Media Blackout: Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Media Blackout:

Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations

21 Jul 2023 ~~ Kristina Wong

Most corporate media outlets completely ignored bombshell revelations on Thursday involving allegations that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were involved in a bribery scheme in 2015 and 2016.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Thursday released an unclassified FBI document that memorialized a conversation between the FBI and one of their trusted informants, who passed on to the FBI detailed allegations from the founder of the Ukrainian natural gas and oil company who employed Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were both involved in a bribery scheme.
The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) did not cover the release of the document, although the WSJ did run an opinion piece.
ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News did not cover the release on their nightly broadcast that evening or on their morning shows the next day, according to Newsbusters. By contrast, Fox News’s nightly newscast led with the story on Thursday.

CNN’s website did not cover the document until Friday, and its story downplayed the allegations.

This is national news of great importance. If the media aren't covering it, they aren't the "news" -They`ve become the Democrat propaganda outlet. It`s lying by omission.
Plainly they've become the Fifth Column of the DNC (also known as the mainstream media) never covering anything negative against their allies. and ideological brothers,
The only positive thing is, since Trump was president, the people now have seen the extreme bias in the alphabet news agencies. Remember how they repeated Trump was unfit for office non-stop for years?
Now look at Joe Biden who's truly unfit for office.
They no longer leave any doubt about their willingness to lie for one party and to help with the tyrannical moves of the Left. They ARE THE ENEMY at this point. People need to understand that.
I guess that 787.5 million fox had to pay wasn't enough, and they have a bunch more extra cash laying around that they want to be sued for.
"Reports" and rumors and hearsay and accusations mean nothing until they're unsuccessfully challenged in court.

It does seem that Fox just can't help themselves.
And that is how the Deep State deals with Gullibles and Normies .They bludgeon them via the totally corrupt MSM and call Critical Thinkers ,Conspiracy Nutters . It is a very difficult deliberate ploy to successfully combat , expose and beat . Thank goodnness for the rise of the Alternative Press with a growing number of people with high principles and a thirst for truth at the forefront .
And that is how the Deep State deals with Gullibles and Normies .They bludgeon them via the totally corrupt MSM and call Critical Thinkers ,Conspiracy Nutters . It is a very difficult deliberate ploy to successfully combat , expose and beat . Thank goodnness for the rise of the Alternative Press with a growing number of people with high principles and a thirst for truth at the forefront .

See the link I posted. The BEST "trust" rating any media outlet gets is just over 30%.

Media Blackout:

Corporate Media Ignore Hunter Biden Revelations

21 Jul 2023 ~~ Kristina Wong

Most corporate media outlets completely ignored bombshell revelations on Thursday involving allegations that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were involved in a bribery scheme in 2015 and 2016.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Thursday released an unclassified FBI document that memorialized a conversation between the FBI and one of their trusted informants, who passed on to the FBI detailed allegations from the founder of the Ukrainian natural gas and oil company who employed Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden and then-Vice President Joe Biden were both involved in a bribery scheme.
The New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) did not cover the release of the document, although the WSJ did run an opinion piece.
ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News did not cover the release on their nightly broadcast that evening or on their morning shows the next day, according to Newsbusters. By contrast, Fox News’s nightly newscast led with the story on Thursday.

CNN’s website did not cover the document until Friday, and its story downplayed the allegations.

This is national news of great importance. If the media aren't covering it, they aren't the "news" -They`ve become the Democrat propaganda outlet. It`s lying by omission.
Plainly they've become the Fifth Column of the DNC (also known as the mainstream media) never covering anything negative against their allies. and ideological brothers,
The only positive thing is, since Trump was president, the people now have seen the extreme bias in the alphabet news agencies. Remember how they repeated Trump was unfit for office non-stop for years?
Now look at Joe Biden who's truly unfit for office.

CBS & PBS covered it. . . if briefly.

CBS & PBS covered it. . . if briefly.

From the link above: 64% of Dems find CBS very trustworthy or trusthworthy

28% of Republicans do.

And only 37% of Independents do.

So, CBS is preaching to the choir for the most part.

(And the poll was of 'adults' ages 18+, not of registered or likely voters)
So, CBS is preaching to the choir for the most part.
Which puzzles me, because this piece? Is clearly NOT preaching to the choir.

IRS whistleblower says he "felt handcuffed" during Hunter Biden investigation​

Which puzzles me, because this piece? Is clearly NOT preaching to the choir.

IRS whistleblower says he "felt handcuffed" during Hunter Biden investigation​

Laying the foundation for getting rid of Biden
Well it is quite a pickle for them. If they had to admit Biden is such a corrupt criminal he took millions in bribes from foreign countries, then how is it true he would never steal an election?
Bring a case. Let's find a way to get this into a court, where accusations have to survive the light of day and bullshit doesn't. If he broke the law, nail him. If someone helped him, nail them too. Including his dad.

The rest of this is just the standard partisan...

...n o i s e.
Funny shit the biden's much like many democrats are insulated by the banana republic DOJ. It's a fact

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