290 or so.

It is what it is. Too many who dislike Trump don't know what the end game is for Americas enemies.
I can name several such people who reside right here on this forum.
If the Media refused to cover these stories where did you read or find out about them?

BooBoo clueless again. He has no idea that democrats get all their news from the MSM like NBC and NYT. We heard about the Biden scandal from all those fringe sources like Rush and Fox (and Trump himself!) you can't control or shut up so always put down.
If the Media refused to cover these stories where did you read or find out about them?

BooBoo clueless again. He has no idea that democrats get all their news from the MSM like NBC and NYT. We heard about the Biden scandal from all those fringe sources like Rush and Fox (and Trump himself!) you can't control or shut up so always put down.

Faux News is a nationwide media network then?

Do you think the free press should be forced or coerced into covering certain stories?
The media has always been in cahoots with the government,they are nothing but a tool

I heard this guy was a traitor. Was he in cahoots?

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The media has always been in cahoots with the government,they are nothing but a tool

I heard this guy was a traitor. Was he in cahoots?


Was he in cahoot or wasn't he?
The media has always been in cahoots with the government,they are nothing but a tool

I heard this guy was a traitor. Was he in cahoots?


Was he in cahoot or wasn't he?

Indeed Walter Cronkite had as much to do with the fall of South Vietnam as Jane Fonda and her Socialist group at CNN.....
Media Censoring Negative Biden News May Have Cost Trump The Election, Swing State Poll Shows

24 Nov 2020 ~~ By Shelby Talcott
The media’s censorship of negative President-elect Joe Biden news and positive President Donald Trump stories may have cost Trump the election, according to a poll published by The Media Research Center (MRC).
Among those surveyed, one in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for the president-elect if they had been aware of one or more of the news stories presented to them, the poll found. MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, asked voters about eight news stories that “the liberal news media had failed to cover properly,” a press release from the MRC noted. (RELATED: New MRC Study Shows Just How Biased The Media Truly Are)
“A shift of this magnitude would have changed the outcome in all six of the swing states won by Joe Biden,” the MRC determined.
The poll found that a massive 82% of voters were unaware of at least one news item presented and 5% were unaware of all issues. The poll surveyed 1,750 Biden voters across seven swing states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump’s historic deals regarding foreign policy were also underreported by the media, resulting in 43.5% of Biden voters saying they were unaware about various agreements in the region. A total of 5% of Biden voters said they would have changed votes with this information available, the MRC reported.
“The most basic principle of our electoral system is that our leaders are chosen by the people themselves. But if the people are given systematically one-sided information, with crucial facts omitted, then the real power to choose has been stolen from them,” the MRC added.
MRC’s poll, conducted by The Polling Company, was done entirely online from Nov. 9-18, 2020. The poll’s accuracy is +/- 2.34% with a 95% confidence interval.

Solid evidence that the Quisling Media by censoring the truth skewed this election along with the criminal use of Dominion voter systems.
This conrinues to prove that twenty percent of the nation is hardcore leftist evil. About 35% to 40%of the Nation considers itself "conservative" and only a bout 2/3's or less of them vote most of the time.
Looking at both sides we have a lot more men capable of fighting and they have a lot more willing to initiate violence, and almost 100% of those willing to initiate illegal violence. Our challenge is how to get our side engaged in legal ways against their illegal violence.
Meanwhile we find that China has corrupted our Media and Big Tech allowing this debacle of a false and corrupt election within Ametica.
See: China Is Buying Influence In American Media, Does It Impact How They Cover The Communist Power?
Dailycaller is a rightwing fake news site and not a reliable source.

The thread premise fails as a post hoc fallacy: that a Biden voter may not have been aware of a given news story doesn’t mean it was the consequence of ‘censorship’ by ‘the media.’
The media has always been in cahoots with the government,they are nothing but a tool

I heard this guy was a traitor. Was he in cahoots?

that is indeed correct,he was a plant of the CIA,they have plants like him everywhere.He committed treason in his coverup of the jfk assassination with his lone gunman theory. the media has plants like him everywhere still to this day.
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He is talking about the msm media who are funded by the corporations Einstein.

Those are profit centers owned by corporations and everybody is out for profit, zippy, even the indies who publish last minute shockers.

Do you think the free press should be forced or coerced into covering certain stories?
the difference is zippy the msm media is a tool for the government nothing more,they never do any investigating,they just report what the government wants us to hear.

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