Media Cacophony


Sep 23, 2010
The only thing interesting in media’s presidential election cacophony —— signifying nothing —— continues to be Hillary Clinton’s crimes. Judge Napolitano compares it to Nixon and Watergate:

Napolitano: Justice Dept. Shielding Hillary From Indictment Will Be ‘Catastrophic’ For Her
Steve Guest
Media Reporter
1:38 PM 04/25/2016

Napolitano: No Indictment Will Be 'Catastrophic' For Hillary [VIDEO]

The only way that exposing the Democrat party’s hatred of this country could have been more devastating would have been unmasking Obama & Company while she was secretary of state. I will never know why it came at the end of two terms and numerous lies put out by the Chicago sewer rat’s hatchet men and hatchet women. Had a conservative Republican been spotted jaywalking television would have ran the story 24-7 until he or she was run out of town on a rail.


Here are a few observations I spliced together from previous threads:

Knowing where the bodies are buried makes Hillary Clinton bulletproof.

I cannot see Clinton walking away clean no matter how it plays out.

1. She loses if she is charged and tried whether or not she is convicted.

2. She loses if she is not charged and tried because a vast majority of American voters will believe the fix was in. In Short: Another big shot skating will destroy Clinton as much as a trial.

3. Clinton loses a third way if Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee identifies who gave the stand down order. Whether or not she gave the order —— she knows who did. As secretary of state she was responsible for the deaths of Americans who were abandoned while there was still time to save their lives. She had a chance to say she insisted on sending help. She did not say that. Instead, she evaded the issue when she finally testified. Even if she now claims she tried to send help but was overruled by the commander in chief she is complicit in the murders after the fact.

The first question any competent investigator would ask himself is this: Who benefits the most by deleting the top secret marking from a document? Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?

Nobody talks. Everybody walks. —— just might fall by the wayside when the dominoes start falling. Everybody involved in espionage committed on Hillary’s private server must realize that the Clintons are looking for fall guys (plural). Those insiders surely must have known they were guilty of a crime while they were doing it. Bryan Pagliano’s immunity deal surely told everyone involved that the size of the rewards offered for talking begin to diminish until the FBI takes them off the table entirely.

Incidentally, when Hillary Clinton was co-president nobody could figure out why everybody in the administration remained so loyal. Clintonista loyalty was the ninth wonder of the world in an institution overrun with snakes. I always believed that it was loyalty to Bubba. Remember that Hillary never commanded the loyalty that attaches to every president regardless of how she saw herself.

Reid Tears Into Grassley Over Clinton FBI Probe, Speculates He Leaked Huma Abedin’s Personal Info
BY: David Rutz
April 25, 2016 5:24 pm

Reid Tears Into Grassley Over Clinton FBI Probe, Speculates He Leaked Huma Abedin’s Personal Info

Dirty Harry has every reason to lay down a smokescreen:
Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?
See this thread:

If I was Huma Abedin I would be heading for a Muslim Country right about now:​

3. Clinton loses a third way if Trey Gowdy’s Select Committee identifies who gave the stand down order.
Taqiyya the Liar is still the commander in chief. Clearly, the DoD’s foot-dragging is all about NOT answering the question Who gave the order to stand down?

The letter was released by committee Democrats, who have charged that the investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on American facilities in Libya is aimed at impugning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.​

Pentagon to Trey Gowdy and Benghazi panel: Back off
By Rudy Takala
4/29/16 12:51 PM

Pentagon to Trey Gowdy and Benghazi panel: Back off

I am afraid that President Ted Cruz, or President Donald Trump, will pull a Gerald Ford if the FBI and Loretta Lynch drag out the charges against Hillary Clinton past the election.

Gerald R. Ford Pardons Richard Nixon Video - Watergate Scandal -

NOTE: Even if Clinton is indicted after she loses the election, it will take many months before her trial gets underway. The delay would give the Chicago sewer rat an opportunity to pardon her before he leaves office. A pardon from the rat is understandable, but less corrupt than a pardon coming from a Republican president.

Also note that Clinton’s crimes are much more serious than the political dirty tricks Nixon was punished for. My point if a pardon materializes. Compare Clinton’s crimes to Richard Nixon —— not General Petraeus.
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Will Hillary Clinton Be Indicted? has to be the number one parlor game inside the Beltway. It is really a fun game because it never bores. The players can go down the list of Hillary’s cronies and ask which one, or more, will Hillary give up to save herself?

Will Taqiyya the Liar pardon everyone before he leaves office is the endgame? That is the only compromise I can see in order to put down a revolt:

FBI 'revolt of Watergate proportions' if Hillary skates
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 06/22/2016 @ 8:37 pm

FBI ‘revolt of Watergate proportions’ if Hillary skates

Incidentally, Putin is a major player inside the Beltway without ever leaving Moscow! The question on everyone’s mind is this: Does Putin have any of the e-mails Hillary deleted?

Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails
By Defense and Foreign Affairs - Jun 13, 2016, 2:37 PM CDT

Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails |
Knowing where the bodies are buried makes Hillary Clinton bulletproof.
Snakes on a plane changed the game. An indictment and trial with Taqiyya the Liar called to testify gives him the excuse he needs to resign so Joe Biden can run as a sitting president.

Watch the video:

Judge Pirro on Why Hillary Won't Be Indicted for Her Emails

"The reason she will not be indicted is because her first witness as a defendant in a criminal case is the President of the United States. Why? Because Hillary Clinton emailed President Barack Obama. He knew she had a private email server. So he is complicit. And they will not allow a constitutional crisis where the President of the United States knew about the risking of security of the United States," said Pirro.​

July 2, 2016
Judge Jeanine Pirro on why Hillary won’t be indicted
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Judge Jeanine Pirro on why Hillary won’t be indicted
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